I Knew This Quote Would Come In Handy!

As I write this, it’s still Friday.

As you read this, it’s Saturday. (Thank goodness for the ability to schedule posts!)

In anticipation of a busy weekend that includes parent activities at J’s college through Sunday morning, some catch-up work on Sunday afternoon and then a surprise activity Jim has planned for us on Sunday night, I was in a slight panic that I would have to throw the white flag up in the air on the second day of NaBloPoMo; things are crazy around here.

My Friday consisted of Dailey Method class (of course!), a couple of errands, a shower, quick lunch, conference call, and various other pre-weekend tasks that included banging my head against the wall after looking at my to-do list and realizing that I was going to have to bust my butt to get one blog post written before the weekend. (I had planned to prepare two in advance. Ugh.)

Then I started yelling at myself (not out loud; don’t worry) for jumping into NaBloPoMo this year, because it’s exhausting being all “Go big or go home!” all the time.

Then I finally sat down to write this post and checked my draft folder to see if I could find something that I could use as a springboard for a quick post.

Then I found this:

There are only two rules for being successful. One, figure out exactly what you want to do, and Two, do it. – Mario Cuomo.

Funny how the universe has a way of providing us with exactly what we need at the right time.

(Okay, technically I provided myself with what I needed, but I had no idea that would happen when I put Cuomo’s quote in my draft folder about six months ago. Melisa: 0, Universe: 1!)

NaBloPoMo? I want to do it, so I’m doing it.

Day two? In the bag. Thanks for reading, and Happy Saturday!