• Review,  The Dailey Method

    The Dailey Method: An Update For Hy! (And You.)

    One of my friends (Hyacynth) asked me a couple of days ago if I have written a post recently about how my workouts at The Dailey Method are going. I have not, and thought that it was a great suggestion. Back in the summer (from mid-June to mid-July) I participated in a blogger review program of The Dailey Method. I wrote three posts about my experience: Post 1 is the one in which I wrote about what The Dailey Method IS along with how my first class went. Post 2 is about how I became hopelessly addicted to The Dailey Method, along with an interview I did with the owners…

  • Working On My Fitness


    I used to love my arms. I used to train with free weights on a pretty regular basis, and my arms had some really nice definition. They weren’t arms of a bodybuilder or even what I’d call a “gym rat”, but they were just…nicely toned. I don’t even have a problem embarrassing myself by admitting to you that I used to gaze at my arms in the mirror just because I liked the way they looked. Unfortunately, I haven’t been very disciplined over the past four or five years about resistance training. Wait, scratch that. Let me rephrase. I GAVE UP resistance training about four or five years ago. I…