Now The Search Will Lead To Me Two Times

I think that if you’re going to post about anything at all, you should definitely post about something that makes you laugh so hard you can’t breathe. Are you with me? (I’ll answer my own question–because Julesie loves when I do that*: “Sure!”)

Every now and then I check my sitemeter** to see how some of my non-regular readers are referred here. The search terms that bring people here are, more often than not, nothing that would make me do a spit-take. Until last week. I pulled up the “referrals” screen and there it was:

“Angie Goff nice butt”

I laughed all the way to my “Compose E-mail” screen, and shot a note off to Angie (and copied “Weather Kim” Martucci, naturally: they are co-workers after all and this would be great off-screen banter!).

Angie called me yesterday and we had a conversation that left me in stitches. Read the rest of the story at Oh My Goff!

*Or she absolutely hates when I do that. Can’t remember.
**I check it waaaay more than every now and then: gotta be honest.



  • Michelle

    Oh that’s special. If only someone would search about MY nice butt. Wait, I’d have to HAVE a nice butt first. Dagnabit!

  • Dea

    SPIT!!!!!!!!!!!! BWAHA!!! Gotta love people searching out butts on the net…..makes ya glad yer not a celeb, eh?

    And fwiw, too funny that my word verification is redness – as in the redness that comes when said butt is spanked! 😀 NOW you’re gonna get some naughty searches! You’re welcome!

  • Anissa Mayhew

    Ok, so I can almost guarantee you that you will NEVER find someone searching that for me….feel safe and secure in that knowledge!

    i’ve been so behind and missing all your funny.
