Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Kat*!

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, meine Katikat! Es tüt mir leid, das mein Deutsch nicht so gut ist; aber für dich, werde ich mein Bestes tun. Ich schickte dich ein Geschenk, und ich habe auch ein Geschenk hier.

Zuerst, dieses Lied (Spliff: “Herzlichen Glückwunsch”):

1983 kaufte ich ihre Musik in Deutschland.

Ein anderer Liebling, UKWs “Sommersprossen”:

Mein Lieblingsteil ist:

“Tina – ist das nicht prima
was für ein Klima;
haben wir hier schlechtes Klima
fahren wir sofort nach Lima.”

Wieder, am besten Wünsche auf deinen Geburtstag. Ich hoffe, dass du den Tag genießen. Ich sende dich viele Umarmungen.

*Today is my evil German twin sister’s birthday. I haven’t yet figured out how I could really be twins with a lovely German girl who, well, lives in Germany. Oh, and she’s almost eight years younger than me. And we don’t look alike or share any DNA. But we are twins. I don’t care what anyone says. I adore her. And shut your mouths about my rusty German skills. I had to use the blasted Online Translator for a bit of it. I’m not perfect, you know! LOL



  • Melissa

    I was hoping somewhere in here I would find Happy Birthday, Kat! Sheesh, spanish I could have probably handled, German…well, it’s all German to me….

    Happy Birthday, Kat!

  • Melisa

    Melissa: That’s why I tossed in the English paragraph at the end! LOL

    Weaselmomma: Aren’t American schools amazing? The things we remember from history class… And by the way, “Tear down that wall!” ha ha

  • Sarah Clapp

    Sadly, I did know German at one point in College. Now I can’t remember any of it! YIKES!

    Happy Birthday German Twin!

  • Kat

    Awwww my lovely twin sis. I am all choked up now and I really don't know what to say except thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Also thanks for your thoughtful gifts. How did you know I love Bath & Body Works lotion? We must somehow be related. I always shop at B&B W when in the US. In fact I made the hubby bring lotion when he went to Seattle in March:)

    The earrings were a big hit with me too. The hubby says he loves them on me and they go well with my new haircolor.

    Thanks for the songs. Sommersprossen- you have no idea how many times I have sung along to that song. Neue Deutsche Welle Musik….awesome. It was one of my favorite songs and it is still being played at Fasching (carnival) time.

    Lots of love and hugs


  • Honey Mommy

    Wow.. you took me back to my college days! I got a minor in German and I could read *some* of this.

    I am a bit rusty too!

  • Sue

    Yeah, french minor, understood noting till I got to the english Happy Birthday! So Happy Birthday or Bonne Annivarsaire Melisa’s twin!

  • Melisa

    Kat: You're welcome! I will send you B&BW stuff whenever you want it; just let me know. I love it too, but that's no surprise, right?

    Honey Mommy: The reason you could read *some* of what I wrote probably has less to do with the fact that you are rusty and more to do with the fact that I had to use an Online Translator a little bit: those are notoriously TERRIBLE when you're trying to string more than 3 words together. 🙂

    Sue: Thanks for representing the French folks! 🙂