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Lemon Bars So Good I Had To Write About Them.

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Okay, okay. I know that I just wrote about my mad search for a cherry pie for Jim’s birthday so it seems a little odd to write a post only two weeks later about how much he also loves lemon desserts, but he does. When we got married, one of the first recipes I requested from his mom was the one for coconut lemon bars, which was his very favorite thing his mom baked, and she baked/bakes a lot!. I have made those somewhat nontraditional lemon bars (because of the coconut and the raisins) ever since, and they’ve become a favorite of mine, too.

He loves lemon desserts in other forms too. That’s why I didn’t hesitate for a second when I visited The Pioneer Woman’s Mercantile in Pawhuska, Oklahoma back in September and my friend Flea told me I HAD TO TRY THE LEMON BARS. When I first laid eyes on them I was dazzled by their sheer beauty, but completely forgot to take a picture of them in the bakery case because I was busy being charmed by the elderly woman who was behind me in line.

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I purchased two of them (one for me and one for Jim), and completely forgot to take a picture of them when we broke into them at the hotel because I was busy eating. They were the very best lemon bars I have ever experienced, and decided that it was probably a good thing that they were baked in Oklahoma because my fitness goals don’t need them here in Knoxville.

Still, I couldn’t stop thinking about them. I decided to see if Ree’s recipe was online, and of course it is. I told Jim before Christmas that I was going to give the recipe a shot. I couldn’t imagine that I could make lemon bars as delicious as the ones I bought at the Mercantile.

Guess what? Ree’s recipe is not only easy to make at home, but the final product is (seriously) just as good as hers.

My fitness goals may be in trouble.

(Find Ree’s recipe with pictures for every step along the way HERE. Also note that she forgot to take certain pictures just like I did, because she was busy eating lemon bars just like I was. If you want the straight forward, printable recipe without all of the pictures, go to Ree’s Tasty Kitchen site HERE.)

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