Two Degrees of Someone Other Than Kevin Bacon

I just returned home from teaching a crazy Saturday Group Cycling class. I only had four people in class (Nothing unusual at this club), but two of them were my favorite couple. They attend every single week unless they are out of town, and I love them to death.

They are around 60 years old and have been married for 40 years, but they are extremely fit and way younger than their actual age, at heart and in body. They could pass easily for a couple in their 40’s and I hope to stay young like them when I grow up.

Anyway, normally he makes fun of me because every week I give a “report” to him (while I’m teaching) on what’s going on in the life of that particular Pop Princess who has been having a hard time with life and no visitation with her children lately. He always acts annoyed that I give him the weekly report, especially when I tell him that I only do it because he spends so much time watching “educational crap” that he’s missing out on real stuff. LOL

So somehow–I can’t remember what we were talking about exactly–it came out that he had a prom date with someone famous. I was so excited when I found out who it was, because I’ve been a fan of her work! I won’t post her name because if she ever googles herself I wouldn’t want to think I was trying to make a new love match between her and my friend who is very happily married to my other friend, but if you’re curious, click here.

I screamed, “Do you have Prom Pictures????”

My friend–the wife–said, “NO! I threw them all out!” But I think she was kidding.

We made him squirm about it so much that he was begging me for the Pop Princess Report. Gotta love that!

Do YOU have any celebrities in your past?


  • suchsimplepleasures

    none that i know of…i’m so lame!!
    that’s so cool, about that man…i was curious so, i checked out who it was…way interesting stuff!!

  • Melisa

    Melissa: no, you’re not lame! Maybe you WILL meet a celebrity in your future! Who knows??

    Julie: I KNOW! How crazy is that??? (soooooo crazy!) I was totally trying to get the Prom Night scoop. He said it didn’t work out because she was (he said, sneering) “Too busy ACTING.”

    Also, I might be wrong, but methinks her birthdate might be a couple of years off in her public listing…but for an actress that wouldn’t be unusual

  • Sue

    I once kissed Rick Burlson’s mailbox when I was about 10. He was a Boston Red Sox player that lived in my town. That’s about as close as I have gotten to kiss/date a celeb!LOL!

  • Dea

    Well, I’m the daughter of the guy who had the prom date! 😉 Too funny, Melisa!!! Now where’s your blog about his stint as a cheerleader?

  • Melisa

    Deanna! You FINALLY made it! Sheesh, what took you so long?

    I’ll post about the cheerleader thing some other time. (Probably not really though! ha ha…unless you can get pictures. JUST KIDDING!)

  • Dea

    Oh, man, I need to get a hold of that yearbook!!!

    (took me too long, I’m enjoying WAY too much to have taken this long….)