• Truman House scaled
    Motivation,  Something That Could Change Your Life

    Change It Up.

    On most Wednesdays around 5:30am when I turn into the parking lot for the strip mall where my boxing gym is located, there is a pickup truck parked diagonally near the entrance, engine running and lights on. I assume he or she is waiting for someone; perhaps it’s a carpool-to-work arrangement. Even though the truck is the only vehicle on that whole side of the parking lot I always go around it the long way instead of turning in front of it to get to my parking space five stores down. I’m not sure why, but it’s become a compulsion. Every week there’s a split second in which I think,…

  • Confessions

    I Just Keep Moving Because I’m Moving.

    Strange times around here lately, as you know. As things go when you have an impending move, time seems to speed up as it passes and all of a sudden it’s as if there are literally a million things that have to be done in what seems like an extremely short amount of time. We have movers coming to pack our belongings so that’s a relief, but moving to another state is a huge endeavor even without that element, made more difficult (and exponentially complicated) with each extra year of being planted in the same place. It seems like I remember six new things every day that need to be…

  • Food,  Random Thoughts,  The Dailey Method,  Working On My Fitness

    Good Posture And Blueberries

    I know. Quite possibly my most bizarre title ever, in more than five years of blogging. Chalk it up to laziness more than creativity, but you clicked here, didn’t you? Score one for laziness. This morning I took my sixth Dailey Method class in eight days. Today is the day I (my brain and the rest of my body) got it. It clicked. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t any less difficult than it has been. Today I didn’t get as many pose corrections from the instructor as much as I did in the five previous classes, I knew what she meant with her cues, and for the first time…