He Always Makes Us Proud, But This Is Ridiculous…

Dear P.E. Teacher,

Just wanted to drop you a quick note, thanking you for giving our son the highest grade he’s ever had–no–the highest grade ANY high school sophomore has ever had.

We’re not sure what the assignments were that got him to this point, but when we got our automatic grade report tonight, we were beyond thrilled.

Unfortunately we are going to have to find out why he can’t get a 598% in all of his classes, as this has set the bar pretty darn high.

If you need anything from us (though I can’t imagine that happening), don’t hesitate to call. Thanks very much.

Two Beaming Parents of Your Extremely Gifted P.E. Student



  • me & them

    If I ever pop out any kids, I’m sending them straight over. Our report cards involve a piece of green cardboard and a teacher writing ‘Katrina’ in pen at the top of whichever one of 3 different ready-made answers they had. I.e “Katrina did very well this semester, and her grasp of counting to ten was excellent” or “Katrina needs to focus more in class” etc.

    Do you have incentives for great report cards from the boys? I.e Cash prizes, going to a movie??

  • me & them

    If I ever pop out any kids, I’m sending them straight over. Our report cards involve a piece of green cardboard and a teacher writing ‘Katrina’ in pen at the top of whichever one of 3 different ready-made answers they had. I.e “Katrina did very well this semester, and her grasp of counting to ten was excellent” or “Katrina needs to focus more in class” etc.

    Do you have incentives for great report cards from the boys? I.e Cash prizes, going to a movie??

  • me & them

    If I ever pop out any kids, I’m sending them straight over. Our report cards involve a piece of green cardboard and a teacher writing ‘Katrina’ in pen at the top of whichever one of 3 different ready-made answers they had. I.e “Katrina did very well this semester, and her grasp of counting to ten was excellent” or “Katrina needs to focus more in class” etc.

    Do you have incentives for great report cards from the boys? I.e Cash prizes, going to a movie??

  • Melisa

    Katie: LOL! I am convinced this was a computer input error on behalf of the teacher, but I think it’s hilarious.

    No cash.
    No movies for grades.

    Wait. I’ve got it:
    They get to NOT be grounded. 🙂 How’s that?

    (Nobody ever accuses us of being too lenient…)

  • tutugirl1345

    That’s the same incentive my parents gave me! I must say I’m jealous- I never got anything higher than a B in PE.

  • Kat

    Congratulations on your smart boy though I gotta say that he’s gone and ruined it for all of us now.

    If my boss asks me next time if I put all my heart and soul into a project I will have to answer ‘all 598% of it’ and you know how much trouble I have remembering numbers! LOL

  • Birdie

    I’d be thrilled too – not a D in sight. I’d do flips. We’re battling two D’s in middle school.

  • Melisa

    Tutugirl: Your PE teacher just didn’t have the grading “skills” that my son’s does, that’s all. I’m sure you had at least a 371%…you just didn’t know about it. LOL

    Melissa: I’ll check into that! LOL There has to be SOME advantage to getting that high of a grade!

    Kat: What the heck…tell your boss 702%!

    Birdie: Uh, yeah…we had that very problem a couple of months ago with the other kid! It’ll take care of itself, don’t worry! (and then your middle schooler will go to high school and get amazing grades like this!)

  • Michelle

    Coming from the wife of a teacher, gotta love the new computerized grading systems (not that he doesn’t keep an old fashioned red book, too). I will say that I never got a grade that high in any subject — way to go, Son!

  • Melisa

    Sue: Ha! Good point! (But study hall was last semester…it sounded good, anyway!)

    Michelle: Me neither!

  • Joeprah

    Sup with honors chemistry? Maybe the gym teacher could slide like a couple hundred points across the report card and bring them all up to like 150%?

  • Melisa

    Joeprah: ha, no kidding! The good news about Hon Chem is that it’s a weighted class, so he still gets 3.0 for a C. It’s his favorite subject (I know, not PE, right?), so I have no doubt this one will go up…(Not to a 598% though…shoot!)