Last Thanksgiving weekend, my family was part of an audience in a local movie theater that had tremendous problems with sound quality for the first few minutes. On our way out, management handed everyone a complimentary ticket for another visit (classy: I love that they did that proactively, before some of the crankier audience members took it upon themselves to mutiny).
The tickets have been magnetized to our refrigerator since that day, and I just noticed last week that they will expire this Wednesday. Jim and I used two of the tickets for “The King’s Speech” yesterday*.
In trying to decide what other movie to use the tickets for, I discovered that Justin Bieber’s “Never Say Never” is playing there and suddenly, my decision was made. Yes, I’m serious.
Before you start screaming and laughing at your computer monitor–making everyone around you think you have lost your mind–let me tell you that though definitely don’t consider myself a Biebhead, a Biebchick, a Biebboob, a Belieber, or whatever the heck the fans in the Bieber Nation are called, I can tolerate his music pretty well.
Okay, I LIKE IT.
That’s not why I want to see the movie, however.
As a mom, I’m a big fan of his mom, who apparently (according to media reports) demanded that then-sixteen-year-old Justin, one of the biggest pop stars on the scene today, hand over his cell phone during an argument. When he refused, she canceled the service. You go, girl.
That’s not why I want to see the movie (though I hope his mom has some screen time, because I’d like to see more of that good parenting), either.
I was, unlike 99% of the world, thrilled to pieces when he finally cut that mop of his. I mean, really. The Bieber cut didn’t do anything except inspire thousands of wanna-biebs who asked for the same icky style. The mom in me HATED that cut**. His new hair style matures him just a little bit, and it’s better for magazine covers.
But ew, that’s not why I want to see the movie, either.
In all of the press that the movie received upon its release, it was made clear that the film, which was assembled in the documentary style, is meant to be inspiring. It’s meant to show people–especially youngsters, Bieber’s main audience–that overnight success isn’t what it looks like: it takes years of work to become successful “quickly”.
To me, as I work so hard on my own dream, that theme resonates pretty strongly.
*One of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time, and not only because the main character is the great-grandfather of Prince William. Colin Firth’s performance was indeed worthy of the Oscar he won. I ached for King George VI, and forgave Firth for his involvement in the movie “Mamma Mia”.
**Though I do acknowledge that, when I was a teenager, I thought Limahl from Kajagoogoo had awesome hair. Blech.
©2011 Suburban Scrawl
PJ Mullen
I've never listened to his music, mostly because I rarely listen to the radio anymore. And good on his mom, never heard that story, but that is awesome. Still, I think a better title would have been "Don't Stop Beliebin'" rather than rip off the title of a Bond movie. 🙂
You said Kajagoogoo!!! As if I couldn't love you anymore?!?
Mr. Man
My kids, be-lieb it or not, despise the Bieber and everything associated with him. @Hottiemom97 and I threatened to take them to see the movie as a punishment and, oh…the outcry!
However, I am all for messages of hard-work and perserverance.
Mr. Man
My kids, be-lieb it or not, despise the Bieber and everything associated with him. @Hottiemom97 and I threatened to take them to see the movie as a punishment and, oh…the outcry!
However, I am all for messages of hard-work and perserverance.
I don't hate Bieber either (but I wouldn't call myself a fan because I don't actively listen to his music). Generally I'm not a big fan of pop music overall, but his songs are catchy, and from what I've heard, age appropriate for his young target audience (as opposed to other teen idols) and he's got the respect of great musicians, people who know a lot more about music than I do, so clearly he's got street cred.
Way to own it. 🙂
Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog
I told my daughter that I'd take her to see it when it gets to the dollar show. He seems like a nice kid. I can't imagine my 16 year old having that much exposure and fame, but it seems to sit ok on him.
Honestly I didn't even know who that Bieber dude was and what it is that he's famous for until I looked him up on Youtube. To this day I haven't heard a full length song and while I am pretty sure I will not go see his movie, I may go and read his memoires or biography because – well that's just going to be awesome.
Patty @ A Day in My NYC
If I hear "One Less Lonely Girl"….I'm gonna %&)(@&()%$&% someone! 🙂
Just Kidding!
I do like him better with the new hair. Definitely looks less dorky. Enjoy!
Lisa Noel
I like some of his music but I won't be watching the movie. He is a great tool for embarassing my oldest, Biebs hatin son though. Have fun. I've never braved a movie solo!
We saw the King's Speech and loved it, want to see it again. Your Dad read the book and loved it. I guess it goes into more detail.
I like the Bievs music and his new hair cut. He has been on Ellen's show several times.
Grandma W
Heather E
I'm with Grandma W. I like his music. I hate to admit it but I do. I think he's a genuine guy who has been blown to extreme and I think that he has handled it well!
Enjoy the movie! 🙂
You girl girl!
Yes, I laughed, but this post is just one of the many things that I love about you.
It won't surprise you to know that I had no idea that the Bieb has cut his hair. Now you get to laugh at me and my lack of pop culture knowledge.
Oh good Lord…even my 8 year old daughter is embarrassed to say she likes him.
Blech, so how was it? Did you like it?