• Too Funny To Ignore

    This is Why Your Co-workers Only Get to Give You Cake.

    Most people are pretty familiar with the kind of birthday celebration you get at the office these days. It looks something like this: Things were quite different, however, back in the day. (and by “in the day”, I mean anytime before probably 1985 or so) My (and Julesie’s!!) Dad, who has been a hotel manager since the early 1970’s, once had a party thrown for him by his staff that I will never forget; in fact, I just found a lone photo of it in my own collection. But let me give you the intro story first. The year? 1979. The place? A conference room in a Holiday Inn, in…

  • Music

    Let Me Take You For a Spin…

    Music means different things to different people. Most people know at least one song that triggers a powerful memory in their lives; I thought I’d share just a couple with you today. When I was seven or eight-ish, I was in ballet and tap classes weekly. My ballet teacher gave us an assignment one week: to choose one of our favorite songs and choreograph a short routine to go along with it. We were inviting the parents to come into our studio two or three weeks later, to watch. If you know anything about me, you won’t be surprised to know that I totally procrastinated on that task. In fact,…

  • Random Thoughts

    Help A Girl Out, Would You?

    I am so very, very, very thankful for each and every one of you, my readers. That being said, I am having a little problem that is stressing me out and I’m hoping you can help me out with it. I am having a hard time responding to comments like I used to; I’ve been super busy lately. I appreciate each and every comment and I feel absolutely terrible when I don’t leave one back. It’s giving me a little anxiety because I don’t want you to think that my lack of response=me not caring what you are saying. What I’d like to do, when I’m too busy to respond…

  • Confessions,  Something That Could Change Your Life

    So Much To Do, So Much Time. And yet…

    I can finally fill you in on something major that’s been going on lately. As you read this, I will be picking up Jim and both boys from the train station, as they’ve been gone for fifteen days. FIFTEEN DAYS. In case you’re wondering why I couldn’t blog about that–really???–it’s because it would have been a really stupid breach of family security, get it? Do you understand what that means? Let me translate. I only had to take care of MYSELF for FIFTEEN DAYS. As a busy mom person, I’ve been looking forward to this for a year, since our Boy Scout Troop got selected for this trip. (They went…

  • Food,  My Sister Has Mad Skillz

    Hi Ho Cherry Hey-Ohhhhh!

    My sister Julesie came over last night, and boy did we have food and drink plans. We like to try new recipes when we get together, and this instance was no different. We had our normal phone conference, during which we talked about a few options and made our decision (I’ll tell you about that in a moment). Then she said to me, “How do you feel about Bing Cherry Mojitos?” Of course I replied, “I feel GREAT about them!” Then she started sending out tweets to make everyone jealous, like this one, which you definitely shouldn’t click on if you have problems with the F-word. Of course, like many…

  • My Kid Has Mad Skillz

    How To Make A Duct Tape Wallet

    I recorded this in June, and as it ran more than ten minutes (what can I say, he’s a talker like his mother), I thought we had to redo it because of Youtube’s video length policies, and because I don’t have any sort of video editor. And because I’m lazy. Thank goodness I was reminded about Vimeo when I visited NYCityMama’s blog. You can all thank her for my being able to post this tutorial exactly as I recorded it. (or you can be angry at her. your choice.) All of the laughter in the beginning is because the older boy was in the kitchen, doing his best to mess…