• Fun in Chicago,  Pretty Pictures

    It’s Greek To Me

    I was thrilled to have some time today, before and after I attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the brand-new National Hellenic Museum (which I wrote up, here), to take a photowalk around the Greektown area of Chicago. Other than going there only to eat at Greek Islands (yum), I hadn’t taken any time to enjoy the neighborhood until today. Here are some of the pictures I took, for your enjoyment. (Okay, and for mine, too.) Kind of makes you want to visit, right? Want to make this a long-term commitment? Please subscribe to my feed by clicking here.

  • Review

    Chicago’s National Hellenic Museum Officially Opens!

    I’m not Greek (but what a funny reveal that would be, after having blogged for more than four years, don’t you think?), but I have been an avid fan of Greek Mythology (did you know THAT?) since I picked up D’Aulaires Book of Greek Myths in fifth grade and–unrelated–when my family moved to Knoxville, Tennessee for a few years, I became very good friends with an eighth-grade classmate who was (and is) Greek. After I met him, my family attended his church’s annual Greek Festival. I adored this event. It was full of food, dancing, and music. My friend occasionally did some of the Greek dance performances, and I thought…

  • How To,  Jew Stuff

    How To (Not) Make A Big Deal Out Of Holiday Greetings

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or something else? I have written about this topic twice before, but alas, it’s that time of year once again, and I always get questions. (Plus, one of my better posts on the topic was a whole three years ago, and many of you weren’t readers back then, so…time for a refresher.) Let me start out with my disclaimer: though I naturally think that my point of view makes complete sense, it is indeed MY point of view and I have great respect for other opinions, even if they differ. To each his or her own, you know? December always seems like a strange month. The…

  • I've Got Mad Skillz,  My Sister Has Mad Skillz

    Like Carnies, Only Craftier.

    This weekend, I did something I haven’t done in more than fifteen years. I had a booth at a craft fair: two actually: one Friday and one Saturday. Last month I wrote about how I did a Holiday Open House, which was actually at someone’s home. The craft fairs this weekend were at two schools, and I was one of about thirty vendors at the first one, and one of about sixty vendors at the second one. I had forgotten how fun it was to make a bunch of crafts (travel journals that I sold along with my travel book) and then sell them. (Jim is probably groaning as he’s…

  • Random Thoughts

    Life In The Fast Lane

    I’m happy to report that the loading problems that Suburban Scrawl was having due to being on an antiquated server have been taken care of, it seems! (I trust that you would let me know if you were still having trouble!) My hosting company actually completed the migration on Friday in a matter of about two hours or so, which made me insanely happy. (

  • UGH.


    That’s my blog you hear, screeching to a halt. Practically. This thing has been loading slower and slower a n d s l o w e r over the past couple of weeks. I’m not sure how many of you have had problems with it but I can tell you that I, more than once, have nearly been driven to throw my laptop against the wall. My active imagination told me that my blog was overloaded with tasks on its to-do list, much like me. I imagined that Suburban Scrawl, like Melisa, tends to–oddly enough–get slower when overloaded. It was a good theory. Then I decided that it had given…