• Roxie,  Working On My Fitness

    Getting Some Shut-Eye

    One of my favorite walking routes is a black-topped path through a huge park not far from my house. The path is not a straight one; it gently winds in pleasant curves around the natural landscaping, helping to create an enjoyably scenic journey for those who wish to travel from one end of the park to the other. On Monday, which was a gloriously beautiful fall day around here (before the gusty winds and coldness hit), Roxie and I headed out to walk there. The sun was shining, the tree branches full of yellow-to-orange-to-red (and some still green) leaves were gently swaying back and forth in the light breeze, and…

  • Too Funny To Ignore


    It’s THAT time of year again. I love it. The older boy even tried* to execute a kidnapping boxnapping mission when he drove back to college on Sunday. Need the hilarious backstory? Click here. *Unsuccessfully. But I’m a softie and went out to buy him one. ©2010 Suburban Scrawl

  • My Kids Have Mad Skillz,  Proud Moments

    Resisting Temptation For The Greater Good, Sort Of

    My boys have had a mostly typical brotherly relationship with each other. When they interact, the older boy can be bossy and critical and the younger boy can be annoying and defensive quite often. They take turns instigating trouble. (They actually get along–or at least tolerate each other–more than they think they do, but it can get a little ugly at times.) It is sometimes very reminiscent of what was going on when I was growing up with my younger sister. Though Julesie and I do have some really great memories (just a few include playing Barbies, watching “Donny & Marie”, recording ourselves making radio shows, and that day in…

  • My Kids Have Mad Skillz,  Reflections on Parenting

    Amazing Moments in Parenthood

    Whenever I speak with the parents of really young kids, they almost always comment on “how lucky” I am that I don’t have to change diapers anymore or do any number of assorted tasks related to having really little ones. In an attempt to be encouraging, I say things like, “Don’t worry, your kids will gradually become more and more self-sufficient as they grow. In fact, once they can make their own breakfast in the morning, you’re on your way!” (That’s when whomever I’m talking to usually sighs as their eyes glaze over at the happy thought of what I said.) It was a huge milestone in this house, when…

  • Friends,  Too Funny To Ignore

    #thankablogger Times Two

    I value good friends more than you can ever imagine, and I consider myself blessed to have many of them. One of the best qualities of a good friend is the ability to be there for you. Yesterday, after doing some follow-ups on some e-mails I sent to literary agents, I received an e-mail from one who was willing to look at my book proposal (Holla!). I had to update and re-tweak my proposal before sending it, and I definitely needed a proofreader who has an eye for detail. I reached out to my picky (in a good way!) friend Michelle, who edited the proposal the last time I sent…

  • My Kids Have Mad Skillz

    The Balance Has Shifted

    People are constantly asking me how things are going since the older boy left for college. I usually give a longer answer than is probably expected or necessary, but it’s been an interesting phenomenon. Though I really miss seeing my older son daily (yet, might I add, technology is fabulous, making it possible for us to reach him for a quick second or a long conversation whenever we want, using one of several methods), those of us left behind are doing well, in spite of the hole he left. What is fascinating to me (and what happened quite unexpectedly) has been the shift in the overall atmosphere in the house.…

  • Uncategorized

    What Comfort Zone?

    Even outside of this blog, I am a writer. You know that. I have a specialty, though. Did you know that? I write non-fiction. I believe I am good at it. I can write the heck out of an informational magazine article or a business letter*. Even the book I wrote, though it reads a little like fiction, is a true story. The idea of writing works of fiction terrifies me. That’s why I said, “Sure!” when Tara asked me, a few months ago, to be one of the contributors to a tag-team blog on which we collectively write a novelette. (Uh yeah, that’s fiction.) Actually, I said, “Sure!” because…

  • Uncategorized


    First, some mood music: When we moved into this house, it was December of 2000 and the boys were eight and five. They were a great age for giving us input on how they wanted their rooms decorated. The younger boy? Well, he wanted his walls white. Weird, I know, but that’s what he got on three of them. The fourth wall had wallpaper on it–pink hearts–that the previous owners said they put up because the wallpaper under THAT just would not come off. So we wallpapered over the pink hearts with a nice vertical stripe pattern of blue, white, and brick red. The older boy more than made up…

  • Review

    Review: Keeping Fit With Andrea Metcalf

    You probably already know that working out is one of my favorite things to do. Even though my ability and desire to make time for workouts in addition to the classes I teach regularly varies widely according to the rest of my schedule in any given week, once I do make the time, I really enjoy it. One of the changes I’ve made over the past couple of years is less driving to the gym for workouts (when I’m not teaching, of course) and more finding at-home ways to get my heart rate up. (I’m talking about exercise: stay focused, people!) I find that I often get much more enjoyment…