Updated June 4, 9:40 am: Well, it’s time. After eleven weeks of updating my list of things to do, watch, and learn from home while everyone was self-isolating, I just updated it one last time and now I’m going to let it go.
Or rather, I’m going to let it STAY. While I won’t be updating it any further, it’ll be pinned to the top of this site until the end of June. After that, you can easily find it anytime for eternity if you need something to do, by coming here and searching “Coronavirus list.”
My final additions include more anti-racism resources, plus the fun videos and things I’ve been adding since March, PLUS a bunch of virtual events for Pride this month.
The world is starting to go back to work and get back out there, we’ve got racial injustices to fight, and I’m ready to write about other things here on the blog; I hope you’ll continue to follow along!
It’s been more than two months since Americans started social distancing and while we work on adjusting to this way of life–staying home except for necessary ventures out, staying 6 feet away from others and avoiding gatherings of more than fifty, I mean ten people, well, just don’t gather AT ALL, all for the greater good and health of fellow citizens–many of us are also trying to keep kids busy and keep our senior parents from leaving the house (why don’t they LISTEN??).
It’s very easy to get discouraged in uncertain times, but I’ve been seeing some really great things happening in the world that wouldn’t have taken place otherwise, and there’s a lot more coming. I thought I would share some of it here (the tip of the iceberg, I’m sure).
Note: “Looking for silver linings” in my title is not intended in any way to say that there are good things coming out of the thousands of deaths this virus has caused so far; rather, I’m looking for silver linings as they relate to our being locked down at home. I wanted to clarify that because as this virus has plowed its way through the world, doing unspeakable damage to lives and businesses, I don’t want to offend anyone in my efforts to bring forth a little bit of joy.
Some of these things are date and time-specific. If I don’t list date/time specifics, you can take advantage of them on your own schedule. Also, please note that all of this information was correct when I posted it. Apologies if you find something that doesn’t work or link; please let me know so I can fix or remove it!
By the way, I had a great time chatting with Elisa Camahort Page on her “Op-Ed Page” podcast about this very list, why I started it, how long I intend to update it, and much more. Listen here.
Before you dig in, here’s a list of my category names. I put them in alphabetical order (except for the “New Stuff Today” category at the top and the “Miscellaneous” category at the end) so you can find what you want much easier. I apologize in advance for doing category re-organizations and additions weekly; I know it can make it more difficult to find what you’re looking for every time something changes but I’m actually trying to make it easier by creating more niche categories as I go. We’ll all adjust. *wink*
- Anti-Racism Resources
- Class of 2020/Graduation
- Cocktails
- Coloring Pages
- Comedy (Comedians)
- Comedy (Shows)
- Comedy (Miscellaneous)
- Cooking (Chefs & More)
- Cooking (Recipes)
- Escape
- Games & Puzzles
- Gather (But not really)
- Interact
- Learn (Animals & Nature)
- Learn (Classes)
- Learn (Crafts/Drawing)
- Learn (History & Science)
- Learn (How-to)
- Meditation
- Motivation
- Movie/TV-related Stuff
- Music (Concert Events)
- Music (Dance Parties)
- Music (Live Streams)
- Music (Orchestras/Bands)
- Music (Recorded)
- Music (Together At Home Concerts)
- Music-related Miscellanea
- Read
- Sports Substitutions
- Virtual Tours (Architecture/Castles/Homes & Buildings)
- Virtual Tours (Gardens)
- Virtual Tours (Landmarks/National Parks/Nature)
- Virtual Tours (Museums/Art)
- Virtual Tours (Miscellaneous)
- Virtual Tours
- Watch (Broadway Shows)
- Watch (Miscellaneous Stage Shows)
- Watch (Talk Shows & Hosts)
- Web cams
- Workouts (Cardio/Traditional)
- Workouts (Dance)
- Workouts (Yoga)
- Zoos/Aquariums (Learn about animals)
- Zoos/Aquariums (Live cams)
- Miscellaneous
Ready? Here we go!
- Warner Bros. has made it possible for us to watch “Just Mercy” for free through the end of June on many streaming platforms. The movie focuses on the life of the civil-rights attorney Bryan Stevenson (Michael B. Jordan) as he fights to overturn the wrongful murder conviction of Walter McMillian (Jamie Foxx). Learn more about where to watch the film, here.
- Watch a short video that explains systematic racism.
- Lori Laken Hutcherson, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of “Good Black News,” wrote an article called “What I Said When My White Friend Asked For My Black Opinion on White Privilege.”
- Courtney Martin wrote “Where Do I Donate? Why is the Uprising Violent? Should I Go Protest? (And other commonly asked questions by white and/or privileged people, answered by other white and/or privileged people)”. Read here.
- If you’re thinking that your kids are too young to talk about race, they aren’t. Read this.
- Here’s an article called “Caring for Children After Exposure to Race-Related Violence in the Media.”
- Read “11 Things To Do Besides Say ‘This Has To Stop’ In The Wake Of Police Brutality” by Brittany Wong.
- Check out this graphics collage that includes lots of things you can read, watch, act on, donate, plus Black voices to follow on Twitter.
- Kamala Harris chatted with Chef Jose Andres about addressing the hunger crisis during this pandemic.
- The Dapper Dans of Disney’s Magic Kingdom sang “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes.”
- Walt Disney World posted a “Behind the Magic” video featuring “Pandora–The World of Avatar.”
- If you missed the live performance of Dropkick Murphys from Fenway Park (with Bruce Springsteen joining remotely), watch the whole show here.
- If you missed the successful NASA/SpaceX launch to send astronauts to the International Space Station, watch it here.
- If you missed the CBS special “Haircut Night in America,” watch the show’s YouTube playlist here.
- DJ David Guetta did a two-hour fundraising set in the middle of New York City. Watch here.
- Armaan Malik did a fundraising Live At Home set for Billboard. Watch here.
- Nicky Jam did a fundraising Live At Home set for Billboard. Watch here.
- Chicago’s incredible restaurant, The Purple Pig, demonstrated how to make their BBQ ribs.
- TOMORROW Friday June 5 at 9:00am Pacific/12:00pm Eastern, workout with P!nk and her trainer, Jeanette Jenkins, live on Instagram.
- Adobe released Chapter 8 of its coloring book by well-known artists, here.
- Colonial Williamsburg posted a video featuring Colonel and Mrs. Washington in June 1770, discussing family, politics, and their future, plus a viewer Q & A.
- Chicago’s Field Museum went behind the scenes of their Reptile and Amphibian Lab.
- The Oregon Zoo posted a video of Mongoose buddies (mongooses: I checked!) playing in a ball pit.
- The Oregon Zoo posted a video of their Elephant Family Pool Party.
- Dolly Parton released a new song, “When Life is Good Again.”
- Enjoy an hour of roadside sounds from the Tail of the Dragon in the Great Smoky Mountains. (Cool cars to see, too!)
- Josh Gad reunited the cast of “Lord of the Rings.” Watch here.
- Disney Parks added new recipes to their blog. Here are the Totchos from Woody’s Lunch Box at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, the Over-the-Top Kitchen Sink Sunday from Beaches & Cream Soda Shop at Disney’s Yacht and Beach Club, and the PB and J Rolls from Lamplight Lounge at Disney’s California Adventure.
- On Friday June 5 at 6:45pm Eastern for First Friday, check out Knoxville’s RALA (Regional and Local Artisans) store for their annual Dolly Parton Art Show on Instagram Live and Facebook.
- Friday June 5 at 8:00pm Eastern, the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston is hosting First Fridays: Cyber Pride. “Presented in collaboration with local underground and sultry queer dance party Boudoir, don’t miss an evening of live drag performances by Kurt Fowl, Mt. Hart, and Civilization, hosted by Pristine Christine. Plus, learn how to mix the perfect cocktail with Ryan Lotz and dance the night away with DJ Dee Diggs, and Boudoir resident DJs Math3ca and James Cerne.” Watch here.
- On Thursday June 11 at 8:00pm Eastern, Pride Toronto is presenting Digital Drag Bingo on Zoom. More info and registration link here.
- On Sunday June 21 at 9:30am Mountain/11:30am Eastern, check out the Coors Light Virtual Denver Pride Parade. The link to watch will be listed on the event page on parade morning.
- Outfest hosts a consistently changing collection of LGBTQIA films here.
- Check out “Smithsonian Presents: Project Pride.”
- Check out the Trevor Project’s #PrideEverywhere.
- On Saturday June 13, all day, join Billboard, the Hollywood Reporter, and Pride Summit for Pride Prom, featuring performances, drag, artist cameos, glam sessions, queer conversation, a DJ, dancing, and more. More info and join in here.
- On Wednesday June 17 at 6:00pm Eastern, Charlotte Pride is hosting “The Women of Pride: A Live Conversation.” More info here.
- On Monday June 22 at 6:00pm Eastern, join the LGBT Community Center of New York City for a virtual Garden Party. Details here.
- On Thursday June 25 from 7:30pm to 12:30am Eastern, check out Cincinnati Pride’s 3rd Annual Black Alphabet Film Festival, which features work by and documenting the diversity of the Black LGBTQ+ experience. More info here.
- On Friday June 26 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm Eastern, NYC Pride is hosting a virtual rally hosted by trans journalist Ashlee Marie Preston and trans actor Brian Michael Smith to take a stand against police brutality and discrimination. It’s free but you can register here, and watch here or here.
Anti-Racism Resources:
I wrote more about anti-racism and why we really need to come together on it in another post, which you can read here.
- Mireille Charper put together a list of “10 Steps to Non-Optical Allyship.”
- Read “A Letter to Friends Who Really Want to End Racism” by “Good Black News” founder and Editor-in-Chief Lori Lakin Hutcherson.
- Check out “A Guide To How You Can Support Marginalized Communities.”
- Here are “Five Ways White People Can Take Action in Response to White- and State-Sanctioned Violence.”
- A consistently updated list called “75 Things White People Can Do For Racial Justice” by Corinne Shutack can be found here.
- Read this haiku about allyship by Ellen McGirt.
- Trevor Noah of “The Daily Show” did an amazing video on “George Floyd and the Dominoes of Racial Justice.”
- A list of “Anti-Racism Resources” is here.
- If you want to donate to bail funds, here is a list of them by city.
- More donation suggestions are here.
- Patronize Black businesses. Get started here, and then do a Google search for “*your city* + Black-owned businesses.”
- Watch CNN’s Chris Cuomo’s “Closing Argument” on how “America is a Tale of Two Cities.”
- Watch this video that only scratches the surface on the hundreds of years of pain that the Black community has endured.
- I co-produced a show in Chicago for 6 years called “Listen To Your Mother (LTYM).” It featured local writers reading their personal essays about motherhood. One of the most impactful readings out of our entire run was done by Keesha Beckford. It was called “Dear White Mom,” and I was one hundred percent sure that I wanted it in our show the second I finished reading it. Watch Keesha’s reading here.
- I have a dad perspective for you, too. At the 2015 BlogHer conference, James Oliver presented his plea to white people to help keep his son from being murdered. Watch James and read more here.
Class of 2020/Graduation:
- If you missed Facebook’s broadcast of #Graduation2020: Facebook and Instagram Celebrate the Class of 2020, watch here. The commencement address was given by Oprah Winfrey. Awkwafina, Jennifer Garner, Lil Nas X, Simone Biles, and others shared words of wisdom for the class of 2020. Miley Cyrus did a special performance of her hit song, “The Climb.” Oprah’s address all by itself is right here.
- On Saturday, June 6 there will be a multi-hour graduation celebration starting at 3:00pm Eastern on YouTube called “Dear Class of 2020.” It will be headlined by Barack and Michelle Obama and will feature BTS and Lady Gaga among the commencement speakers, with special appearances by Alicia Keys, Kelly Rowland, Kerry Washington, Chloe x Halle and Zendaya, among others. Watch here.
- Ryan Reynolds gave a hilarious commencement speech (or really, more of a greeting) to his high school alma mater’s 2020 graduating class.
- Tom Hanks gave a commencement speech to the graduates of Ohio’s Wright State University in a virtual ceremony. Watch here.
- John Krasinski’s “Some Good News” is offering a free, downloadable diploma for your favorite 2020 graduate. Download here.
- Check out the graduation episode of “Some Good News.” Watch here.
- If you missed “Graduate Together: America Honors the High School Class of 2020,” you can watch the whole special here. If you just want to see President Obama’s commencement speech, go here.
- Ashton Kutcher gave a commencement speech for the University of Iowa Class of 2020.
- Stephen Curry gave a commencement speech for the Class of 2020.
- Apple CEO Tim Cook gave a commencement speech for The Ohio State University’s Class of 2020.
- iHeart Radio has made its “Commencement: Speeches for the Class of 2020” podcast available to listen for free, here. Speeches are by John Legend, Halsey, Henry Winkler, Hillary Clinton, Katie Couric, Kesha, Pitbull, Rita Wilson, Mary J Blige, and many more.
- Mike Rowe did a commencement speech for those who are graduating trade school and high school graduates who are entering one.
- The Barefoot Contessa herself, Ina Garten, shows us how to make a cosmo.
- Sandra Lee demonstrates how to make a Circus Cookie Cocktail here.
- Watch actor Stanley Tucci make a Negroni cocktail on his Instagram.
- Sandra Lee shared her favorite “Pantry Party Cocktails” here.
- Padma Lakshmi showed how to make a margarita, here.
- Rachael Ray’s husband John demonstrated how to make an Orange Margarita.
- Carnival Cruise Line posted the recipe for their BlueIguana Margarita.
- Ina Garten made another huge cosmopolitan, this time for Stephen Colbert’s “A Late Show with Stephen at Home.”
- Aaron Paul of “Breaking Bad” demonstrated how to make a mezcal cocktail for Cinco de Mayo using Dos Hombres, which he founded with co-star Bryan Cranston.
- Buffalo Trace Bourbon distillery is doing “Whiskey Wednesdays,” during which you’ll get a peek behind the scenes. Here’s the first one with master distiller Harlan Wheatley.
Coloring Pages:
- The New York Times is offering a NYC Quarantine themed coloring page for your pleasure.
- Mural artist Kelsey Montague went on her Instagram to host a coloring session and said that she and her sister Courtney are having weekly #CreateWithKelsey “gatherings” on Fridays at 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern, topics to be determined. You can download and print the coloring sheet she used in the first session from her site anytime. You can download another coloring page here. And another one, here! She posted a special coloring sheet that you can use to thank front line workers, here.
- Jenny Lawson, a.k.a. The Bloggess, shared a coloring page in a recent blog post, here. Here’s another one. And another one!
- Adobe is releasing coloring pages, free to download, by well-known artists each week. Download chapter 1 here and chapter 2 here. Chapter 3 is here. Chapter 4 is here. Chapter 5 is here. Chapter 6 is here. Chapter 7 is here.
- The official Times Square website has released coloring pages for your enjoyment.
- Check out these downloadable coloring pages from Garden of Life.
- If you like coloring AND music, check out “The Colouring Sessions,” in which you can color (online or downloadable) album covers while listening to the coordinating music. Some of the artists featured are Foo Fighters, Carole King, Elvis Presley, Judas Priest, and Jimi Hendrix.
Comedy (Comedians):
- Comedian Jim Gaffigan and his whole family is posting nightly “Dinner with the Gaffigans” on YouTube.
- Comedian Mike Birbiglia started “Tip Your Waitstaff,” in which he goes live on Instagram with friends to raise money for comedy club staffpeople. More info and past chats here, and his Instagram is here.
- Comedian Bert Kreischer did an episode of “Hot Ones” from home. And if you like to watch celebrities eat hot chicken wings, you can easily fall down a rabbit hole for days there because I think there are about 500,000 episodes of “Hot Ones” so far.
- Watch amateur comedians attempt to make professional comedian Iliza Schlesinger laugh, here.
- If you missed comedian Iliza Shlesinger solving the NYT crossword puzzle, live, you can watch here.
Comedy (Shows):
- Well-known comedians like Adam Sandler, Jo Koy, Jim Gaffigan, Hannibal Burress, Iliza Schlesinger, and so many more performed (and chatted) live to help the lesser-known comedians who have lost work while the clubs are closed, in “Comedy Gives Back: Laugh Aid.” Watch the whole 8-hour shebang here.
- If you missed “Saturday Night Live At Home,” watch the show’s YouTube playlist here.
- The Comedy Store in Los Angeles did a live podcast benefit featuring various well-known comedians. Watch here.
- From Chicago’s Second City, check out “The Second City Presents: The last Show Left On Earth,” a weekly sketch comedy series in partnership with Topic. Episode 1 features host Jack McBrayer, Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy, Fred Willard and more. Watch here.
- Zanies Comedy Club in Nashville had a live streaming event called “Bumps, Bruises & Bedtime Stories,” hosted by Jon Hamm. Hockey Greats Stu Grimson, Jim McKenzie and Kelly Chase shared their own NHL stories, present videos and take questions from the audience. You can watch it here.
- On Sundays and Wednesdays at 8:00pm Eastern, Ben Bailey of “Cash Cab” is doing a live comedy show from home with standup, improv, silly segments and Q&A. Here’s the episode from May 10. Watch the rest on his YouTube page.
Comedy (Miscellaneous):
- Be amused by creatives: the Getty Museum challenged people to recreate famous works of art while in quarantine and they did not disappoint.
- Chrissy Teigen hysterically performed the wedding for daughter Luna’s stuffed animals, Chloe and Nosh. Husband John Legend covered Selena Gomez for the guests. It’s a must-see!
- John Kraskinski of “The Office” has started the Good News Network on YouTube. (Subscribe so you don’t miss anything!) It’s what we all need and the first episode even includes an interview/reminiscing segment with Steve Carrell. Bonus: here’s the link to the Steve Carrell interview in its entirety.
- Samuel L. Jackson reads “Stay the F*$! at Home.” (As you might imagine, this video is not safe to watch with kids around.)
- Ahead of the recent series finale (wah!) of Schitt’s Creek, cast members were going on Instagram Live nightly to raise money for Feeding America and Food Banks Canada. One evening, Annie Murphy got into character as Alexis Rose and taught “sexy choreography” to her song “A Little Bit Alexis,” and it was comedy gold. Here’s some of that amazing magic. Chris Elliott (Roland Schitt) did a “poetry reading.” I will miss this show!
- The cast of “Reno 911!” is testing out Zoom briefings for three days at 8am Pacific/11am Eastern ahead of a “bite-sized” revival on Quibi (!!!). You can watch the first briefing here and the second one here. The third one is here.
- Goldie Hawn has issued a #laughingchallenge. Details here.
Cooking (Chefs & More):
- Chef Alton Brown is posting “Pantry Raid” videos on YouTube, to help you use up random ingredients.
- Chef Jacques Pépin has been sharing quick cooking videos on his Facebook page, like this one.
- Chef Rick Bayless is posting cooking videos on Facebook (look for his recipe in comments): Creamy Poblano Rajas, Very Special Huevos Rancheros, Pork with Roasted Tomatillo Sauce, Beginner’s Mole. I’ll post more here as I see them.
- Chef Michael Symon is posting #SymonDinners cooking videos on the Food Network Kitchen’s Facebook page. Here are One-Pot Chicken, Pork and Kraut Patty Melts, One-Tray Chicken with Rice Pilaf, Holiday Pasta Bake, Shrimp Scampi with Pasta. You can find all of his other videos (plus more!) here.
- Chef Gordon Ramsay shows you how to make a Crumble, here, Lamb Chops in 10-ish minutes, here, and burgers, here.
- Chef Aaron Sanchez shows how to make short ribs here.
- Learn how to make whipped coffee at home by Chef Cat Cora.
- Watch Chef Jacques Pépin make hamburgers for lunch, here.
- Learn how to make Nicaraguan Vigaron from Ana Navarro.
- NBC’s Natalie Morales made Spaghetti Carbonara, here. (Her kitchen is gorgeous.)
- Is the kitchen your favorite place to be? The Bon Appétit test kitchen posts highly entertaining videos on their YouTube channel regularly. Don’t watch while hungry!
- Sarah Stegner, chef at Chicago’s Prairie Grass Café and Green City Market, has opened a home cooking hotline, daily from 2-4pm Central. Call 847-920-8437 with your questions.
- Queer Eye’s Antoni Porowski is posting Quarantine cooking videos on Facebook Watch.
- King Arthur Flour is hosting (on Facebook Live) The Isolation Baking Show with Certified Master Baker Jeffrey Hamelman and Pastry Chef, baking instructor, and TV host Gesine Bullock-Prado.
- Check out “Luck Presents: Prime Cuts” on Fridays at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern. Each week chefs will present a make-at-home recipe, and prior to the episode a recipe card will be provided so you can make sure you have the ingredients to cook along. More info (and watch) here.
- Comedian Iliza Shlesinger and her chef husband Noah Galuten are streaming their “Don’t Panic Pantry” mini cooking show live on her Instagram and Facebook every night at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern.
- Watch Chef Joe Sasto make Cacio y Pepe Steamed Buns from home, here.
- Check out Rachael Ray’s kitchen and pantry here.
- I keep forgetting to post this one: in addition to his “Pantry Raid” videos, Alton Brown is posting “Quarantine Quitchen” videos, too!
- Watch Chef Jacques Pépin make chicken with vegetables and cream sauce, here.
- Chrissy’s Mom Pepper Thai cooked Pad Thai. Watch here.
- Chef Gordon Ramsay showed how to cook spaghetti carbonara in less than ten minutes on his Instagram.
- The Cheesecake Factory hosted its first online cooking class. Chief culinary officer Donald Moore taught cooks at home how to make lemon ricotta pancakes and pasta with chicken and broccoli. You can find the shopping list here if you want to cook along, and then watch the demo here.
- Watch Chef Jacques Pépin make crepes here.
- Padma Lakshmi, Billy Porter, Carla Hall, and Matt Adlard did some At Home Cooking, live on Amazon. In fact, so did Rocco DiSpirito, Marcus Samuelsson, Gaby Dalkin, and Laila Ali. And here’s another one from Emeril Lagasse, Danny Trejo, Elizabeth Chambers, and Hannah Bronfman.
- Rachael Ray’s got Cinco Minuto Shrimp Quesadillas here.
- Comedian Jim Gaffigan is filming “Let’s Get Cookin’,” what he’s calling “The World’s Best Cooking Show.” Playlist is here.
- Padma Lakshmi demonstrated how to make Kootu in a video she called “Quarantine Cooking: Indian Food Edition.”
- Chef Jacques Pépin demonstrated how to make corn fritters.
- Bread Ahead Bakery in the UK is giving baking lessons almost every day on Instagram Live at 9:00am Eastern.. Their schedule (dates are in European format: day-month-year) and ingredient lists are here.
- Chef Jacques Pépin demonstrated how to make apple fritters for Mother’s Day.
- Chrissy Teigen (along with John Legend and Luna) made chocolate balloon bowls, inspired by the PBS show “ZOOM.” (Actually she made a mess, but it all worked out in the end.) While you’re at it, watch her teach Luna how to make homemade hot fudge sundaes.
- Starting this week, you can join Delish every Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00am Eastern to watch (and participate in, if you want) some stress baking. Upcoming streams include banana pudding and fruit scones. Get those recipes here so you can make sure your kitchen is stocked, and watch here.
- Watch Bill Murray and Guy Fieri go head-to-head in “The Nacho Average Showdown.” Their sons, Homer Murray and Hunter Fieri, are both chefs and made the nachos. The event was hosted by Carla Hall and featured guest judges Shaquille O’Neal and Terry Crews. Watch here.
- Learn how to cook the perfect brisket from Rocky Stubblefield, grandson of the founder of Stubb’s Legendary BBQ in Austin, Texas.
- If you like to watch little kids in the kitchen, check out the very fun videos on the “Quarantine Cooking with Bean and Juju” YouTube channel. Each video so far is less than 2 minutes long and they could not be cuter.
- Sandra Lee made Quick Marinara Chili and Savory Spaghetti Sauce.
- Giada De Laurentiis made “Kitchen Clean Out Cheesy Baked Pasta.”
- Are you sick of making sourdough bread and want to try English Muffins instead? Delish has you covered with Part 1 and Part 2 (their first stream got cut off).
- Stanley Tucci made a simple gnocchi (recipe included!). Watch here.
- Chef Duff Goldman and his crew at Charm City Cakes are posting instructional videos. Check out the Cake School, Sculpted Cakes, and Cake Decorating playlists on YouTube.
- Chef Gordon Ramsay made Bangers and Mash in around ten minutes, here.
- Courteney Cox posted a video of the Zoom cooking class she had with Chef Matt Migliore. They cooked New York Strip steaks with chimichurri sauce; the recipe is included in her post.
- Angela Kinsey and her husband Josh Snyder made Salted Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Pretzel Cookies on Instagram. The link to the recipe is in her post as well.
Cooking (Recipes):
- Craving chocolate but you don’t want to go overboard? Learn how to make The Pioneer Woman’s Chocolate Cake in a Mug here. It’s not new on her site but she posted it in her Instagram stories recently and it made me very happy.
- Rachael Ray posted a cooking video: “5-minute Passover.” (Mmm, brisket! This recipe can be used for any day!)
- Disney has released the recipes for their infamous Dole Whip (Ooh!) and their Churro Bites (Yum!)
- DoubleTree Hotels released their super-secret chocolate chip cookie recipe so you can make them for your staycation.
- Chrissy Teigen posted her “very difficult recipe” for Night Eggs, here.
- Disney Parks shared the recipe for the grilled cheese sandwich from Woody’s Lunch Box at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, as well as Walt Disney’s Favorite Chili, which is still served at Disneyland.
- IKEA UK posted a meatball recipe for IKEA fans who are missing their “meatball fix.”
- If you haven’t jumped on the sourdough bread train yet, here’s an article that tells you all you need to know to get started.
- Disney Parks released more recipes for us to recreate at home: Mickey Mouse-shaped Beignets and Chocolate, Peanut Butter, and Banana French Toast from Disney’s PCH Grill.
- Recipes from the “Some Good News” potluck were posted. Here are Nana’s Quarantini and Sara’s Pierogi.
- Disney Parks released the recipe for the Canadian Cheddar Cheese Soup served at Le Cellier Steakhouse at EPCOT.
- Disney Parks released an at-home recipe for the “Grey Stuff” (sounds gross, looks delicious) dessert that can be found at the parks worldwide.
- Stanley Tucci wrote an article called “Cooking Your Way Through the Pandemic.” It’s an hour by hour account of his day, and it includes recipes!
- The Disney Parks blog posted the recipe for the Peanut Butter and Jelly Milkshake from their 50’s Prime Time Cafe.
- Find 7 or 8 minutes of serenity each day with live videos at St. Augustine Beach on the First Light Insite Facebook page.
- Enjoy 3 minutes of ocean sounds with a view courtesy of Highway 30A in Florida.
- Enjoy a moment of Zen from Maui.
- Escape to the Jungle for five minutes.
- Cape May, New Jersey’s (one of my happy places!) Angel of the Sea Bed and Breakfast posted a pretty cool drone video of their gorgeous house and a little bit of the surrounding area.
- Virtually float down the lazy river at the Four Seasons Resort Orlando.
- Watch a “fog ocean” time lapse from Shenandoah National Park, here.
- Myrtle Beach, South Carolina posted a 25-minute video of the sunrise on a Sunday morning.
- Watch sunrise at Zion National Park here.
- Take a virtual train ride (or 13 of them!) by following the links in this article.
- Enjoy watching the sunrise in Belmar Beach, New Jersey.
- Watch the sunset in Kona, Hawaii here.
- Walt Disney World has posted a beautiful video of their fireworks show.
- Audible is offering free tracks (meditations, bedtime stories, sound baths, soundscapes, and ASMR) to help you sleep. More info here.
- Go for a beautiful drive in Switzerland, from Grindelwald to Lauterbrunnen. (Swoon.)
- Fly with the Blue Angels here.
- “Beach Bum TV” is posting gorgeous, swoon-worthy videos on Facebook, like this one.
- Escape for a minute to Meads Bay Anguilla, here.
- Australia.com recently had a huge schedule of experiences from Down Under (like morning workouts with Chris Hemsworth’s team in Byron Bay, croc encounters with Matt Wright and dance parties with The Wiggles, a break in Phillip Island and front row seats at the Penguin Parade, a virtual tour of the Great Barrier Reef, the best-kept secrets behind the ultimate Aussie BBQ from Hayden Quinn and an Uluru sunset) that you could enjoy from home. Watch the videos on their Facebook page.
- Take a virtual trip to Disneyland Paris and watch the “Disney Illuminations” show.
- Escape for a minute to the Outer Banks in North Carolina.
- Take a virtual visit to beautiful Asheville, North Carolina.
- Escape for 1 minute to Monument Valley on the Utah/Arizona border.
- Stonehenge will livestream its summer solstice celebration for the first time ever, Saturday June 20 for sunset (3:26pm Eastern) and Sunday June 21 for sunrise (but that’s 10:52pm Eastern also on Saturday June 21 in the Eastern US). More info here, and please feel free to check me on the math as I may be an hour off!
- It’s apparently Halfway to Halloween. Watch the 2019 Disney’s Not So Spooky Spectacular at Magic Kingdom Park, here.
- Take a virtual bike ride past the windmills and through Kinderdijk, Holland. Windmills!
- Take virtual dives in the Florida Keys, Monterey Bay, American Samoa, and more, courtesy of National Marine Sanctuaries.
- The synchronous firefly event that happens in Great Smoky Mountains National Park every year at this time was canceled due to COVID-19, but Discover Life in America made it virtual. You can watch here.
Games & Puzzles:
- Canada’s Globe and Mail has put some of their crossword puzzles online for your downloading and solving pleasure.
- Missing your weekly Trivia Nights? (I am!) Goose’s Quizzes, based in Edinburgh, Scotland, is putting on NIGHTLY rounds at 3pm Eastern (because that’s 7pm in Scotland!), on Twitch. More information here.
- Have you always wanted to be a contestant on Jeopardy? Now’s your chance: normally the game show has only offered the online test seasonally, but they have opened it up for the time being so you can take it whenever you want.
- Did you know that you can play “Cards Against Humanity” online with friends? I didn’t; but now we ALL do! Go here for more info.
- Rain Brain Trivia is hosting Trivia Mondays at 7pm Eastern on Facebook.
- Cards Against Humanity has made their Family Expansion Pack available as a free download. (And my friend Lizz has a Cards Against Quarantine free printable PDF edition here.)
- The Rube Goldberg Twitter account has challenges you can do to stay busy at home, including a Video Challenge.
- Mental Floss livestreamed “Tub Trivia” on Friday nights at 7pm Eastern from their YouTube channel. The show takes about half an hour and there are 25 questions.
- Every other Thursday at 8:00pm Eastern starting May 21, Guinness and Geeks Who Drink are co-hosting free “LIVE Virtual Pub Trivia”. For every person who joins in, $1 will be donated to charity. Joel McHale will be the special guest on May 21. Event page is here. Participate here. (Dates are May 21, June 4, June 18, and July 2)
Gather (But not really):
- You can have a Netflix-viewing party with friends even if they’re not in the same room by downloading an app. Learn about it here.
- CBS has offered up Zoom backgrounds from many of their shows, like “The Amazing Race,” “The Price is Right,” “Survivor,” “The Late Late Show,” and more.
- Mashable has a bunch of fun Zoom backgrounds here.
- If superheroes are your thing, find Zoom backgrounds from Marvel here and DC Comics here.
- “Seinfeld” Zoom backgrounds are here.
- Pixar fans: your Zoom backgrounds are here.
- NBC’s “The Good Place” might be over but you can pretend you’re still there with their Zoom backgrounds.
- Live long and prosper with “Star Trek” Zoom backgrounds.
- You better WERK while you’re working (sorry), with “RuPaul’s Drag Race” Zoom backgrounds.
- Zoom backgrounds from “Bob’s Burgers,” “The Simpsons,” and “Family Guy” are here.
- Play the basic set of “Settlers of Catan” on Zoom for free (expansion pack is available but costs $$) with your friends. Instructions here.
- Studio Ghibli has released some cool Zoom videoconferencing backgrounds.
- Adobe has some Zoom backgrounds for you, here.
- Maker’s Mark has some Zoom backgrounds for you, here.
- Download Doctor Who Zoom backgrounds here.
- Check out random street views from all over the world with this odd little website that could keep you busy for, well, many minutes.
- Libraries can really use your help right now! Read more on how you can decipher handwriting, tag images, and more here.
- The Peters Township Library in McMurray, Pennsylvania has created a Hogwarts Digital Escape Room! Check it out here.
- One of my favorite brand accounts on Twitter is Moon Pie because the person who runs it has such a great (and quirky) sense of humor. There was a “Super Pink Moon” last night and Moon Pie took that opportunity to have some fun. Check out the thread here. (I was laughing so hard that I was crying.)
- You can send an electronic thank you card to health workers at the University of Chicago Medicine. Click here. (I know that other hospitals are doing this and I will post a few more as I find them.)
Learn (Animals & Nature):
- The Mississippi National River and Recreation Area posted “Coffee with a Ranger” in which you can learn a ton about bald eagles.
- Broadway Green Alliance is hosting free #GreenQuarantine Zoom sessions hosted by members of the theater and environmental community. Check their website for schedule and more info.
- HGTV’s resident Master Gardener Kelly Smith Trimble answered fan questions about seed starting, root veggies and small-space gardening, just to name a few, live on Facebook in a segment called “Dig It.” Watch it here. Watch past episodes here.
- Learn how Chicago’s Field Museum duplicates plants for a diorama display.
- HGTV posted a video featuring Michael and Lisa Marie Holmes talking about building a garden bed.
- Chicago’s Field Museum did a chat about about monarch butterflies and the important role cities can play in their comeback.
- Detroit Audobon did a virtual chat on how to create a bird-friendly space in your garden.
Learn (Classes):
- There are 450 online classes being offered free by Ivy League schools. More information here.
- Learn a foreign language for free at Open Culture.
- Yale is offering its most popular class, “The Science of Well Being,” for free. More info and registration here.
- You can take the Museum of Modern Art’s (MoMA) online classes for free, through Coursera.
Learn (Crafts/Drawing):
- The Kennedy Center’s Artist-in-Residence Mo Willems is doing Lunch Doodles daily at 1pm Eastern (video is available afterwards). Watch and learn how to draw!
- Stephen Brown of Glitterville Studios is doing “craft and sparkle” sessions on Instagram Live.Keep an eye on his IG feed for dates.
- Learn how to draw Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters in videos presented by Disney Park artists here.
- Learn how to draw an alligator with the artist-in-residence at Chicago’s Field Museum.
- Learn how to draw an Easter Lily from mural artist Kelsey Montague.
- Here’s a super cool post on how to make pretty art from your dog’s paw prints.
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art posted a “Drop in Drawing” lesson on perspective drawing.
- Learn how to draw an elephant from Walt Disney Animation Studios Head of Story David Derrick, here.
- If you’re crafty, keep an eye on the Glitterville Instagram; Stephen typically goes live at 12:30pm Eastern.
- Kelsey Montague demonstrated how to draw a butterfly in five easy steps.
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art posted another episode of “Drop-in Drawing,” this time on Botanical Drawing.
- Chicago’s Field Museum posted a live “Dinosaur Talk and Draw.”
- Maggie, the print artist at Matilda Jane Clothing, posted a how-to video on drawing a floral bouquet.
- Boston-based artist Laurel Greenfield paints cakes live on Instagram every weekday at 10:00am Eastern. Get her supply list here so you can paint along!
- Learn how to start a bullet journal, here.
- Kelly Asbury, the director of “Smurfs: The Lost Village” demonstrated how to draw a Smurf, here.
- Stephen Brown of “Glitterville” did a demo on how to make glittered baubles for your Christmas tree (or anything else that needs decorating). Watch here.
- Stephen Brown of Glitterville did an Instagram Live all about…glitter!
Learn (History & Science):
- Kat Havens, Director of Curriculum and Content at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, posted a session from her kitchen on ancient cuneiform writing.
- Learn all about the egg collection at Chicago’s Field Museum.
- Royalty fans take note: The Historic Royal Palaces Instagram account has some pretty cool videos in their IGTV section, which you can check out on your own schedule.
- Check out the #NASAAtHome videos, where you can learn about growing plants in space, making your own cloud in a bottle, how to transport NASA’s new Mars rover, and how to launch NASA’s Artemis rocket. As they add more, you can find them by searching “NASAAtHome” on YouTube.
- Learn about Broadway’s Richard Rodgers Theatre here.
- Head over to Colonial Williamsburg’s Facebook page to watch James Madison answer questions.
- The History Channel is going to be posting #HistoryAtHome videos on their Facebook page, starting with “The History of Handwashing,” with Max Brooks. New videos will be posted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8am Pacific/11am Eastern.
- Yorkshire Museum in the United Kingdom started an epic #CuratorBattle on Twitter last Friday. The theme? Creepiest object. Check out all of the contributions from museums all over the world here, and check back at the Yorkshire Museum’s Twitter page each Friday for a new “battle.”
- Learn about the legacy of Florence Nightingale from Padma Lakshmi on the History Channel’s Twitter feed, here.
- Learn about some of the most obscure United States presidents from ten-year-old Presidential Expert Macey Hensley on the History Channel’s Twitter feed, here.
- Chicago’s Field Museum posted the first installment of “Meet a Scientist” with Academic Communications Manager & informal historian Mark Alvey. Topics discussed were: museum history, taxidermy, and ghosts.
- If you have ever thought, “Huh, I have some questions for Founding Father Patrick Henry,” Colonial Williamsburg has just the thing for you.
- Lin Manuel-Miranda streamed a special AP U.S. History class. Watch here.
- Minute Man National Historic Park in Concord, Massachusetts posted an “Ask the Ranger” video, here.
- Colonial Williamsburg posted a question and answer session with Colonel George Washington in December of 1758.
- Colonial Williamsburg is killing it with their Q & A sessions: here’s one with the Marquis de Lafayette. (LAFAYETTE!!! Sorry, since “Hamilton” I have to yell that every time his name comes up.)
- If you missed the virtual talk “HH Holmes: The True History of the White City Devil” by Mysterious Chicago, you can watch here.
- Learn about Chicago’s glacial history from the Field Museum.
- The National Air and Space Museum had an Air and Space Live Chat about pioneering women in aerospace featuring astronaut Mary Cleave and Jim Ottaviani and Maris Wicks, the author and illustrator of the graphic novel Astronauts: Women on the Final Frontier.
- Smithsonian Associates is offering 9 free classes available to stream until June 11. Offerings include: “A World Tour of Mesmirizing Mosaics,” “Hand Sewing for Mindful Reflection,” “Thinking of You: Creating a Spotlight with Stamps,” “Architecture on the National Mall,” and more. Information here!
- The collections manager of physical geology Jim Holstein at Chicago’s Field Museum posted a video talk about meteorites.
Learn (How-to):
- Martha Stewart is giving Homeschool Lessons on her Instagram TV channel.
- Cast members from the PBS show “ZOOM” (1972-1978 and 1999-2005) are posting “ZOOM Into Action” videos on home station WGBH’s Facebook Watch page. Look for fun how-tos and a little bit of Ubbi Dubbi! To get you started, here’s Jay, Pablo, Kaleigh, Eric, Frances, Tommy, Kenny, Caroline, Elena, Donna, Alisa, Estuardo, Leon, Maura, Maya, and Bernadette.
- Russell Brand has been doing a lot of encouraging videos about living through these stressful times (he’s been at it for much longer, though: I find him fascinating to watch). In a slightly different vein, he and his wife Laura posted a cute video on how to make “squishy soap.” Find his other videos here.
- Lox Salon in Knoxville, Tennessee is posting hair care tips on their Facebook page. Learn about trimming your bangs, applying dry shampoo, beard care, and more.
- If you need to practice some new napkin folding designs that will totally WOW your guests when you can entertain again, check out this video.
- Celebrity hairstylist Chris Appleton gives tips on cutting short hair at home, here.
- Tennis legend Billie Jean King participated in the #LearnEverywhere Challenge by posting a video about beginner piano tips. (Yes, piano! Not tennis!)
- This is a good time to learn how to make a gorgeous homemade bouquet of flowers from what you have in the garden.
- HGTV posted container garden tips, here.
- Learn about sea glass hunting at Sunset Beach in Cape May, New Jersey.
- Hawaiian Airlines has been posting “Sharing Aloha” videos on Instagram. Learn about the Hawaiian language, how to make a lei, how to make seared ‘ahi, how to make Butter Mochi, how to make Shoyu Chicken, and how to make banana cereal pancakes.
- You’ve seen this a lot in your Facebook feed: gorgeous foccacia bread art made by your friends. Here’s an instructional video so you can make it too!
- How do you close your cereal boxes? I bet it’s not like this.
- Need another project? HGTV posted a video on how to paint a garage door.
- Lizzo hosted a 30-minute meditation, available to watch (and rewatch) here. And here’s a second one.
- Alyson Stoner (actress and dancer) is doing simple meditation daily at 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern and then a mindful movement series daily at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern on her Instagram channel.
- Sanctuary Thailand went on Facebook Live with a yoga/meditation practice and is planning more for future days.
- Meditate with Oprah and Deepak Chopra for free. Sign up for their 21-Day Meditation Experience here.
- Sweaty Betty has been posting short exercise videos as well as things like this instructional video on how to meditate.
- Mario Armstrong is going live every day at 11am Eastern to provide inspiration and motivation to get through this difficult time and also start building your dreams. He’ll be on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Periscope.
- Get a quick pep talk from Jerry, one of the stars of Netflix’s “Cheer.”
- Jane Goodall posted a message of hope on Facebook.
- Jim Gaffigan has some calming words for us about spring and possibilities.
- Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones has been posting videos with readings, motivation, and words of wisdom especially for people in recovery but really for anyone who might need it right now. Here’s one; you can find more on his Facebook page.
- Author and Life Coach Iyanla Vanzant (of “Iyanla: Fix My Life”) is posting daily motivation videos on Facebook. Here’s one; you can find many more on her Facebook page.
- Mick Fleetwood posted a message for everyone hunkered down, from his home.
Movie/TV-related Stuff:
- HBO is releasing hundreds of hours of programming from behind their paywall (for example, series like “The Sopranos,” “Veep,” “Barry,” and “The Wire” as well 20 Warner Bros. movies. All you have to do to #StayHomeBoxOffice is download the HBO NOW and HBO GO apps. More info here. (Note: this won’t work on Roku TV for some odd reason; if you have that like I do, you’ll have to watch on your iPad or phone!)
- Acorn TV, home to British mystery, drama, and comedy, is extending their free trial offer to 30 days with code FREE30.
- If you finished “Tiger King,” Buzzfeed has a list of other odd documentaries you might want to stream.
- The New Yorker has a list of the forty best movies to stream on Netflix right now.
- Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Martin Sheen, Sam Waterston, and the rest of the cast did a live table read of a “Grace and Frankie” episode that they shot in January for Season 7, on Facebook. GOLD.
- The cast of the hit movie “Girls Trip” (Jada Pinkett Smith, Queen Latifah, Regina Hall, and Tiffany Haddish, otherwise known as the Flossy Posse) reunited for a chat on Smith’s Facebook show “Red Table Talk.” Watch here.
- If you missed the Q & A with “Better Call Saul’s” Tony Dalton (Lalo Salomanca), you can watch it here.
- Mimi Kennedy (Marjorie) and Beth Hall (Wendy) of CBS’ sitcom “Mom” got together (on Zoom) to answer some fan questions. Watch here.
- Giancarlo Esposito (Gus Fring) went live on Variety’s Instagram to talk about “pollos, Saul, and more” after the season finale of “Better Call Saul.” Watch here.
- Former “ZOOM” cast members from the 70s and 90s live chatted about their favorite show memories and how they’re staying busy at home during these unusual times. Watch here.
- Former cast members (different ones this time!) of “ZOOM” reunited on Zoom to catch up and chat about “ZOOM into Action.”
- The cast of “Parks and Recreation” reunited for a social distancing special to benefit Feeding America. Watch the whole special here.
- “Saturday Night Live” broadcasted a second time from the cast members’ homes. The YouTube playlist for that episode is here.
- Josh Gad posted the first episode of “Reunited Apart,” bringing back together (on Zoom) the cast of “The Goonies,” which celebrates 35 years this year.
- In celebration of the upcoming documentary “Nancy Zieman: Extraordinary Grace,” PBS Wisconsin will be showing episodes of the classic show “Sewing with Nancy” every Tuesday and Saturday at 8:00am Central on their Facebook page.
- Will Smith and the rest of the surviving cast of “The Fresh Prince of Bel Air” reunited (on Zoom) on his show “Will From Home.”
- Mark your calendars for May 29-June 7: Tribeca Enterprises and YouTube are joining forces to create the “We Are One: A Global Film Festival.” The streaming event will take place over 10 days and draw content from 20 global film festivals including Cannes, Venice, Toronto and Sundance. You can watch for free on their dedicated YouTube channel.
- Check out this amazing Twitter thread that puts Dennis Rodman and Moira Rose (“Schitt’s Creek”) side by side.
- Episode 2 of Josh Gad’s “Reunited Apart” featured the cast of “Back to the Future!” Watch here.
- HGTV has posted some of “your favorite” shows that you can binge for free (it looks like you don’t need to provide any cable company info, so truly free), here.
- Ron Howard posted a hysterical and amazing voicemail his agent left for him in 1983. Oh, Hollywood!
- TIFF went live with director Paul Feig, and screenwriters Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo to discuss the 2011 movie “Bridesmaids.” Watch here.
- ABC has released four fun, prom-themed recipes to go along with special prom episodes of “American Housewife,” “The Goldbergs,” and “Schooled”. At-home prom party recipes are here.
- If you missed the season finale of “Saturday Night Live” over the weekend, you can watch the show here.
- Watch Kate Flannery (“Meredith”) perform the theme song from “The Office,” here.
- Julia Louis Dreyfus went on Instagram Live with Jason Alexander. Watch the former “Seinfeld” castmates chat, here.
- Jane Lynch’s “Hollywood Game Night” did a special Social Distancing Edition of the show featuring Retta, John Legend, Kristin Bell, Kenan Thompson, Sean Hayes, and Nick Jonas. If you missed it, it’s streaming on the NBC app, NBC.com and Hulu. You can download an at-home edition to play with friends and family while social distancing, here.
- The “Grease Sing-a-long” will air on CBS on Sunday June 7 at 8:30pm (Pacific and Eastern)! More info here.
- Every Monday, check out Maisel Mondays, a “season rewatch celebration” of “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.” Each week a different season 3 episode will be featured and the cast and crew will be tweeting along. The Twitter watch party (use #MaiselMonday) is at 3:00pm Pacific/6:00pm Eastern and the Amazon Live conversation is right after, at 4:15pm Pacific/7:15pm Eastern, here. More info about episodes featured on the show’s Facebook page.
- Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, and the rest of the “Wine Country” cast had a happy hour and streamed it for everyone. Watch here.
- If you missed Rainn Wilson’s discussion with Nick Offerman on the Soul Pancake Instagram, you can watch here. (It was such a good discussion between the alter egos of Dwight Schrute and Ron Swanson!)
- If you missed Rainn Wilson’s discussion with John Krasinski on the Soul Pancake Instagram, you can watch here.
- Josh Gad posted another episode of “Reunited: Apart” with Tom Hanks, Darryl Hannah, and more from “Splash.”
Music (Concert Events):
- Lady Gaga (in conjunction with Global Citizen) helped curate the “One World Together at Home” special, sponsored by Pepsi. Besides Lady Gaga, other music acts included Paul McCartney, Elton John, Billie Eilish and Finneas, Lizzo, Stevie Wonder, John Legend, Chris Martin, Eddie Vedder, Kacey Musgraves, J Balvin, Keith Urban, Alanis Morissette, Lang Lang, Andrea Bocelli, Billie Joe Armstrong, Burna Boy and Maluma. You can watch the whole thing here.
- Andrea Bocelli streamed a special live concert, “Music for Hope,” at Duomo di Milano on Easter Sunday from the currently closed Milan Cathedral. You can watch it here.
- Willie Nelson put on “At Home with Farm Aid” to benefit America’s farmers and ranchers with the help of his sons Lukas and Micah, John Mellencamp, Neil Young, and Dave Matthews (performing from their homes). Watch the full concert here.
- ABC aired “The Disney Family Sing-along” featuring Christina Aguilera, Josh Gad, the cast of “High School Musical,” Michael Buble, Kristin Chenoweth, and more. If you missed it, here’s the playlist on YouTube.
- You can watch the 6-hour “One World: Together at Home” digital special (the online-only portion) here.
- Prolific blues artist Joe Bonamassa has uploaded a few of his full-length concerts onto his Facebook page: Beacon Theater: Live from New York, Joe Bonamassa: Live at the Greek Theater, Joe Bonamassa: Live from the Royal Albert Hall, Live at Carnegie Hall: An Acoustic Evening, Joe Bonamassa: A New Day Yesterday, An Acoustic Evening at the Vienna Opera House, and Muddy Wolf at Red Rocks. (I’ll post more as I see them!) He’s also offering a free album download, here!
- Billy Joel premiered his July 2008 “Live at Shea Stadium” show on Facebook Live but there were technical difficulties. They hope to have an encore but in the meantime you can see the concert in song-by-song chunks (almost as good!) on his YouTube playlist, here.
- Keith Urban broadcasted a half hour concert that he’s calling Urban Underground last night from his home studio on Facebook, with wife Nicole Kidman hanging out, being his roadie, sidekick, and dancer. It looks like he’ll be doing this on Mondays at 4pm Central/5pm Eastern; keep an eye on his Facebook Watch page.
- Elton John hosted the Living Room Concert for America, benefiting Feeding America and First Responder’s Children Foundation. Elton’s guests included Alicia Keys, the Backstreet Boys, Billie Eilish, Billie Joe Armstrong, Mariah Carey, Tim McGraw, Dave Grohl (!!!) and more (all from their own homes). If you missed it, watch here.
- Every Tuesday and Thursday at 2pm Eastern, Carnegie Hall is streaming a concert on their website. You can watch past concerts there, too. (Just scroll to the bottom.)
- Check out the “Jersey 4 Jersey” special that benefitted the New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund. Performers included Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi (DUH) as well as Halsey, Tony Bennett, SZA, and more.
- Many performers including Alan Cummings, Cyndi Lauper, Todrick Hall, Troye Sivan, Rufus Wainwright, and more held a concert for the LGBTQ+ Nightlife community called “Stonewall Gives Back.” Watch here.
- Check out “Foo Fighters Live in Hyde Park” (2006), which Dave & Co. posted on their YouTube page as a fundraiser.
- These weren’t posted recently or because of everyone being locked down but if you’re looking for other full concerts to watch, I gotchu: Billie Eilish (Where Do We Go? 2020), Queen (Live at The Bowl Buckinghamshire, England 1982), Beyonce (Live at Glastonbury 2011), Tina Turner (Nice & Rough Tour 1982), Green Day (Reading Festival 2013), Talking Heads (Live in Rome 1980), Fleetwood Mac (Mirage Tour 1982), Panic! At The Disco (Live at Reading and Leeds Festival 2018), Madonna (Blonde Ambition Tour 1990), No Doubt (Rock in Rio, Las Vegas 2015) and oh wow I think I’m onto something. I’ll have more of these coming.
- Play On Fest has been streaming live on YouTube all weekend (I just found out about it!) and goes through tomorrow. Upcoming artists today and tomorrow include Panic! At The Disco, Disturbed, Ben Platt, Gary Clark Jr., Paramore, Green Day, Slipknot, Twenty One Pilots, David Guetta, and more. More info here, and if they leave a permanent link on YouTube I’ll put it here later.
- The National Air and Space Museum at the Smithsonian held a virtual concert called Space Songs: Through the Distance. Performers included Clipping, Bethany Cosentino of Best Coast, Dan Deacon, Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie, Valerie June, Lukas Nelson, Grace Potter, and Vagabon. Watch the concert here.
- More full concerts on YouTube: Justin Bieber (Purpose World Tour 2016), Imagine Dragons (Evolve Tour 2017), David Bowie (Glass Spider Tour 1987), Rolling Stones (Live 2017), Mariah Carey (The Adventures of Mimi 2006).
- Lots of Canadian artists performed for “Stronger Together/Tous Ensemble.” The CBC posted a whole playlist here.
- BET put on a fundraising show for COVID-19 Relief called “Saving Our Selves” and I just found out about it. It was co-hosted by Kelly Rowland, Terrence J, and Regina Hall. Virtual appearances and musical performances came from Usher, Charlie Wilson, Jhene Aiko, H.E.R., Kirk Franklin, Kelly Price, Fantasia, Ciara, and many more. You can go back and watch on YouTube, here.
- From the Lollapalooza vault, check out the Foo Fighters’ 2011 performance. Every Thursday Lollapalooza will be posting a different archival performance.
- The Jazz Foundation of America presented #TheNewGig benefit. It included archival performances and live ones by Elvis Costello, Sheryl Crow, Robert Cray, Angelique Kidjo, Jon Batist, Stanley Jordan and Milton Nascimento. It was hosted by Keegan-Michael Key and you can watch here.
- You can watch the “Rise Up New York!” Robin Hood Relief Benefit here. It was hosted by Tina Fey and brought together New York City’s biggest musicians, actors, chefs and more with one common goal: to raise awareness and funds to help New Yorkers whose lives have been dramatically impacted by COVID-19.
- The “Sweet Home Chicago Telethon,” benefitted Chicago charities. It featured an appearance by Mike Ditka and the Chicago “Superfans” (Joe Mantegna, George Wendt and Robert Smigel) in a new version of their routine first made famous on Saturday Night Live. Big names in Chicago sports appeared, with music performances by Common, Jeff Tweedy, Chicago, Jamila Woods, and The O’My’s with Kevin Coval and the Chicago Children’s Choir. Bob Odenkirk, Buddy Guy, D. B. Sweeney, Jenny McCarthy, Donnie Wahlberg, Vic Menza, and Billy Zane also appeared. Watch here.
- Foo Fighters posted two more full concerts on YouTube: Skin and Bones (2006) and Live at Wembley Stadium (2008).
Music (Dance Parties):
- Keep an eye on DJ D-Nice’s Instagram page: he’s been DJing Club Quarantine on his IG Live for the last couple of nights starting at 2pm Pacific/5pm Eastern.
- Following D-Nice, Quest Love is going live on Instagram with QUEST LOVErs Rock: Nighttime Mood at 7pm Pacific/10pm Eastern. He reloads every hour and recommends for uninterrupted sound you go to The Roots’ page on YouTube for the party. (You can play one of them right now as a backdrop for today’s activities!)
Music (Live Streams):
- Opera fan? The Metropolitan Opera in New York City is streaming nightly at 7:30pm Eastern. (Each performance is available until 3:30pm Eastern the next day.)
- Virtual Festival is an ever-changing livestream event out of Nashville. Performers, dates, and times are announced here.
- Garth Brooks will be streaming live on his Facebook page, on Mondays at 7pm Eastern. Check his page for more details.
- Rufus Wainwright is doing Robe Recitals from his home each day on Facebook.
- Live Nation has created “Live from Home,” a hub for tons of artists streaming live…from their homes. I guess that was self-explanatory. Anyway, LOTS of performances each day and something for everyone! Check it out here.
- Melissa Etheridge is doing #ConcertsFromHome (she’s taking requests, too) EVERY DAY starting at 3pm Pacific/6pm Eastern. I wish I had found this earlier but all concerts are about 30 minutes long and performed and then stored on her Facebook page. Not sure how many more days she will be doing this but her official #ConcertsFromHome t-shirt ad says March through April. She devoted one whole show to Bruce Springsteen.
- Each Sunday night at 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern you can check out “Luck Presents: Hello Walls,” in which a host artist curates a virtual open mic showcasing their favorite artists. More info (and watch) here.
- Samantha Fish is playing live on her Facebook page every Friday at 12pm Central/1pm Eastern.
- Jason Mraz is doing the LaLaLaLivestream on his YouTube page every Wednesday at 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern. (You can find the recordings there, too.)
- Blues musician Tab Benoit is presenting Whiskey Bayou Wednesdays on his Facebook page, weekly at 7pm Central.
- Every Wednesday and Saturday at 8:30pm Eastern, you can watch “Live on the Porch,” a concert by Mike DelGuidice & Big Shot. Mike is a guitarist/vocalist for Billy Joel on tour and his group is the only tribute band officially endorsed by Billy. Watch on their Facebook page, here.
- Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood streamed from the Grand Ole Opry. You can watch here.
- The Tennessee Theatre hosted “Mighty Musical Monday,” during which house organist Freddie Brabson played the theater’s grand Mighty Wurlitzer Organ. You can watch here.
- The Americana Music Association is doing “Whiskey Sour Happy Hour” with Whiskey Hour Happy Hour, presented by Ed Helms and The Bluegrass Situation. Here’s Episode 2.
- Enjoy “Carnegie Hall Fridays”, a new streaming series released with medici.tv. Each Friday, a new selection of live broadcasts will be made available for on-demand streaming free of charge. Each program will be accessible throughout the weekend for 72 hours—from Friday at 3:00am through Monday at 3:00am (Eastern). Watch here.
- Kenny Chesney did a livestream to celebrate the release of “Here and Now.” Watch here.
- The Indigo Girls did a concert on Facebook. Watch here.
- Circle All Access hosted a livestream from the Grand Ole Opry featuring Dustin Lynch, Trace Adkins, Blake Shelton, and Gwen Stefani.
- If you’re a fan of Electronic Dance Music (EDM), you might be interested in one or more of the raves that are happening online this week. This list is updated weekly.
- The Indigo Girls played their 1992 album “Rites of Passage” in its entirety. Watch here.
- Noah Cyrus did a Billboard Live at Home concert, here.
- Rickie Lee Jones did a live concert from her living room. Watch here.
- Budweiser has kicked off their REWIND series on YouTube; they’ll be streaming music and stories live. They started with the Black Eyed Peas Live from LA. Watch here.
- Tiffany did a Billboard Live at Home performance. Watch here.
- On Friday May 29 at 3:00pm Pacific/6:00pm Eastern, Dropkick Murphys are doing a free livestream show from Fenway Park and they will be joined remotely by Bruce Springsteen. Watch here.
Music (Orchestras/Bands):
- The Berlin Philharmonic has made their Digital Concert Hall free for everyone.
- The United States Navy Band has been posting beautiful music videos on their Facebook page. My favorite so far is “One Voice.” (Just try not to get chills while you listen!) Check out more here.
- Not to be outdone, the United States Army Band is doing the same! Check out “All for One” and the rest here.
- Oh! And here’s the United States Air Force Band playing “Brazil.” More here.
- No, of COURSE I didn’t forget about the Marines! The United States Marine Band (Ooh-rah!) has performances here.
- Musicians of the New York Philharmonic recorded a message of gratitude to the healthcare workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis, playing Ravel’s “Bolero” (all from home, of course). Watch here; it’s incredible.
- Members of the Philadelphia Orchestra played Virtual BeethovenNOW from their homes.Watch here.
- Watch the Lyric Opera of Chicago Orchestra play (from home) Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries.” Do not miss this one!
- San Francisco Symphony violinist Melissa Kleinbart & Principal Oboe Eugene Izotov gave an exquisite concert from their homes, playing Handel’s “Lascia ch’io pianga”.
- Erica Peel and Amanda Harberg of the Philadelphia Orchestra performed Harberg’s Piccolo Sonata, here.
- The Toronto Symphony Orchestra and the National Ballet of Canada collaborated on a cute video showing what it looks like when musicians and dancers stay home.
- Principal Clarinet Emil Khudyev of the Seattle Symphony and his family recorded Astor Piazzolla’s Libertango.
- The University of Illinois Marching Illini and Fighting Illini performed “Illinois Loyalty” virtually.
- Every Wednesday at 1:00pm Eastern the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra is presenting the BSO Lunch Bachs (See what they did there?). Here’s episode 5, featuring Bach’s 2nd and Reger’s 1st Suites.
- Fort Bragg’s 82nd Airborne Division Band played Bill Withers’ “Lovely Day,” which was, as you would expect, lovely.
- The New York Philharmonic posted a video of Yo-Yo Ma playing Dvořák’s Cello Concerto, conducted by Kurt Masur in 1995.
- Watch Ethan Bensdorf, trumpet player with the New York Philharmonic, play “Imagine” on the roof.
- The United States Navy Band did a virtual concert event for Memorial Day that combined new performances from member’s homes along with previously recorded “traditional” performances. Watch here.
Music (Recorded):
- Bono streamed a brand new song on Facebook Live. Swoon!
- Pink went on Instagram Live to play piano and perform “To Make You Feel My Love.” Here’s another one from Pink, too.
- Yo Yo Ma (classical musician) is posting daily #SongsofComfort on his Instagram channel.
- Broadway World is posting “Living Room Concerts” of Broadway stars singing songs from the shows they would normally be performing in.
- Andrew Lloyd Webber is taking fan requests and posting his performances on his Twitter page.
- Lots of musicians are posting one-song performances. Here are just a few: Paul Simon, Steve Martin, Neil Diamond, Rita Wilson (not to be missed: she does Naughty by Nature!) Sheryl Crow, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Norah Jones, Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood, another Paul Simon, Lady Antebellum, Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick, another one from Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick, Shawn Colvin, Tim McGraw, John Fogerty, Lin Manuel-Miranda, Cyndi Lauper, Susan Kelechi Watson (From “This is Us”), Paul Simon and Edie Brickell, another Sheryl Crow, Curt Smith of Tears for Fears, John Fogerty, Norah Jones, Carole King, Miranda Lambert, Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani, Luke Bryan, Tim McGraw, Lady Antebellum, Dennis DeYoung, Jennifer Hudson, David Archuleta & Tori Kelly. I will add more right here as I see them.
- Are you a Foo Fighters fan? This from the band: “While we’re all watching YouTube vids right now, we’re making some of ours a little clearer for you. Keep washing those hands!
- Nefesh Mountain performed “Songs of Love and Healing” on Facebook Live.
- Citizen Cope played a solo acoustic set from home on Facebook Live.
- Tamia, Deborah Cox, Shep Crawford covered Whitney Houston & CeCe Winans “Count on Me.”
- Barenaked Ladies got together via webcam to perform “Lovers in a Dangerous Time.”
- Joan Baez performed “Imagine” on Facebook.
- Jimmy Buffett is doing a “Cabin Fever Spring Break 2020” tour: he’s posting videos of his archives “live.” Check his schedule here.
- Josh Groban has started posting “Shower Songs” on Tuesdays and Fridays on his Facebook page. Here’s the first one.
- Metallica is doing “Metallica Mondays” on their Facebook page, streaming recorded concerts each week at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern.
- Meghan Trainor recorded a mini session (3 songs w + Q & A) for her “Live at Home” tour to benefit Feeding America.
- WWOZ in New Orleans posted a compilation of archival videos from French Quarter Fest, since the real one couldn’t happen this year. Watch here.
- Acapella group Straight No Chaser is posting “Quarantine Sessions” on YouTube. Check out the playlist here.
- Disneyland’s Dapper Dans posted #VoicesFromHome performances. Here’s one, and here’s another. And here’s another!
- Watch Tommy Shaw from Styx sing “Fooling Yourself” to his dog at home, with slightly altered lyrics. This is the content I’m here for.
- Sheryl Crow and her band posted a performance of “All I Wanna Do” that they did on Zoom.
- The Greenville Youth Chorale posted a Zoom performance of “A Million Dreams.” It gave me chills!
- A bunch of huge music stars (including Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins of Foo Fighters) came together (virtually, from home) to sing the Foo’s “Times Like These.”
- The Rolling Stones released a new song yesterday. Here’s Keith Richards’ announcement about it. You should be able to find it in all the usual places for new music, but here’s the Spotify link.
- Kermit the Frog posted a special performance (I assume from his home swamp) of “The Rainbow Connection.”
- The Pussycat Dolls posted choreography for their new song “React,” which you can find on Spotify here.
- More individual song performances: John Fogarty sings “Lookin Out My Back Door” and Carole King sings “Home Again.”
- Watch Crowded House perform (from their homes of course) “Don’t Dream It’s Over,” on the 33rd anniversary of the single hitting #2 in the United States.
- On an episode of “Will From Home,” Will and DJ Jazzy Jeff did a Quarantine Concert.
- The Blue Man Group Band performed together from home, here, as a part of #BMGAtHome.
- Foster the People recorded and posted “It’s Okay to be Human.” Make sure to read more about WHY, here.
- Brian McKnight performed his classic song “Back at One” from home, here.
- Queen and Adam Lambert recorded “You Are the Champions” from home to honor frontline workers.
- Check out “Sign of Hope,” recorded by the Scorpions especially for these days.
- Check out Alicia Keys’ song “Good Job,” here.
- Barbra Streisand released a new video for “You’ll Never Walk Alone,” which she originally recorded right after 9/11. This time it’s a tribute to healthcare workers and other essential personnel on the frontlines during COVID-19.
- Jennifer Hudson sang “We Gon Fight” on Instagram.
- Duran Duran’s John Taylor posted “A Little Day Music.”
- Annie Lennox sang “A Thousand Beautiful Things” for Jimmy Fallon.
- Grammy winners Rodrigo y Gabriela have been posting a bunch of videos from home. Here’s one. Here’s another. Here’s another. Check out the rest on their Facebook page. They’re amazing.
- More than 100 Juilliard students and alumni performed Ravel’s “Bolero,” together from home. (This was fascinating!) Famous alumni who participated were Emanuel Ax (music), Christine Baranski (drama), Jon Batiste (jazz studies), Renée Fleming (voice), Isabel Leonard (voice), Laura Linney (drama), Patti LuPone (drama), Yo-Yo Ma (music), Andrea Miller (dance), Bebe Neuwirth (dance), Itzhak Perlman (music), Susanna Phillips (voice), Bobbi Jene Smith (dance), Davóne Tines (voice), and Bradley Whitford (drama).
- Eddie Vedder and Jack Johnson sang “Constellations.”
- Sheryl Crow and her band did another great performance from home, here.
- Rick Springfield and a bunch of friends (including songwriting partner Vance DeGeneres, Ellen DeGeneres, Richard Marx, Terri Nunn, Kate Pierson, Paul Stanley, Sammy Hagar, Sheila E. and more) recorded “The Wall Will Fall,” to benefit “Feeding America.” You can find the links to all of the episodes of Rick Springfield and Vance DeGeneres’s “Ultimate Mini-Series: The 60-Second Guide to Songwriting with a Partner” in the notes under the video on YouTube.
- Watch Jimmy Fallon, Brendon Urie of Panic! At the Disco, and the Roots remix “Under Pressure” with at-home instruments.
- OK Go wrote and recorded an absolutely gorgeous song to honor frontline healthcare workers, and to benefit Partners in Health. Read the story behind the song here.
- Sheryl Crow and her band did another at-home performance (“Long Way Back”), here.
- Carole King posted “Beautiful in 2020.”
- Heather Headley posted a beautiful performance of “Make You Feel My Love.”
- Watch the Phoenix Chamber Choir sing “Coronavirus Rhapsody.”
- Sheryl Crow and her band posted a new Zoom performance.
- Watch Los Angeles-based Angel City Chorale sing “Sogno di Volare” (The Dream of Flight), from home.
- A group of artists in Birmingham, Alabama recorded a beautiful performance of Barry Manilow’s “One Voice.”
- Joan Baez sang “Blowing in the Wind” from her home, here.
Music (Together at Home concerts):
- Chris Martin (lead singer of Coldplay) did a #TogetherAtHome concert on Facebook. Watch here.
- John Legend’s #TogetherAtHome concert (featuring Chrissy Teigen and daughter Luna) is here.
- Charlie Puth’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Hozier’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- OneRepublic’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Lindsay Stirling’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Watch Shaun Mendes and Camila Cabello’s #TogetherAtHome concert here.
- Niall Horan’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Vance Joy’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Amy Lee’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Ziggy Marley’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Lukas Graham’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Jack Johnson’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Anthony Hamilton’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Kygo’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- The Lumineers’ #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Lauv’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- JoJo’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Bastille’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Barenaked Ladies’ #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- H.E.R.’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Jennifer Hudson’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Gloria Gaynor’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Emeli Sandé’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Train’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Cody Simpson’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Bazzi’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Rod and Ruby Stewart’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
- Meghan Trainor’s #TogetherAtHome concert is here.
Music-related Miscellanea:
- More DJ D-Nice news: if you’ve been enjoying his Homeschool parties on Instagram, check out his Spotify playlist.
- More Foo Fighters news: frontman and rock legend Dave Grohl has finally joined Instagram, to tell short, true stories. This made my week! Follow him here.
- Miley Cyrus is doing a show called “Bright Minded” on her Instagram page every day, Monday through Friday, at 11:30am Pacific/2:30pm Eastern. (not a concert, FYI)
- Taylor Hawkins of Foo Fighters is posting drumming tips on the Foo’s Instagram page.
- Help Jon Bon Jovi write a song! #DoWhatYouCan UPDATE HERE.
- Eugene Symphony Association (Eugene, Oregon) Music Director & Conductor Francesco Lecce-Chong is posting weekly educational “Musical Mondays” videos on Facebook, every Monday of course. The first one was “Learn to Sing & Play ‘Ode to Joy.'” Find the rest on the Association’s Facebook page.
- Fender Play is offering 3 free months of guitar lessons, here.
- Join the Sofa Singers, a free & weekly online singing event that brings hundreds of people together from around the world to spark joy and human connection.
- Kevin Bacon is posting #MondayBlues videos on Facebook, in which he plays (on his record player) snippets of a couple of songs that make him happy. Week 2 is here; you can find the rest on his video page. His Spotify companion playlist is here.
- Fiona Apple dropped her first new album in eight years, “Fetch the Bolt Cutters,” in the middle of the night. It’s available in all the usual places that you listen to/buy music online. Here’s the Spotify link.
- Sting, Jimmy Fallon, and the Roots sang “Don’t Stand So Close To Me” with at-home instruments.
- “Coachella: 20 Years in the Desert,” a YouTube Originals documentary is now available on YouTube.
- World renowned DJ David Guetta (LOVE HIM) did a fundraising set from Miami. Watch here.
- New Kids on the Block put on a Virtual Cruise. Here are some links to their activities: Day 1 Lido Deck Party and Town Hall Launch, a game show, Baking with Danny Wood, a Joey McIntyre concert, Glitter Night Party, and their new song, “House Party.” You can watch the Day 3 GPS Virtual Gathering here. Bon Voyage!
- Andrew Lloyd Webber is sharing his Isolation Playlist, here.
- Dave Grohl recorded the story of how he jammed with Prince in an empty arena, for the Prince tribute. He’s also got a new story up on his DavesTrueStories Instagram page; this time it’s about Bowie!
- If you missed “Let’s Go Crazy: The GRAMMY Salute to Prince” when it was on TV, you can watch a lot of it here.
- Here’s the Live Lounge Allstars lyric video to “Times Like These.”
- Kimberly Williams Paisley posted a cute video of husband Brad Paisley coloring her hair. Celebs, they’re just like us!
- If you’re a fan of electronica, Juno Reactor released a Soundcloud of their recent Retro set. SWOON.
- The 41st Blues Music Awards were virtual, and you can watch them here.
- Barry Manilow has put together a “Songs of Hope” playlist. Listen on Spotify or YouTube.
- The Chicago Humanities Festival had a conversation with Tori Amos on Resistance. Watch here.
- If you’re a music freak like I am, check out “The Hood Internet” on YouTube. They’re a Chicago-based DJ and production duo who create three-minute, fifty-song mixes by the year.
- Check out John Taylor’s “Stone Love Bass Odyssey,” a bass tutorial through some of our favorite Duran Duran tracks, here. It was followed by a live Instagram live chat with a series of special guests, here.
- The band Berlin released their fan Q&A video (part 1), here.
- Steve n Seagulls is a Finnish Bluegrass band (yes, that’s correct) that covers rock hits from AC/DC, Lenny Kravitz, Guns n Roses, and more. I promise you that even though it sounds very weird you will likely be hooked. Check out their videos here.
- Dave Grohl and his mom Virginia did an interview with ALT 98.7 in Los Angeles about her book and their upcoming documentary (!!!). Watch here.
- The New York Public Library released an album called “The Missing Sounds of New York,” to remind us of how things usually are. Here’s the Spotify link.
- Check out episode 2 of John Taylor’s (Duran Duran) Stone Love Bass Odyssey, featuring “Girls on Film.” Then watch his conversation with Susanna Hoffs of The Bangles!
- Charli XCX just dropped a self-isolation album, “how i’m feeling now,” which she wrote using input from fans over the past six weeks. Listen on Spotify here.
- Here’s a fascinating video infographic that shows the rise and fall of the best-selling music artists in the last 50 years.
- Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber released “Stuck with U” to benefit First Responders Children’s Foundation.
- Berlin (the band) posted part 2 of the “Now It’s Your Turn” fan Q & A session, here.
- David Bowie’s 1999 limited edition album “LiveandWell.com” has been released for streaming for the very first time. The album, which was not available commercially (only to BowieNet subscribers) is made up of recordings from the 1997 Earthling Tour. Choose your streaming service here.
- Rainn Wilson spoke to Billie Eilish as a part of his “Hey There, Human” series on his Soul Pancake Instagram account.
- Out now is Live Series: Songs Of Summer, Bruce Springsteen‘s sixth “greatest hits” collection from his officially sanctioned archival live bootleg series. Listening links are here.
- Take a virtual stroll through Dolly Parton’s Chasing Rainbows Museum at Dollywood.
- Duran Duran posted the third episode of John Taylor’s “Stone Love Bass Odyssey,” a tutorial featuring “Rio. Watch here, and then watch his post-tutorial conversation with Mark Ronson here.
- Taylor Swift just dropped “Live from Paris.” Watch and listen here.
- Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande dropped an awesome new song overnight called “Rain On Me.” It’s available in all the usual places; check it out here.
- Berlin (the band) posted part 3 of their Q&A, “Now it’s Your Turn.”
- Episode 4 of John Taylor’s “Stone Love Bass Odyssey” was posted, this time featuring Duran Duran’s “The Reflex.” Watch here, and then watch John’s conversation with Nile Rodgers.
- Scribd is offering a 30-day free trial (no credit card required): get access to books, magazines, and audiobooks.
- “For as long as schools are closed,” Audible has made tons of stories available to listen for free (no credit card required). They’re mostly stories for kids of all ages but you can listen to literary classics like Wuthering Heights, The Call of the Wild, Pride and Prejudice, and more.
- The National Emergency Library, which has 4 million books available for free online, has suspended waitlists on 1.5 million books, making ALL books available to anyone who wants to borrow them.
- J.K. Rowling is gradually publishing her new story, “The Ickabog,” online for free over the next 7 weeks. Read here. (She’s also giving readers the opportunity to have their drawings featured in the book when it is published later this year. All of Rowlings’ royalties will be donated to people who need assistance due to coronavirus.)
Sports Substitutions:
- Check out Jelle’s Marble Runs on YouTube for hours of family fun. Yes, it’s actually marbles, racing.
- Cyclists (and non-cyclists) take note: The Tour de Quarantine is happening on YouTube. Start with Stage 1 (only 2.5 minutes long!) here.
- NHL Live is streaming more than 1,000 games, both live and on-demand, as well as the 2020 Stanley Cup Playoffs for free, through April 30.
- The NFL is offering its Game Pass service for free through May 31. You can watch NFL games from 2009 to 2019 as well as original shows.
- While the NBA is on hiatus, they are offering free access to both full-length and condensed replays of all games from the 2019-2020 season as well as an archive classic games and NBA content.
- Cyclists might be interested to know that Rouleur magazine has made all of their back issues available on their free app.
- NBC Sportscaster Michael Jenkins does the play-by-play as he walks his 15-year-old basset hound, Josie. (Gah she’s so cute.)
- New Jersey’s Stockton University couldn’t host its track meet, so they created a 3-minute virtual version.
- BBC sport commentator Andrew Cotter provides the call on, well, just watch (especially if you love dogs).
- Watch the best of the Marble World Cup here.
- Check out American Hedgehog Warrior. (Trust me.) Here’s Course 1. Here’s Course 2. Here’s Course 3.
- Do you like cats and dominoes? Then you’ll love this.
- The Kentucky Derby will actually race in September this year, but on May 2 you can enjoy a virtual Kentucky Derby from home with hat-making, a mint julep demo, a tour of the Kentucky Derby museum, a fashion contest, and more. Keep an eye on the offical page for details.
- Check out the #JrNBAAtHome thread on Twitter to see various pro basketball players’ videos of drills you can do at home, at any age.
- Andrew Cotter, a sportscaster in the UK, has been practicing his color commentary skills with his two labs again. Watch here and here.
- Okay, this is cool and super fun: Cameron Diaz, Margot Robbie, Halle Berry, Scarlet Johansson, Lucy Lawless, Rosario Dawson, Drew Barrymore, Julia Butters and many more joined forces with stuntwoman Zoë Bell for the “Boss Bitch Fight Challenge.” Just watch.
- Watch the 2019 Death Diving Championships, called by ESPN 8: The Ocho, here.
- This dog decided to play Jenga for a second and ran away with the whole game.
- Watch Team USA go against Team Germany in the 2007 Cup Stacking Championships, here.
- Check out a not-to-be-believed Rube Goldberg trick shot, here.
- If you haven’t yet seen Mark Rober’s incredible squirrel obstacle course, be entertained here.
Virtual Tours (Architecture/Castles/Homes & Buildings):
- Tour the Blarney Castle in Cork, Ireland.
- Tour Buckingham Palace (swoon!) here.
- Here’s an interesting photo tour of architecture mostly in the Chicago area.
- If you’re a Frank Lloyd Wright fan like I am, you’ll love #WrightVirtualVisits: many of the American architect’s most famous properties are going to be posting virtual tours. Start with his very first commission ever, Hollyhock House in Los Angeles and then move on to Taliesin West in Scottsdale, Arizona. Here are more: The FLW House in Ebsworth Park, The Willey House in Minnesota, Taliesin West’s Dining Cove, The Unity Temple in Oak Park, Illinois, SAMARA in West Lafayette, Indiana, the William E. Martin House in Oak Park, Illinois, the Martin House in Buffalo, New York, Graycliff at Lake Erie, Fallingwater (Exterior), Oregon’s The Gordon House, the Emil Bach House in Chicago, The Kraus House in Ebsworth Park, St. Louis, The Gordon House in Oregon, The Frank Lloyd Wright Trust, Unity Temple Kitchen Tour, SAMARA, Fallingwater, Hollyhock House, Martin House, Graycliff in Derby, New York. The information I have says that they’re releasing new tours every Thursday for six weeks, so I’ll add more here as I get them.
- Tour the former homes of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford in a video series here. (New videos are posted Mondays and Fridays at 8am Eastern.
Virtual Tours (Gardens):
- Tour the Gardens of Versailles here.
- Washington D.C.’s cherry blossoms are blooming right now. Check out the BloomCam here.
- Check out the Louis Ginter Botanical Garden in Richmond, Virginia here.
- Take a quick tour of the gardens of Biltmore House in Asheville, North Carolina here.
- Take a virtual walk through the tulip garden at Brookside Gardens, in Montgomery Parks, Maryland.
- Go on an 18-minute virtual nature walk through Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s blooming Japanese Hill-and-Pond Garden.
- Take a virtual tour of the Keukenhof in the Netherlands, which is the world’s largest bulb-flower garden and boasts more than 800 varieties of tulips. Seven million bulbs were planted for this year’s display. The whole playlist can be viewed here.
- Tour Philadelphia’s Shofuso Japanese House and Garden here.
- Take a virtual tour through an 18-acre garden full of peaceful ponds, expansive lawns, and beautiful sculptures, courtesy of HGTV.
- Take a virtual walk around Hestercombe Gardens.
- Take a virtual tour of The Flower Fields in Carlsbad, California. I was there this time last year, enjoying the amazing ranunculus fields and it was absolutely dreamy.
- Sakura Matsuri, Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s annual cherry blossom festival that celebrates Japanese culture and the Garden’s horticultural connections to Japan, would have taken place this weekend. They posted a video containing the best moments from recent years of the iconic festival.
- Check out the azalea garden at Biltmore in North Carolina, here.
- Take a stroll through the Dogwood Arts 2020 Featured Dogwood Trail, Sequoyah Hills in Knoxville, Tennessee.
- Dutch Daffodils and Tulips in Holland created a flower picture for those who had to cancel their plans to travel to the Netherlands, but it’s pretty cool to see even if you aren’t one of those people.
- I gave a link to virtually tour the Keukenhof tulip garden in the Netherlands earlier; now you can check out some pictures that a photographer snapped when he was given access to the garden, empty for the first time in 71 years.
- Virtually tour the Conservatory of Flowers at San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, here.
- Virtually tour the beautiful gardens at Arundel Castle in West Sussex, England.
Virtual Tours (Landmarks/National Parks/Nature):
- Tour Yellowstone National Park virtually until you can get there yourself.
- Take a virtual tour of the Great Wall of China.
- Take yourself to Hawaii, virtually of course, and tour some of the landmarks there. Sigh.
- Check out the Great Barrier Reef with narration by David Attenborough, here.
- Galapagos Expedition, anyone? Go here.
- Check out Savannah’s gorgeous Forsyth Park Fountain with “Visit Savannah.”
- Knoxville, Tennessee’s (holla!) Dogwood Arts has posted a video of the Open Gardens 2020 Farragut Dogwood Trail. Take a virtual stroll here.
- Take a free virtual tour of five Egyptian Heritage sites.
- Check out some of Nevada’s hidden gems here; you can virtually tour ghost towns, state parks, lakes, canyons, and more.
- Take a virtual tour of the Redwoods in California.
- Check out the Northern Lights here.
- Take a virtual tour of the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland here.
- Visit the Outer Banks, North Carolina, with a really cool 360 degree tour.
- Take a virtual tour down to the heart of an active volcano, Ambrym volcano in Vanuatu, here.
- Take an immersive 360 degree journey into Patagonia, here.
- Virtually tour Peru’s Machu Picchu here.
- Take a virtual tour of a beach in Thailand near Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park (sound on!).
- Check out Arlington National Cemetery virtually with their interactive map.
- Experience San Francisco’s Presidio Park from home, here.
- Read about Ain Dubai, the world’s tallest observation wheel, here. (Thanks for the tip, Amelia!)
- Check out this list of virtual field trips for nature lovers. (Shout out to Brendan in CO for the tip!)
Virtual Tours (Museums/Art):
- Check out museums all over the world, virtually, thanks to Google Arts & Culture. With more than 2500 choices, that alone could keep you busy for a long while.
- Check out artist Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity Mirror traveling exhibit. (I thought this was fascinating!)
- Take a virtual tour of 12 of Banksy’s street murals on Street View.
- Get up-close and personal with some of the most iconic works of art in the world through the eyes of musicians with Art Zoom.
- Take a virtual tour of ten rooms in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence Italy, here.
- The Louvre is offering some virtual museum tours, here.
- Check out the Essentials Tours video series from Chicago’s Art Institute. Each tour focuses on one iconic work of art.
- Here’s a list of the weirdest museums you can tour virtually.
- Take a virtual tour of Museo Frida Kahlo in Mexico City here.
- Tour the Thorne Miniature Rooms at the Art Institute of Chicago here.
- The Guggenheim Museum has a ton of online resources you can enjoy from home, from virtual backgrounds to exhibition details to virtual tours to artist interviews.
- Virtually tour the Mütter Museum of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia.
- Take a virtual tour of Nashville’s Glen Campbell Museum.
- Explore Chicago’s Art Institute virtually, here.
Virtual Tours (Miscellaneous):
- Boeing has a few virtual field trips to check out, here.
- Are you a hockey fan? I gotchu. Tour the Hockey Hall of Fame, here.
- Watch how Crayola crayons are made, here.
- Take a tour of the Winchester Mystery House.
- Go on various roller coaster rides on The Coaster Views’ YouTube channel.
- Take a virtual tour of the Emlen Physick Estate and Cape May lighthouse in Cape May, New Jersey.
- Take a harrowing (and virtual) jet ski ride through a narrow canyon.
- Take a virtual tour of the American Writers Museum in Chicago with Museum President Carey Cranston, here.
- Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in May join Inside Chicago Walking Tours for free virtual tours of some of my hometown’s best interiors and historical spots. Space is limited and you must register to join in. Tour choices and more info here.
- Chicago Detours is offering free virtual tours of Chicago’s iconic architecture on weekends at 1:00pm Central. They’ll also be hosting Historic Happy Hour for Curious People on weekdays at 6:00pm Central, 20-minute webinars on Chicago history. Registration is required for both; more info here.
- Check out a bunch of virtual field trips in Chicago, including the one in which Mayor Lori Lightfoot visits Sue the T. Rex at the Field Museum, here and #StayHomeHitPlay.
- Want to take some virtual tours of New York City? Great. Here’s Grand Central Station, Central Park, a flyover of Manhattan, Times Square, the Brooklyn Bridge, and the Tenement Museum.
- Take a virtual walking tour of London here.
- Virtually tour the Ford Mustang Factory in Flat Rock, Michigan.
- Go on a virtual tour of Nashville with Sharin’ Nashville Tours.
- Learn about making Scotch whisky from Glenfiddich, The Glenturret Distillery, The Balvenie, and Talisker.
- Take a virtual tour of the Sipsmith Gin Distillery.
- Patrón tequila fan? I have a virtual tour for you, too.
- Virtual Reality Champagne Experience? Sure!
- Take a walking tour of Munich, Germany here.
- Take a walking tour of Nuremberg, Germany here.
- Take a walking tour of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany here.
- Take a walking tour of Venice, Italy here.
- Check out this amazing list of miscellaneous virtual tours here, courtesy of superstar Girl Scout Skylar! (Thank you, Skylar!)
Watch (Broadway Shows/Broadway-related):
- Playbill posted about plays and musicals you can watch from home, here.
- Miguel Cervantes, star of the Chicago run of “Hamilton,” is hosting Broadway in Chicago’s #AroundBroadwayIn80Days, which spotlights performances by high schoolers who played or were scheduled to play a role in a high school production this year. Find the playlist on the Broadway in Chicago YouTube page.
- Rosie O’Donnell brought her show back live for one night only, to raise money for The Actor’s Fund. It’s 3.5 hours of amazing performances!
- Check out Stars in the House, which has two live-streamed performances each day (2pm and 8pm Eastern) that benefit The Actors Fund. You can see who is coming up this week on their website, and all past episodes are on YouTube.
- Cirque du Soleil has made a bunch of their shows available for your viewing pleasure, here.
- Andrew Lloyd Webber is airing select full-length musicals on “The Shows Must Go On” YouTube channel, only for 48 hours each, starting every Friday at 2:00pm Eastern.
- I saw a Broadway World article stating that the Original Broadway Cast of “Hamilton” would be doing a #HamAtHome sing-along on the evening of April 10, but that article has disappeared and I don’t know why. I guess tentatively mark your calendars? In the meantime, watch John Kraskinski’s second episode of “Some Good News” to see the OBC sing one song via Zoom!
- Here’s a schedule of upcoming free livestream Broadway broadcasts.
- The November 2019 Celebrating 25 Magical Years of Disney on Broadway concert was be live streamed; here’s the YouTube link.
- Watch Disney on Broadway stars sing the Hercules classic “Go the Distance.”
- More than a decade after their closing night, 44 cast members of the broadway revival of “A Chorus Line” shared what brought them all together “again”. Check out “A Chorus Line in Quarantine” here.
- An LA actress has been recreating scenes from her favorite musicals to stay busy while in quarantine. Check out her Twitter thread here.
- Broadway composer Stephen Sondheim was honored with an all-star birthday concert. “Take Me to the World: A Sondheim 90th Birthday Celebration” can be viewed here. Performers included Bernadette Peters, Patti LuPone, Audra McDonald, Kristin Chenoweth, Brian Stokes Mitchell, and many more.
- One of my friends alerted me that someone put the musical that tells the life story of one of America’s most well-known singers (she goes by one name, had an early 1970’s TV variety show with her then-husband, and sang the world’s first autotuned song) on YouTube. The title of the video is not the same as the musical, which is probably why it’s still on YouTube according to my source, but anyway it is the entire show during its pre-Broadway run in Chicago and the lead actress won a Tony for her performance once it hit Broadway. That’s enough hints. Go watch it here. And then watch the subject of the musical come on the Broadway stage and sing one of her hit songs with that Tony winner.
- Three Broadway boosts: the “Wicked” community thanks frontline workers with “For Good” (try to watch without crying, I dare you!), the Batavia (Illinois) Fine Arts Centre’s 2017 cast of “Rent” came together (virtually) to sing “Seasons of Love” in celebration of the musical’s Broadway premiere, 24 years ago and to thank essential workers, and the #HamAtHome community sang “Non-Stop.”
- Former cast members of “Rent” from all over the world sang “Finale B” to honor essential workers. (Good to know I still cry at this song twenty years later!)
- Todrick Hall has taken his hit “Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels” and turned it into the COVID-19-friendly and adorable “Mask, Gloves, Soap, Scrubs.” The video features Todrick and TONS of friends. Super cute; watch here.
- The “Hamilton” musical posted a #HamAtHome Throwback video of Jonathan Groff, Brian D’Arcy James, Andrew Rannells, and Renee Elise Goldsberry doing a lipsync at the stage door after the show. If you haven’t seen it yet, here it is.
- Learn more about New York City’s Gershwin Theatre in this Spotlight on Broadway video.
- Watch Broadway.com’s “Broadway Does Mother’s Day,” featuring sketches, performances and appearances from stage stars like Bernadette Peters, Victor Garber, Miguel Cervantes, Betty Buckley, Vanessa Williams, Laura Benanti, and many more.
- Mark your calendar for July 3: the original Broadway production of “Hamilton” will be streaming exclusively on Disney+.
- The Phantom Worldwide community (“Phantom of the Opera”) recorded “Masquerade.”
- Watch an incredible performance of “You Can’t Stop the Beat” from “Hairspray: The Musical” on Jenifer Lewis’ Instagram.
- Watch the 2018 critically acclaimed drama “Pipeline” for free on BroadwayHD from May 15-22! Watch here.
- Watch “Wicked” orchestra member Richard Harris perform “For Good” as a 10-part trombone choir, here.
- If you missed “You Live, You Learn: A Night with Alanis and Jagged Little Pill,” Alanis Morissette appeared with the cast and creative team of Jagged Little Pill for an event full of reunions, exclusive performances, and surprises along the way! Watch here or here.
- On Thursday June 11 at 7:00pm Eastern, New York Times Events will present “Opening Night,” a celebration of the Broadway season that was (and will be). More info and RSVP here.
Watch (Miscellaneous Stage Shows):
- The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater is making full performances (on a rolling schedule) free while we’re on lockdown. Visit their All Access page to watch.
- The “Phantasmagoria” Victorian horror troupe (“Poetry, Tales of Terror, Fire dancing and MORE!” OMG) is streaming live on their Facebook page every Sunday night in April at 8pm Eastern.
- The Carolina Ballet is posting performances regularly on their website.
- Check out the Wild Things Virtual Circus on the Mercato Shops (Naples, Florida) Facebook page.
- London’s National Theatre is posting full-length plays on their YouTube channel every Thursday. More info here.
- Every week at 2pm Eastern starting Wednesday April 22, The English National Ballet will be releasing one performance that will be available to watch for 48 hours on their YouTube channel.
- Cirque du Soleil posted a live show recording of their show ZED, which was only performed in Tokyo, on Facebook.
- The men of Blue Man Group need to keep their skills up while at home. Check out this short video of Blue Man Matthew practicing with his son.
- English National Ballet choreographer Annabelle Lopez Ochoa and Artistic Director Tamara Rojo spoke remotely about the artistic process of creating the ballet “Broken Wings” and their own personal connections to the work of Frida Kahlo, and answered some fan questions.
- The Kennedy Center is uploading original works, new performances, and archival footage to their “Digital Stage” on YouTube nearly every day. Watch here.
- Misty Copeland and 31 other premier ballerinas danced Le Cigne (The Swan) together, to benefit Swans for Relief. Watch here.
- Join San Francisco’s 42nd Street Moon on Sundays at 8:00pm Pacific/11:00pm Eastern for “Musical Theatre Trivia!” Watch on Facebook or on their website. If you want to PLAY, you can join their Zoom meeting here, with meeting ID 844 3183 3198.
- Also from San Francisco’s 42nd Street Moon: “Full Moon Fridays.” Join them for this live cabaret series every Friday at 8:00pm Pacific/11:00pm Eastern. Watch on Facebook or on their website.
- Here are five virtual theater recommendations for theatre enthusiasts, in descriptions too long for me to summarize here. (If you’re really a theater enthusiast you won’t mind going to read for yourself, right?)
- More virtual live theater options for you to check out, here.
Watch (Talk Shows & Hosts):
- Jimmy Fallon is doing The Tonight Show from home on YouTube, highlighting a different charity each night.
- Ellen DeGeneres has been calling her celebrity friends on posting the videos on Facebook and Instagram.
- The Daily Show with Trevor Noah is adding hilarious Social Distancing content daily (hah!) to their YouTube channel, and Trevor has decided to do a show from home like Jimmy Fallon, but it’s being broadcast in the normal time slot on Comedy Central, weeknights at 11pm Eastern. (Clips are on Facebook and YouTube as usual.)
- Full Frontal with Samantha Bee is bringing her show live to you from her house, with her husband on camera. Watch on Facebook Wednesdays at 9:30pm Central/10:30pm Eastern.
- James Corden hosted Homefest: James Corden’s Late Late Show Special. I’m not seeing the episode on YouTube in its entirety but here are links to individual performances: David Blaine, Will Ferrell, BTS, Dua Lipa, Andrea Bocelli, Ben Platt with the cast of “Dear Evan Hansen,” and John Legend.
- The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is still being recorded, from Colbert’s home. Clips can be found on the show’s Facebook page.
- Marlo Thomas and her (former) talk show host husband Phil Donahue are posting “In the Bunker” videos on her Facebook Watch page.
- Ellen Degeneres is doing new shows from home (Producer Andy stays outside!) on TV in her regular time slot wherever you are.
Web Cams:
- Check out the Dublin pub cam, here, if you miss seeing people congregating. HahaSob.
- Are you a cat person? Check out the web cam/livestream of the Kitten Academy.
- Highway 30A in Florida has a variety of web cams on their site for beautiful views of the beach and the Gulf. Sigh. So pretty.
- Experience Yosemite National Park’s Yosemite Falls, which is one of the world’s tallest waterfalls.
- Check out the live cams at Panama City Beach in Florida.
- Graceland, the Memphis home of Elvis Presley, has a web cam. There’s not a lot of activity going on there as the camera is just fixed on the front of the house, but if you check in at night you can see they’ve got it lit up in red, white, and blue during this uncertain time.
- Watch the web cam at Tembe Elephant Park in South Africa.
- Check out various beach cams in Destin, Florida here.
- Check out the Eiffel Tower in real time. (If you watch at night, you’ll see it sparkle!)
- Watch ships pass through the Panama Canal here.
Workouts (Cardio/Traditional):
- Bandier is doing fitness classes, also on Instagram Live, daily at 1pm Pacific/4pm Eastern.
- Peloton has extended the free trial on their workout app (bike not required) to 90 days.
- Ali Brooke of Bears Fit (Chicago) is doing fitness classes of many types on Instagram Live. Check out her schedule here.
- Title Boxing Club in Knoxville (my home club, holla!) is starting to offer 30-minute boxing classes on Facebook Live. (No equipment required.) Class videos will be kept on their Facebook page for a limited time. Go to their page to participate.
- Planet Fitness is streaming “Home Workins” daily at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern on their Facebook page.
- 305 Fitness is streaming classes that are a “mashup of aerobic and anerobic training with sprints and muscle training” on their YouTube page, daily at 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern.
- Orangetheory is posting “Orangetheory at Home” workout videos here.
- Blink Fitness is doing workouts live on their Facebook page, Monday through Friday at 8am Eastern.
- Les Mills has opened up their Born to Move workouts for kids ages 4-16 for free, here.
- Want to workout with Chris Hemsworth? He’s doing fitness classes on his app, Centr, and offering a free six-week trial.
- Wahoo and Sufferfest are offering free 4-week training plans specifically designed for “athletes who can’t train outdoors or use gym/pool facilities”, with new users getting a free 45-day trial.
- Daily Burn is offering a free 60-day trial.
- Fitness legend Denise Austin is offering a free 7-day Healthy At Home Challenge, which includes workouts, healthy and easy recipes, and motivation to help you stay positive. Sign up here.
- Denise Austin did a “Retro ’80s” workout on Facebook.
- Jeanette Jenkins (P!nk’s trainer) has various workouts on her IGTV page.
- Broadway actress Marina Lazzaretto posted a “Wicked”-inspired workout from home. Find lots more Broadway workouts on the “Get in Shape Grrl (Broadway COVID Series) Facebook page. I feel like this was a huge find: I’m so excited about this one!
- Team USA figure skaters posted #OffICEChallenge videos in which they demonstrate how they do their workouts and choreography. You can watch the whole playlist on the US Figure Skating YouTube page.
- Matt Bonner of Planet Fitness posted an at-home Friday workout, here.
- Retro Fitness posted a HIIT workout. Watch/do here.
- Russian figure skater Anna Shcherbakova demonstrated an obstacle course workout you can do at home, here.
- Denise Austin and her daughter Katie posted a Mother’s Day workout.
- Ontario’s Becky Overbeck Fitness’ Babe Cave does a Kangoo Jump workout that is absolutely fascinating to WATCH. Check it out here.
- Denise Austin did a 20-minute Trim and Tone workout followed by Q&A, here.
Workouts (Dance):
- Debbie Allen (that’s right, the Emmy and Tony Award winning actor, choreographer, producer, and so much more: you probably remember her from her role as dance teacher Lydia Grant on the 80s television show “Fame”) is livestreaming assorted dance classes on her Instagram account.
- Esquina Tango out of Austin, Texas is holding online classes. Check their Facebook page for the schedule.
- Join pro dancers Peta Murgatroyd and Maksim Chmerkovskiy for Quarantine workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern, on Instagram.
- Weeknights at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern, join the dance party on Dance With Me USA. They’ll be streaming on Facebook, Instagram, and Vimeo, too.
- The Debbie Allen Dance Academy will be offering a wide variety of classes (Pilates, Flamenco, Latin Fusion, Tap, Ballet, Jazz…) live on Zoom. Check out the schedule and register (they’re free but space is limited!) here.
- Exciting news: The Radio City Rockettes are starting to offer workouts on Instagram Live! Rockette Katelyn taught a section of “Christmas Lights” here, and Rockette Jackie did a 15-minute dance-inspired workout here. Tune into their Instagram page on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12pm Eastern for more!
- The Cincinnati Ballet is doing live workouts on Facebook every weekday this month at 1pm Eastern. Mondays are Barre Workouts, Tuesdays are Dance Conditioning, Wednesdays are Pilates, Thursdays are Ballet from the Living Room, and Fridays are Intermediate Dance. More info on their event page, here.
- Jazzercise On Demand is doing classes live on their Facebook page: THIS WEEK’S schedule is Monday at 9:30am Pacific/12:30pm Eastern, Wednesday at 7:30am Pacific/10:30am Eastern, and Friday at 9:30am Pacific/12:30pm Eastern.
- Take a salsa class from one of Philadelphia’s pros, here.
- Take a ballet class from Shannon Rodriguez of the Rochester City Ballet.
- Learn Ballet Basics for teens and adults from Harmony Clair of the Atlanta Ballet.
- Mark your calendar for every other Sunday from 12-3:30pm Pacific/3-6:30pm Eastern and plan to join the Earth Virtual Milonga, a social experience where people from all over the world meet up on Zoom to listen to music and dance the Tango! You can register for it (and watch the video from a previous one here). The EVM will happen every two weeks and is curated by a team of hosts, hired DJs, and professionals.
- Benjamin Griffiths of the Pacific Northwest Ballet posted an at-home workout.
- The Kirov Academy of Washington, D.C. posted a Live Open Classical Ballet class with Runqiao Du.
- Kobe Atwood Courtney of the Orlando Ballet Company and School gave an Intermediate Ballet Class on Facebook.
- Dance Church Go is a live-streaming version of Dance Church in-person classes. It’s a 55-minute experience with a series of movement cues, accompanied by a curated playlist of multi-genre pop music, for people of all shapes and sizes. Sign up and get more information on future classes here.
- Adam Boreland of the Orlando Ballet posted a full advanced ballet class.
- If you love to dance, join 42nd Street Moon’s Moonschool Virtual Dance Party every Friday at 1:00pm Pacific/4:00pm Eastern. More info and (free) registration here.
Workouts (Yoga):
- Salt Power Yoga is doing classes on Instagram Live. Check their page for an up-to-date schedule.
- CorePower Yoga is offering online classes for free, here.
- Every Tuesday at 6:00pm Central, join 360 Chicago for a sky-high yoga class. Here’s the first one.
- 42nd Street Moon’s Moonschool is also offering free Vinyasa Flow Yoga classes on Sundays at 9:00am Pacific/12:00pm Eastern. More info and registration here.
Zoos (Learn about animals):
- Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies streamed live from their Sea Dragon tank, and also answered questions.
- The Dallas Zoo posted an Elephant Keeper chat.
- The Houston Zoo posted a tour of its veterinary clinic, featuring a sea turtle exam.
- Learn about Lincoln Park Zoo’s Regenstein Center for African Apes and its inhabitants here.
- The Indianapolis Zoo posted an informational (and beautiful!) video about corals.
- The Cincinnati Zoo is offering Home Safaris every day at 3pm Eastern via Facebook Live on their page. (If you’re not on Facebook, they post the videos on their YouTube channel afterwards.)
- Learn about anteaters from the Dallas Zoo.
- Pennsylvania’s Elmwood Park Zoo is posting Zoo School Live and other educational videos on their Facebook Watch page.
- Watch the cheetahs at the Dallas Zoo get some exercise here.
- Zoo Knoxville posted a painting session with their rhinos.
- For Earth Day, the Nikita Kahn Rhino Rescue Center at San Diego Zoo Safari Park went live on Facebook. Watch here.
- Check out Rico, the Brazilian porcupine who lives at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, here.
- Chicago’s Brookfield Zoo posted a video about tigers, and Netflix’s “Tiger King.“
- The Denver Zoo went live to talk about duikers, antelope that are native to sub-Saharan Africa.
- Learn about African penguins from the Dallas Zoo.
- Two penguins at the Oregon Zoo went for a hike in the woods.
- Chicago’s Brookfield Zoo posted a video featuring their sea lions.
- The Oregon Zoo posted videos featuring their red pandas and Bebeto, the prehensile-tailed porcupine.
- Chicago’s Brookfield Zoo went live with their bottlenosed dolphins.
- The Oregon Zoo went live with their elephants for a Bamboo Brunch.
- The Oregon Zoo posted a painting video with Pele the blue and gold macaw.
- The Oregon Zoo posted a video featuring Josie the two-toed sloth.
- The Oregon Zoo posted a video of Dozer, the African spurred tortoise.
- The Oregon Zoo posted videos with their sea otter, Sushi and a two-month-old penguin chick.
Zoos/Aquariums (Live cams):
- The Monterrey Bay Aquarium has web cams from various areas available on their website. I mean, SEA OTTERS!! They posted their live Jelly Cam on Facebook.
- The San Diego Zoo has web cams on their polar bears, koala bears, penguins, elephants, giraffes, and more.
- The St. Louis Aquarium at Union Station has “virtual breakfasts” with the animals. Keep an eye on their event page for more information.
- The Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s web cams are here.
- The Houston Zoo’s web cams are here.
- Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium’s mesmerizing Underwater Beauty web cam is here.
- Patrick Stewart is doing a sonnet a day on his Facebook page.
- If you love Chrissy Teigen, check out Quibi. Quibi will be hosting “Chrissy’s Court” as well as lots of content from others like Idris Elba, Chance the Rapper, and more. They’re offering a free 90-day trial.
- Former White House photographer Pete Souza did an Instagram Live about the cameras he uses and how he selects them for each circumstance.
- Levar Burton is going to be reading live on Twitter. On Mondays at 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern he’ll be reading to kids. On Wednesdays at 3pm Pacific/6pm Eastern he’ll be reading to teens/young adults. On Fridays at 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern he’ll be reading to adults.
- Sarah Silverman shared a quick video of 7pm Eastern in New York City: every evening people go outside for 3 minutes and yell and bang pots and pans to thank healthcare workers, grocery store employees, delivery drivers, and other heroes of this time we’re living in.
- Publisher Random House is hosting virtual events on Instagram Live! You can find more info here (and sign up for their email reminders) here.
- The Atlanta Humane Society brought some kittens to the Georgia Aquarium and the result was cuteness. And while you’re at it, here are some puppies at the Georgia Aquarium, too.
- Tune in to the Soul Pancake Instagram account on select weekdays at 12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern; Rainn Wilson (Dwight Schrute of NBC’s “The Office) is doing his “Hey, Human!” show in which he interviews random viewers.
- Dolly Parton wrote and performed a poem for you, yes YOU!
- Every Friday at 2pm Pacific/5pm Eastern, tune in to the Rockefeller Center Instagram account for a Happy Hour Art Party. Artists will be live-drawing requests that were sent in by followers.
- The Oregon Zoo posted a video of rescued sea otters playing in a tub of balls that is absolutely adorable.
- Dan Rather read a poem, here.
- If you missed the Saturday Night Passover Seder, you can watch it in its entirety here.
- This crisis was finally what reversed Johnny Depp’s decision to avoid social media. You can find him and his 8+ minute intro video on Instagram.
- Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies posted a “favorite exhibits” video here.
- Classic works of art get a new look for the COVID-19 era, here.
- Check out this storytelling playlist from “The Moth” called “The Love We Give.”
- While we’re all on lockdown, The Lion King Experience, an immersive arts education program that introduces students to many aspects of theater-making through the lens of The Lion King, is available for free. Dare I say adults would enjoy this, too? I do dare say that.
- Here’s a neat “Isolation Well-Being” checklist that a friend of mine shared. It looks like it could be very helpful.
- Disney’s Aulani Resort posted a #HulaFromHome video.
- For a $100 donation, Sweet Farm out of Half Moon Bay, California will rent out one of their animal ambassadors to make an appearance in your next Zoom meeting in a program they’re calling “Goat-2-Meeting.” (Get it?) I know the vast majority of us won’t actually do this, but go look at their site and read about it for LOLs.
- Newport Coastal Adventure in California posted a cool video of “glowing dolphins after sunset.”
- The trainers at the Indianapolis Zoo posted a video of storytime for the marine mammals. (This is so cute, you guys.)
- Read about the fantastic project photographer Neil Kramer is working on while he’s quarantined at home with his mom and his ex-wife, and then follow him on Instagram.
- While it’s totally sponsored by a dating app, I couldn’t resist sharing the virtual date that was had by Common and Tiffany Haddish, because if there’s anything we need during a pandemic it’s Common and Tiffany Haddish on a virtual date.
- January Jones posted two videos (HILARIOUSLY filmed and directed by her son) about things you can do to combat stress if you have a garden. The first one is here and the second one is here.
- Every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 8:00pm Eastern, watch “Grown-Ass Lady Bedtime Stories,” the virtual edition, on the TueNight Facebook page. Each evening features a different writer telling a quick story or poem. You can watch the ones you missed here.
- Will Ferrell crashed a Seattle Seahawks Zoom meeting and you just need to watch what happened.
- Check out Storytime With Auntie TeeJ, a hilarious storytime for kids, and adults who enjoy laughing. TeeJ Mercer is reading stories every weekday at 2:00pm Eastern on Instagram and YouTube.
- Every Saturday at 11:00am Eastern on Zoom, Pumpkin Pups hosts an hour-long “Ask the Trainer” session. Four dog trainers are on the call and after they talk about a set topic for a few minutes, the rest of the time is spent answering participant questions (submitted via chat). More information (and the Zoom link!) here.
- Super weird website for you here: roll up and unroll toilet paper virtually, here.
- Need to get some feelings off your chest? This website, called Scream Into the Void, will help you uh…scream into the void.
- If you want to sit and stare at an interesting, infinitely zooming image, try the Zoomquilt.
- MuscleWiki can help you figure out some exercises to do for each muscle you click on.
- Make your own sand art on this interactive website, “This is Sand.”
- Justin and Hailey Bieber have started broadcasting “The Biebers on Watch,” on Facebook. In Episode One they went to the lake and got super deep on marriage. I found it adorable and slightly grating but very interesting. Watch here.
- Check out these pictures of animals practicing social distancing.
- Due to COVID-19, the Met Gala, one of the biggest nights in fashion which normally occurs on the first Monday in May, was postponed. Billy Porter and Vogue magazine challenged people at home to come up with their own Met Gala looks and you can find them nestled in the #MetGalaChallenge thread on Instagram. (The creativity is stunning, like this one! Or this one! Or these!)
- Celebrities are reading the chapters of the “Harry Potter” book series on the Wizarding World of Harry Potter website. Harry himself (Daniel Radcliffe) reads the first chapter!
- The creative folks at Moon Pie created “Moon Pie Moon Mate,” a roommate to keep you company while social distancing. All you have to do (you must have an Amazon device) is say “Alexa, launch the MoonPie MoonMate.”
- The Trinny London beauty brand posts beauty and fashion videos regularly on Facebook. Here’s one on her favorite makeup color combinations.
- Here’s an interesting twitter thread that started with the question, “What is your favorite piece of useless trivia that lives inside your brain?”
- Save with Stories features celebrities reading children’s books on video to benefit Save the Children and No Kid Hungry. They just posted a video of Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, reading to Archie, by the way.
- On Tuesdays from 5:00-6:00pm, the National Portrait Gallery is hosting a virtual creative writing hour. Our goal is to set up an online space where writers can create, connect, and draw inspiration from the Portrait Gallery’s online exhibitions on Google Arts & Culture. Register here.
- Watch Black Bear Takoda take a bath at the Oregon Zoo.
- David Sedaris has released a new essay, “Themes and Variations,” in which he reflects on the unusual patterns of forced socialization between author and audience. Amazon Prime members can read and listen for free.
- Watch the Mother’s Day themed Drag Queen Story Hour, here, and see story hours from other days here.
- UK sportscaster Andrew Cotter is back with his labs Mabel and Olive, only this time they’re having a performance review over Zoom.
- An oldie but goodie: watch the Peanuts gang sing “Don’t Stop Believin.”
- Legendary glass artist Dale Chihuly has fascinating videos up on his site about the creation of his work, like “Chihuly: Merletto,” in which he uses an ancient Italian caneworking technique to produce lace-like patterns. He’s posted parts 1 and 2 of five in the Merletto series so far. Watch more Chihuly videos here.
- Watch Diane Keaton clean out her closet and go to Goodwill, here.
- Watch a drone disguised as a hummingbird capture footage of a Monarch butterfly swarm, here.
- Artist Phil Shaw digitally created a bookshelf that speaks to the times in which we’re living. Don’t miss this one.
- The penguins from the Kansas City Zoo took a field trip to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. I mean, PENGUINS IN AN ART MUSEUM. Watch.
- IKEA Russia has released instructions for building forts for your kids during quarantine.
- Britain’s Chelsea Flower Show is going digital this year from May 18-23. More details here.
- Play old school arcade games for free, online! I tried a few of these and was whisked back to the 80s immediately. (Tapper!) There’s a little bit of a learning curve in figuring out the controls for each game but I found that reading the reviews was helpful. Play here.
- Check out Rockefeller Center’s Flag Project, in which you can submit your design for one of the flags surrounding the iconic ice rink. You have until June 30 to enter.
- Don’t miss this incredible piece of public art, “Wave.”
- Many of the theaters around the country that are currently closed have found funny and creative things to post on their marquees. Check out some of them here.
- Watch Snoop Dogg sitting in his car, listening to and advising us to “Let it Go,” and then watch Idina Menzel’s response.
- Watch how Hostess cakes are made, here.
- Watch (and listen to) a baby panda, eating fresh bamboo.
- Check out this Twitter thread in which the Golden Girls are reimagined as Jordans (yes the shoes).
- Check out this Twitter thread that reimagines Angela Lansbury as teapots.
- Check out a pair of adorable grandparents who are posting color-themed photos during quarantine.
- You can listen to the celebrity “Harry Potter at Home” readings on Spotify, here.
I’ll be updating this post over the next couple of weeks (longer if necessary!), so bookmark it and visit occasionally. If you know of anything you think I should add, leave it in comments. If it includes a link, message it to me on Facebook through my page (please “like” and follow it while you’re there so you will get notifications as I update: thanks!). If you have my phone number, feel free to text me. *wink*
Celebrities and other well-known entities aren’t the only ones getting creative out there. A friend of mine who is a Kindergarten aid (now at home just like her students) is offering to teach the kids of her friends how to write letters by being a pen pal. Another friend is offering free virtual coaching. Others are offering to tutor kids who are home from school. My friend Heather is hosting occasional “Crafternoons with Heather” on her Facebook page , in which she’s showing how to do a quick yarn craft: keep an eye on her page for details. She’s also got a weekly livestream called “Stitching the Miles Together” on Fridays at 4:00pm Eastern, which you can watch on her page as well. My friend Lisa has started a YouTube channel so she can review everyday items in her house.
And by the way, I made a list of 25 things you can do for *yourself* at home during these uncertain times.
These ways we are coming together and helping each other feels like a whole truckload of silver linings that have shined out from behind this very stressful situation our world community is in right now. I like to grab onto the positives whenever possible, and these are all giving me life. Even if we don’t feel like it at first, we will eventually all discover how resilient and creative we are, and there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, it’s pretty awesome.

SMALL WONDER INDEED. This is fabulous!
Thank you! Enjoy!! xoxo
Mary Heffington
WoW. Thank you. I have already enjoyed a few of these. I may have missed in the posting,but Thursdays National theater At Home has a free live performance.
Thank you so much, Mary! I’m adding that now!
GAH! This is amazing!
GAH! Your comment went to spam! But I rescued it! THANKUMS
Connie Burke
There’s a lot of love in this list. Thanks, Scrawlsie, for all the work you put into this. It’s simply stellar (like yourself). I’ve shared this as an anti-groundhog day solution.
Thank you so much, ConStar! xoxo
Thank you for putting our dog training Saturday event on the list. This is AMAZING! Thank you so much. I can’t wait to take some museum tours and see some shows.xo
My pleasure! 🙂
This is fantastic, you have described a large list of things that anyone can do creatively while having social distance. Thanks