Go-Going Without Go-Going Anywhere!

I became familiar with Crunch Fitness back in the mid-90s. Crunch Fitness is a health club chain that prides itself on innovative classes, sassy attitude (they need a tiara!), and their acceptance of everybody: man, woman, thin, heavy, straight, gay, whatever. Being in the industry, I have seen firsthand how motivating the right environment is and I was always fascinated with Crunch but sad that I couldn’t go there, because they are only in the city.

Anyhoo, I did the next best thing back in the day: in the late 90’s, Crunch Fitness had a 30-minute workout show on tv, and I did it several times a week. They changed it up all the time and it was very, very fun. Then the show went off the air. Wah. But it wasn’t really that much of a big deal at that time because I worked in the health club nursery and I took classes all the time. The need for working out at home (or frankly, the desire) wasn’t there. Then my kids started growing, I changed jobs and started teaching group fitness as well, and my priorities started to change.

I have, over the past year or two, finally seen the value in not driving to the gym every time I want to work out (when I’m not teaching). Although I’m a social creature, I’m also a busy creature. By driving to the gym and back just to exercise (and not work) I make a one hour workout into a 2 to 2-1/2 hour time commitment, which is normally time I cannot afford to spend. Rather, I don’t WANT to spend all that time. I started looking for alternatives.

A couple of years ago, I purchased this:

I like it alot and it took me back to my happy days of exercising with the Crunch tv show, but I wanted something with more cardio. I figured I’d find something that intrigued me, eventually.

A couple of weeks ago I was shopping in the sporting goods section at my local Target when my eyes fell upon something new:

I know, right? How fun would that be??? So I bought it.

I tried it yesterday morning for the first time and I really, really liked it. It was pleasantly low-impact for most of the workout, but believe me, I worked. I was, while doing this dance workout, using muscles that are apparently neglected because I apparently didn’t realize they were there.

And I’m sore today.

(Cue the angels: Halleluyah! I love to be a little sore after working out!)

I was finding a (hopefully) temporary problem, though. While I was doing the workout I was trying to visualize myself moving like this:

But in reality, I ended up feeling like I was really moving like THIS:

Maybe I will magically transform my moves after a couple more sessions. I’ll let you know.


  • me & them

    Oh my goodness, I have an obsession with Crunch – stems from my addiction to Karyn Bosnak, which of course is from my American fantasy – and that video looks super fun! And even the chick in the background is doing the whole open mouthed ‘i’m applying mascara’ look I get when I dance! It’s fate, surely! *runs along to eBay to find herself a copy*

    …and if you can’t move like Shakira, it has something to do with detaching your muscles from your hip bones or…something. And hey, at least the chicks in the last clip were having a ball! (Although it looks like the affects of under-age drinking…)

  • me & them

    Oh my goodness, I have an obsession with Crunch – stems from my addiction to Karyn Bosnak, which of course is from my American fantasy – and that video looks super fun! And even the chick in the background is doing the whole open mouthed ‘i’m applying mascara’ look I get when I dance! It’s fate, surely! *runs along to eBay to find herself a copy*

    …and if you can’t move like Shakira, it has something to do with detaching your muscles from your hip bones or…something. And hey, at least the chicks in the last clip were having a ball! (Although it looks like the affects of under-age drinking…)

  • me & them

    Oh my goodness, I have an obsession with Crunch – stems from my addiction to Karyn Bosnak, which of course is from my American fantasy – and that video looks super fun! And even the chick in the background is doing the whole open mouthed ‘i’m applying mascara’ look I get when I dance! It’s fate, surely! *runs along to eBay to find herself a copy*

    …and if you can’t move like Shakira, it has something to do with detaching your muscles from your hip bones or…something. And hey, at least the chicks in the last clip were having a ball! (Although it looks like the affects of under-age drinking…)

  • Melisa

    Katie: Wheeee! Let me know if you really get a copy and we can arrange to workout “together”. ROFL! Heck, maybe if Kat gets a copy too, we can be on three continents and doing the same workout! 🙂

    Ah yes, I must need to detach my muscles from my hip bones. Are there specialists for that? hee hee

  • Dea

    BWAHAHAA!!! Ah, I feel your pain – I have a couple Belly Dancing work outs, and thought I was doing well. Until I tried to “be sexy” for my hubby – and he LAUGHED! :O

  • Colleen

    I don’t think I could work out to that video. I’m just not as chipper as those women. Or as skinny. Or as young…I could go on… I would spend my entire workout being peeved at their “chipperocity”. But maybe I’d burn more calories that way…