Oh, Leaf Me Alone! (That’s What My Dad Would Say, Anyway!)

My girl Andie at Sweet.Southern.Spirited. posted recently about how fall is her favorite season, and she wanted to see some colorful fall photos. Fall is coincidentally MY favorite season (okay, there was a 1 in 4 chance of that happening, right?) too, and I thought I’d do an almost-wordless-Fall post. My sister Julesie took these photos in the fall of 2005.

(EDITED: Andie is actively looking for fabulous fall photos! If you want to share yours with someone who would love to look at them, e-mail her at sweetsouthernspirited (at) cox (dot) net. She thanks you in advance!)

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  • angie goff

    Fall is my favorite too! I’m stealing your picture!! These are great shots!

    I went running yesterday and you can smell fall in the air. It makes for such an enjoyable run!

  • Sarah Clapp

    Summer is my favorite. But I do like the beauty of fall. (Nothing can top Vermont, when it comes to peak leaf season!)

    Love those sweet pictures of you and your boys! 🙂

  • Mom24

    That makes me almost ready for Fall…almost. This year has just flown by.

    Are you sure those weren’t 2005? Your boys look so much smaller! I love the picture of them laughing together at the bottom. What a priceless picture.

  • Andie

    I love those photos! great shots!!!
    THANK YOU!!!!

    Hey, could you encourage your blog visitors to send me some of their photos of the fall?

    My favorite is the last one. Perfect. I’ve always wanted to be able to jump into a pile of leaves and take pictures in them. SOMEDAY!!!

  • Melisa

    Angie: I can’t ever smell anything when I’m running outside because I am too busy gasping for breath and cursing.

    Sarah: I’d love to see Vermont in the fall! I bet is is really gorgeous.

    Stacey: You know, they probably were 2005. Even Roxie looks alot younger. I’m sure my sister will clarify when she makes her rounds…I’ll get back to you!

    Andie: I think you just did encourage them! Hey everybody: until Andie replies to my e-mail about how she wants you to get her your fall photos, you can e-mail them to me by clicking (duh) “E-mail me!” in my sidebar…

  • Melissa

    Wow, your sister really does have mad skillz!

    All of the photos are wonderful!!

    And your such a little cutie with your puppy!

  • Anissa Mayhew

    From someone who lives in a state with NO COLOR, thank you for sharing the beauty of your season change. Makes me jealous for some falling leaves!

  • Taj

    I miss fall. Our version is lacking. Palm tree leaves turning brown and crashing to the ground doesn’t really have the same effect.

    All of the photos are great! Jules does definitely have skills.

    I see you are having the same Twitter “employee log-in” issue I am. The said they are working on it. *sigh*

  • Melisa

    Thanks Julesie. I corrected it in the post…I’m losing it. Pretty soon I’m going to need to walk around with index cards in my hands, to remind me of everything I need to know.

  • k a t i e

    I absolutely love the second last photo and the ‘jumping’ pic. Just another reason I’m horribly jealous of you over in the States. Oh, to have ‘real’ seasons!

    If anyone loves Summer and wants some photos of that season, I’m well stocked!

  • Michelle

    Other than football, this is definitely among my favorites of the season. And it appears that your boys love it, too. Such very cool photos!