• The Microblogologist

    My mom would probably try to have me watch Idol instead, only show of that nature I am willing to watch is Britain’s Got Talent and they don’t play that on this side of the puddle! I should probably try to find time to mail her present soon…

  • Sue

    I think I would have to tie my mom down to watch that Mother’s Day marathon! However, I could watch it all day longgggggg…

    I did see this promo during the show Thursday and I busted out laughing! I wonder what Phil’s mom thinks of the “flowery language” coming out of his mouth!

  • Life with Kaishon

    That is really funny : ). Love the springy flowers and the soft music…and totally love that scruffy man : )

  • surprised mom

    Funny promo. I busted out laughing. My mom won’t be watching this marathon, but she will be treated like a queen that day with all her children and grandchildren present. Happy Mother’s Day to you and yours. Thanks for the laugh!

  • Tom

    That is too funny! I hope we get a look at that; my wife would bust a gut laughing. And of course, they had to give Phil the final shot, being the most “loveable” face on the show.

  • Anonymous

    From Dawn: Scott and I were cracking up when we saw that on Sunday. We LOVE Deadliest Catch! 🙂

    Happy Mother’s Day!

  • terri

    Everyone in our house (except me) is a big fan of Deadliest Catch. I love this commercial though!

  • Michelle

    Hmm… methinks you have to watch that show to get it? That or I’m just too tired. I need to go finish my chocolate popcorn making.