When the “Other Woman” is a Female Dog. No, Really.

I’m the one who begged for another dog.

I’m the one who picked her out.

I’m the one who takes her to the vet.

I trained her.

I walk her.

I give her treats.

I talk to her.

I let her sleep in the bed with me when he travels.


I guess I can share.



  • NukeDad

    That is too funny. We adopted 2 Beagle puppies in December; brother and sister, and they do almost the same thing. I think they would let Nukegirl put lipstick on them if it meant they got to lay on the couch.

  • Mags

    Aw! Poor Melisa!! But I suppose females flock to males-even if they aren’t of the same species, huh? 🙂

  • Dette

    LOL – that was hilarious! I loved how she snuggled up to him even MORE with you in front of her.

    Friggin’ classic. Nice of you to share! 😉

  • Mom24

    I’m glad you’re not the jealous type! Wow! Zippy is totally like that with Mark too. I’m not jealous for me, but sometimes it would be nice if he were as patient with the 5 and 7 year old as he is with the dog!

  • Michelle

    Wow… I guess it’s true love?

    My cats are whores I guess. They’ll go to anyone who looks like they might pay the slightest bit of attention to them. I’d say that they’re dogs in cats’ bodies, but your dog is far more loyal!

  • Taj

    My kid made me watch this 4 times…lol Not that I’m complaining because Roxie has got skills!

    This is one of the cutest things I’ve seen all day. She just makes you fall in love with her. My favorite part though….the way she cocked her head at the end when you say bye. Loved that!

  • Kat

    Why oh why does that look familiar? Roxie is such a lucky dog to have her family love her like you do.

    Same with our little cat. I practically do everything and where does she go to cuddle? The husband.

    Admittedly we share the cats. While Lilly is a mommy cat, Maunzerl is definitely “daddy’s girl”. LOL

  • angie goff

    That video is precious and should be put on instant replay! I don’t have audio on my pc at work… but the video alone was just enough. Thanks for sharing!

  • Melisa

    Nukedad: NOW I know what you’re really made of. It takes a strong person to take on two beagle pups simulaneously!! As my “friend” (ha) says about Roxie, “It’s a good thing your family ended up with her, Melisa, because if another family got her, she would have been running the streets by now.”

    Mags: Good point, you’re absolutely right.

    Melissa: Yep, she absolutely has a thing for him. And remember, he is the one who calls her A$$face. LOL

    Taj: She also likes the words
    Bawk (getting where I’m going here?)

    There are others…we sometimes just sit there for our own entertainment, saying words that make her do that because it’s so darn cute.

    Kat: Yes, she is. LOL Go back to my comment to Nukedad and re-read. 🙂

    Angie: Don’t worry, the audio isn’t necessary in order to enjoy! 🙂

  • KathyLikesPink

    Awww, Roxie loves daddy!

    Your husband is a cutie, by the way. He looks about 12 though so I feel naughty saying that.

  • me & them

    She’s so adorable! I love how she’s tries to tunnel into him.

    I have the same issue with the cat – she somehow senses boys don’t like her as much, and therefore does her utmost to make them fall in love, while I’m busy cleaning out her litter box.

  • me & them

    She’s so adorable! I love how she’s tries to tunnel into him.

    I have the same issue with the cat – she somehow senses boys don’t like her as much, and therefore does her utmost to make them fall in love, while I’m busy cleaning out her litter box.

  • me & them

    She’s so adorable! I love how she’s tries to tunnel into him.

    I have the same issue with the cat – she somehow senses boys don’t like her as much, and therefore does her utmost to make them fall in love, while I’m busy cleaning out her litter box.

  • Melisa

    Jules: That video was taken about 2 years ago (she still does that but this is the only video proof I have), and she is now four. Time flies!

  • Sue

    I am glad to see that someone elses husband sleeps on the couch (while you were making lunch).
    Also, my female dog totally snuggles up to my husband on the couch. They are like lovers, eewwww.