Bristol Renaissance Faire: There’s An App For That!

Okay, so…the Bristol Renaissance Faire. You already know from my multiple posts about them (as well as my videos!) that I love the heck out of those folks over there.

I recently learned that there is an iPhone/iPad/iPod app (of course!) out there that can enhance your enjoyment of the Bristol Renaissance Faire. (What better way to enjoy the 16th century than to bring the 21st century along, right?) (No, seriously.)

RenGuide, developed by Pocket Logic, LLC, is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or controlled by the Bristol Renaissance Faire but it seems to be quite amazing. It’s got an interactive map, schedules, merchant information, coupons, and even a language guide so you can be all Shakespearian and stuff.

Interested? Find it in the Apple App Store!

Disclosure: I was not given anything to post this information, other than a “pretty please” from the developer. (He offered me the app, but I don’t have an iPhone so I politely turned down the offer.