I Do My Best Thinking In The Shower…

…which is why a post full of random thoughts I’ve had while waiting to board a plane in San Diego is bound to disappoint. Sorry.

We had a great trip overall, with the exception of our luggage being MIA from the time we arrived in San Diego until 11:30 that night (1:30 a.m Chicago time, oy!) and after we dropped a couple hundred bucks on replacement toiletries and clothing, just in case. We returned that stuff when our luggage was delivered to us, except the toothbrushes, toothpaste, and Jim’s new jeans from the Gap because wowzers!

A woman sitting across from me is hacking up a lung. She probably shouldn’t be getting on a plane.

We’re flying to LAX first and will have a two-hour layover there. I hope to see a celebrity or two, like Pitbull. Or Justin Timberlake. Or even Adam Sandler. Guessing I won’t see any of those people.

I just bought Cheetoes and Swedish Fish because when I’m hungry in airports my brain really doesn’t like to come up with healthy snack suggestions.

Every time I travel, on “going home day” I wish I could just snap my fingers and skip the airport part. And the flight. And the drive to my house. I’m kind of a brat that way.

I miss my dog. I wonder if she misses me. I bet she does but will not give me the satisfaction of knowing for sure by acting like it when I see her.

Liz has been crocheting up a storm and I can’t wait to learn how to do that so I can look all adorable like she does in handmade hats and scarves. Go check out her mad skillz.

December is one-third over. Ridiculous!

Jim and I like very different geographical features. He commented that he isn’t as crazy about beaches and the ocean as he is about mountains. That’s why our visit yesterday up the mountain to the Cabrillo Monument in Point Loma was his favorite and my least favorite. Opposites attract!

One of my favorite shots from this trip? This one, taken at Sunset Cliffs in Point Loma.

Sunset Cliffs

I mean, gorgeous, right?

Jim just bought trail mix. I guess his brain knows how to come up with healthy snack suggestions when he’s hungry.

I think the coughing lady is on my flight. Fantastic!

Wouldn’t it be funny if Pitbull, Justin Timberlake, or Adam Sandler walked right by me while I was focusing hard on this blog post?

Our plane to LA just arrived. It is the size of a Matchbox car. Guess I’d better make sure all my stuff is properly consolidated. Better finish the Cheetoes.


  • Momo

    Justin is probably on his way to Indy, because he’s playing there on Wednesday. Not that I stalk him or anything. Your pictures are gorgeous. I’ve been enjoying the heck out of them while steaming with jealousy. 😉 Oh, wait…maybe that steam was from my breath because it’s FREEZING outside.