Oh…Is There a Convention Going On Next Week?

I hadn’t noticed.

Alright, just kidding. I have noticed. I’m starting to get pretty darn excited about it but haven’t wanted to talk about it all the time on the Scrawl out of respect for those who aren’t able to go and those who could care less.

I do feel the need to do one little bitty blog post about it right now (and maybe one after the convention), so indulge me this once (and then that second time), if you will. Thanks.

No, I don’t know what I’m wearing yet. I am no fashionista, yet I want to look nice. I keep reading about these women buying fancy shoes (stilettos and all!), but I will not do that for two reasons:

1. My feet are HUGE. The size 11 section of the shoestore contains a few jewels amongst a crapload of clown shoes, so I’ve never grown to enjoy shoes. If I can find some nice white shoe boxes, I might glitter them up and strap ’em on. That’s how you’ll find me: I’ll be the one shuffling from room to room.

2. Fancy shoes? No. It’s comfy flats for me. With all the walking I plan to be doing, whether it’s from my house to the train station where we will board the Metra to head downtown or just walking through Millennium Park or on the Mag Mile, my feet need to be happy.

I haven’t even gone through my closet yet to see if I have everything I need, but I will do that this weekend. At most I expect to need a pair of capri pants. Big whoop.

I must admit, all of my indifference about what to wear did spike into a temporary anxiety attack when I learned that Tim Gunn of Project Runway (MAKE IT WORK!)(or better yet, “Holla at your boy!”) will be at BlogHer. Do I want to meet him? You’d better believe it. And with my vast improvement in handling celebrity meetings, don’t be surprised if I get him to go out for drinks with my posse.

So overwhelming. I’ve RSVPed to a bunch of them yet don’t think we’ll make it to all of them. It should be interesting, that’s for sure.

Business Cards
I have the most adorable business cards in the entire world. Don’t be jealous; be happy for me. My Sister the Graphic Design Wizard designed them, and I am ever so grateful. You might want one for your wallet and one to hang on your refrigerator. They’re THAT cute.

I don’t have them at this point. I am reading posts all over creation about how nervous folks are about meeting other bloggers. I am not nervous. I am excited (very!), but not nervous. Who knows, maybe I’ll get nervous as it gets closer? What I do know is that, like many others, I want to write down who I need to make sure to find because I can imagine that the size of the event and the amount of people will make it difficult to rely on my brain. So please, if you’re going, leave a comment. (Obviously if you are my roommate, my livestream chat show partner, my north-suburban-twin, or my fellow mom-of-an-eagle-scout-candidate, you can leave me a comment to say hi (and “I love you”, if you want) but I obviously know that you’re going since you’ll be staying at Chez Melisa on Thursday night after the People’s Party.)

My Book
Oh yes, before I forget to put it out there, I will be bringing copies of my book to BlogHer:

I was supposed to be doing a book signing but have not heard about that to this point, and my book will not be in the bookstore so I can only imagine that I’m on my own with this…so I wanted to let you know that I have copies, and if you would like to purchase one (I’ll sign it if you’d like), please E-MAIL ME and I will save you a copy or two. (I’d rather it not be left in comments because I don’t want people to feel pressure to tell me they want one if they don’t, so please e-mail me at melisawells {at} gmail {dot} com if you do!)

Some interesting things about the book:

1. The story, though naturally sad in parts because of the subject, ends on an uplifting note because the overall theme is coping and moving on with life as a family after a loss.

2. I used real photos (in black and white) from our family rather than an illustrator. There were several reasons for this strategy, and I’ve been pleased with the feedback: I’ve been told that the photos make the story more “real” and “relatable”.

3. The book is mostly made up of the story itself, but contains (at the back) a short parent guide on helping kids cope with loss. I do not get into any psychological advice because I am not a doctor, but I offer some suggestions on family activities and such. Our long-time veterinarian had some input into this part of the book.

4. The book is mainly geared towards ages 4-10, but it is truly a story for all ages.

5. My sister, Julesie, designed the gorgeous cover and the interior as well. (In fact, if you hold the book open wide right next to your ear, you may be able to hear the sobbing we did while trying to get through the arduous publishing process.)

6. The book is only available online and not in stores. The most popular places to find it would be Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com.

7. It makes a nice gift.

Suburban WoW
The baby that Weaselmomma and I made together, with the help of Weather Kim (who we now refer to as Oprah), will be promoted vigorously at BlogHer. If you don’t know what it is, click here. And then become a follower of that blog. (and this one, if you’re not already!) And then mark your calendar to watch our second livestream (here) on Tuesday EVENING before BlogHer, July 21: we’ll start at 9:00 p.m. Eastern, 8:00 Central.

I am thrilled that BlogHer is coming to Chicago. I am excited to be able to meet (and re-meet, Momo!) so many bloggers at once, and I am totally looking forward to running around with Sue, Weaselmomma, Michelle, and Mrs4444. I’m sure it will be a memorable weekend during which friendships will be permanently cemented, and I can’t wait!



  • Mom24

    I hope you have a wonderful time. I'll be thinking of you. (I'd love to have one of those business cards, hint, hint.)

  • terri

    Color me jealous. I'd love to go, but first must admit to the people in my real life that I actually have a blog.

    Have fun!

  • Michelle

    Hi, I love you! (Was that good enough?)

    Dude, you so stole my Wednesday post. Crap. Now I have to get creative.

    The shoes? You've GOT to be kidding me. I'll be with you there. I have yet to think about what I'm supposed to wear. Crap.

    At least I'm not nervous about meeting people. And my cards came in (and my mommy cards — remind me to show you them).

    Was I supposed to RSVP to a People's Party? Did I do that? Crap.

    Oh, and umm can I get a phone call AND an email for the Suburban WOW this time? I actually slept in until 9:26 and missed the first 31 minutes of it. Sorry! At least it went long…. And apparently I have to go follow another blog. Yikes. ok, done.

  • melissa

    i'm just seriously freaking about the parties. and i haven't even begun to think about the sessions. other than that…it's all good. because i get to meet my PH in person!!

  • Nap Warden

    I want a pic of the cute cards!

    I'm not nervous either…just terribly overwhelmed. I think I rsvp'd to all the parties. Which ones do I go to???

  • Mrs4444

    I feel exactly the same way, except I'm a size 9-10 🙂 So excited!! My list of peeps to meet up with is growing!! BTW, I signed up for the run/walk at 6:30am on Saturday, mostly for the t-shirt and the swag bag, haha. I hope I get my butt out of bed (Lord knows Weaselmomma isn't going to be any help! LOL)

  • Heather

    I am definitely more excited than nervous, but still nervous 😛

    As for clothes– I'm taking a bunch of dresses (casual, cute sundress-esque things), some cute capris, my jean-trousers and a shit ton of shirts. HAH. I figure I'll just play it by ear.

    I am going to be bringing lots of shoes; Mainly because I'm not flying and don't have to worry about a suitcase weight limit HA HA HA.

    Parties? I'm stressing about the parties. I RSVP'd to the ones I thought I might like to go to, but.. I think for sure I'll be at the People's Party & the Room704 party. Other than that, I have NO FREAKIN' clue. I'll probably be wandering around in a daze most of the weekend 😉

    I have not done business cards; I didn't think I'd need them cause I'm not going to the conference and I'm not that big of a deal, but..I think I'm going to make some anyways to give out at parties.

    I am SO EXCITED for Surburban WoW. 🙂 I love this new baby you two have going!

    And most of all? I'm nervous about my interview at the hospital. I already made Tara promise me that she wouldn't let me drink too much on Thursday night! We'll see how that goes 😉


  • Bad Momma

    *sniff* I won't be attending and am a bit jealous… I am trying to find a sponsor(s) that will take me along, ala Flat Weasel Momma style.

    I'll be posting a plea for someone to take me with them…stay tuned.

    Sounds like lots of fun!

  • Liz@thisfullhouse

    This is my 3rd BlogHer and, in an attempt to describe the experience, as a whole, I believe the key word for me would be "overwhelming!"

    But, in a good way.

    I can't wait to meet and hug you, IRL!

  • Sue

    Are we having a sleep over party at your house on Thursday!? I better start stock piling some sleep because it is not looking like I will be sleeping too much next weekend! I might have to start drinking coffee!

    I want a copy of your book and maybe 100 or so business cards, so I can cover a wall in my house.

    I will be leaving my stilettos at home. Oh wait, I don't have any. Phew, one less thing to worry about!

    Oh yeah, and BTW, I Love You!!!!

  • Tom

    Sounds like fun! Can't wait to read the reports and see the pictures. And how great is it that it's in Chicago this year? Wow!

  • Melissa

    I know I did the right thing selling my ticket but boo hoo for me!! 🙁

    We will have to schedule a time to get together for lunch and then you can tell me all about the good stuff that you guys talk about and do.

    You know, other than the stuff that stays in the vault. LOL!

  • Kat

    Hope you're going to have a great time. Too bad I'll be coming to the states one week late. That's just bad timing. ;o)

  • Sheri

    Count me in the jealous crowd, but I still love reading about all the preparations and the actual event. Have a great time and report everything for those of us stuck at home!

  • MaNiC MoMMy™

    Am having clothing issues myself!! Hey, how do I view your live cam show from the friday I left for vaca!?!?!?

    What time are you getting to blogher–are you going thurs or fri? I'm going fri—steph