2012: Saying “No” To Resolutions and “Yes” To Strategies

I know, I know: it’s just semantics, but for me the slight change in wording makes a world of difference. I’ve never really been a serious resolution-making person, but talking about changes I want to make in terms of strategy, i.e. the means to an end, the roadmap to my goals, HOW I will get there, feels comfortable to me.

Take working out, for example. Although I still take my beloved Zumba class three times each week and teach my spin class once each week (and occasionally throw a walk with Roxie in there), it’s not nearly enough. The amount of time I spend on my tushie, working here on my laptop, has grown by leaps and bounds over the past year (especially that I’m working mostly from home now!), and though my weight has been stable for the past six months or so, I am SO NOT HAPPY with it and need to get moving to counterbalance some of my idle-bodied work time. My strategy for this year is two-fold:

1. I am going to plan my workouts in advance, writing them down on a calendar. Doing this makes each workout an appointment that I will keep, and I will schedule other things around my exercise. It’s easy to do this when it comes to my Zumba and spin classes because they’re at a set time. Where I get hung up is on the other days, when I can walk the dog, use my treadmill, or go to the gym any time I want: I tend to put it off and then–POOF!–the day is gone. Booking my workouts appointment-style will fix this problem.

2. I am going to pick up a few more pairs of workout pants and, instead of staying in pajamas for half the day on days when I’m home, I’ll put on workout clothes. That will make it easier for me to take a break from work and go use the treadmill in the basement or walk the dog on a moment’s notice and then go right back to work when I’m finished.

Heck, it’s worth a shot, right?

Naturally I have other areas of my life that need work. Oddly enough, it seems like the solution to all of my “problems” boils down to my becoming more organized. This time last year I was getting rid of the clutter in my house; I look forward to getting rid of the clutter in my mind that acts as an obstacle to my getting anything done!

What are your challenges for 2012?


  • Kat

    Hooray for “strategies”. As you know, I am not too fond of resolutions either. Two years ago my only resolution was not to make any resolutions. This year however, I set small goals to help me reach my resolutions centering around weight and quality time aaaaand a return to blogging 🙂

  • Mrs4444

    These are great ideas. I know that whenever I am dressed in workout clothes, I’m more likely to workout! The hard part for me is shifting; when Kendall asks me (out-of-the-blue) I never say yes, because if it wasn’t part of my “plan” that evening, I don’t want to. Last night, though, we made a “date” for after school today, and we did it. Wow, am I sore…

  • Michelle

    I’ll amen it for you. I’m doing ok so far on my … well I called them resolutions but I hate that word, so I’ll go with stategies, too. Did you notice that I am with you on not just saying WHAT I want to do but how to do it, as well? Nothing gets done without that. Good luck with those walks and such now that the weather has truly turned. Brrrrr!