I just returned home from my Week 9, Day 2 run and wanted to tell you about it, but first I wanted to say thank you so much to all of you who piped up with advice and encouragement when I hit the wall on Friday; you all really came through for me.
As you know, I’m swamped, but I wanted to respond to comments and I can save myself a few minutes by responding here, quickly.
Sarahndipitea: I did not even know that there was special Couch to 5K music out there! I checked it out after you left your comment and was amazed. I didn’t download any yet, but much of my music is very similar, so it inspired me to change up my playlist again!
Mrs4444: Yep, I’m positive on the hydration. Good thinking, though!
Colleen: Thank you! 🙂
Lisa: Thank you, too!
Jen: Pretty sure you’re right: mentally, I’ve go SO much going on that I can’t let enough of it go during the workouts. Today I tried to refocus on positive things I have going on to distract me, instead of my endless to-do list!
Liz: YES. One bad day doesn’t mean I’m doomed, for sure. Acceptance is key! (I can’t help you with following your own advice! haha)
Otter: Thanks; that’s my plan. I also am not fond of running!
Patty: I never get enough sleep, and I hadn’t taught a class the day before. I did extra stretching this morning.
Michelle: You may have been right. (You’re thinking, “Of course I was.”) But we’ll see. 🙂 I know, sleep is huge. Can’t help that at the moment though!
PJ: Coma to 5k challenge CRACKED ME UP. Thank you.
Heather: Thank you!
Sue: Thank you, too!
You all are tremendous. Thanks.
Now for the mini-update. I did my Week 9, Day 2 run today, but not before I went back into my playlist and cleaned house. I got rid of the slower songs altogether except for “Defying Gravity” which is a medium tempo and a permanent fixture. I will clue you in on the entire playlist when I do my final update on Tuesday (when I FINISH the program!). Instead of having a playlist full of a mixture of tempos and mostly shorter songs, I redid it with songs with BPMs that are better for my speed, and used mostly longer (six minutes, plus!) songs. I have nine songs on the playlist now for a total of 50 minutes (including a warm-up and cool-down song).
I took off today and, for the first time in weeks, went down my original path so I could see how far I’ve come since the days at the beginning when it was all I could do to run a minute at a time. Wow, what a difference a couple of months makes!
I still walked twice, but with a difference. On Friday when I slowed to a walk, I picked up to a run again as soon as I felt like I could. Today I theorized that maybe I wasn’t giving myself enough time to recover while walking and that’s why I was stopping and starting, stopping and starting, stopping and starting. Today, the first time I walked, I made myself walk for an extra minute (total of two minutes). By doing that, I was able to catch my breath a little bit and then run for a longer segment afterwards. I actually only did that one other time! In addition, I stayed out longer. Warm up was five minutes, and total running time was about thirty minutes, plus two 2-minute walking segments! (And then the cool down)
I don’t know about you, but I call that a success. Yay me!
Next run? WEEK 9, DAY 3: The final!!!
Happy Sunday, everybody!
©2010 Suburban Scrawl
awww! i am so proud of you! 🙂 congrats girlie, you're almost done!
PJ Mullen
Glad to help 🙂
I actually did Week 1, Day 1 today. I found a podcast on itunes that coaches you through the challenge. It was very helpful, lots of techno music. Reminded me of my twenties when I'd actually go to night clubs.
Patty (nycgirl0501)
I am so happy for you that it went so well. I'm glad you listened to your body and walked when you needed to. Congrats Melisa! One more to go! 🙂
Eternal Lizdom
Good for you!!!
I have a friend that has been a runner for decades. After my 5K, he gave me some advice… he said that for your first few times running that distance, you should make sure to include a walk break at every mile. He suggested run 3/4 mile and walk 1/4 mile for all 3 of the route. I wish I'd known that was the better way before my 5K! LOL! I did fine- and you are going to do awesome!! You'll have all the non-bloghers cheering you on from around the world!