Trying To Cram It All In…

Now that the Tucson trip and Thanksgiving are in the rear view mirror, I thought–for a minute or two–that we might get a reprieve from being suffocatingly busy. Not so. I felt myself begin to seize up a little bit yesterday when I started making my new “to do” list.

Over the few weeks, I am going to finish up what I can humanly do on my own to market my book; at some point in there I have to let it go, like it’s a grown child who is getting ready to leave home. Of course I won’t ever be DONE with it, but the initial intensity of the marketing has to die off a little bit; there is only so much I can do…it’s got to build up some momentum out there in the world and–unfortunately for me because I’m a control freak–I can’t make that happen. In the meantime, I’ve got articles waiting to be written and another book around the corner, whose deadline (which I set for myself) will begin creeping up on me like there’s no tomorrow if I don’t get my bootie in gear.

If that weren’t enough, my son’s Bar Mitzvah is looming in about 10 weeks. I started the centerpieces over the weekend, so I’m pleased about that. Invitations (which Julie and I are making, like we did with the older one) need to go out within two weeks and there are several pieces that need to be constructed before then.

I realized yesterday that the holidays are coming up (duh!) and although Hanukkah begins next week there is no way I will get my holiday cards made (yes, I make those too) and sent out before then, so I’m shooting for a December 15 deadline on those.

That’s the major stuff. Minor stuff includes the things that never truly end, like cleaning up the kitchen, doing the laundry, keeping all the family activities straight…you get the idea.

Even the kids are busy. The fifteen-year-old just earned his Life rank as a Boy Scout last night. (Well, he earned it before last night but got the badge last night!) Next–and final!–rank is Eagle, and he is super-motivated to get his Eagle Community Project in motion so he can finish it this summer; then all he’ll need for Eagle is about 4 badges and taking on a leadership position in the troop for 6 months. He’s also got finals in 3 weeks.

The twelve-year-old is, obviously, studying for his Bar Mitzvah as well as practicing his clarinet: he has entered an ensemble contest that will take place in late February. He is also working on his community project for his Bar Mitzvah: he’s making and selling duct tape wallets and duct tape kippot to sell, the proceeds going to benefit VH1 Save the Music. He’s also in the middle of two Boy Scout merit badges that need to be completed soon.

Trying to keep all of this activity continually in motion is a challenge. I keep my sanity by making lists. So, after reviewing my as-yet-unfinished To Do list, I did what any normal, stressed-out suburban mom would do.

I sat on the couch and watched Martha Stewart.

Yes. I did.

And I think Martha was trying to tell me something today. One of her guests was Gavin Pretor-Pinney of The Cloud Appreciation Society. That’s right. The Cloud Appreciation Society. There is a society of people who have come together with their common enjoyment of clouds. My first reaction was to think, “Huh. Must be nice to sit around and watch clouds all day.” But that was my busy, suburban mom voice talking. I am certain that the people in the Cloud Appreciation Society neither sit around and watch clouds all day nor have a case of the Crazies.

They just–wha??--take some time to smell the roses!

And–wha?–maybe I should, too?

Hmm. I knew it was a good idea to plant my butt on the couch for that hour.
Martha rocks.


  • Melisa

    Julie: You’re right! How could I forget about that! Do you have photos? (ha ha…I mean, do you have photos in a location that you are aware of at this moment?) I’m going to have to look for some!

    “Anonymous”: Ha ha, very funny, Dad!

  • Debbie

    OMG! I saw MARTHA, too! Amazing, since I never, ever watch her. (She was looking a little overly-excited eating those squash ravioli with Mario Batali, didn’t you think?) But I saw the cloud society guy, too, and thought I should take more time to check out some clouds. How much is 4 pounds (the society membership fee) in dollars, anyway, and do all members get nice certificates like Martha?

    OK, enough procrastinating. No more clouds. Back to the homework. But it was good to come up for air….