Remember this Tears for Fears hit from 1985?
It came on the radio today as the fifteen-year-old was Driving Miss Melisa home (still working on those learner’s permit hours!), and when he heard it, he let out some kind of primitive grunt noise: “UH!”
“What?” I said.
“This song. What a sucky remake!”
I shook my head as I explained to him that the one he and his father immensely enjoy is, in fact, the sucky remake*:
*Okay, I’ll admit that I do like the version by Disturbed also, but I just wasn’t going to let him have that one.
Interesting, I’ve never heard this one before…I rather like it…
Ohhhhhh I think I just had a mini-stroke…I’ve never heard this remake, and as a child of the 80’s, all I can say is what I shrieked when I heard it just now….
But thank you for the small trip down memory lane. I think I’m going to d/l it off iTunes and add it to my 80’s playlist now. Yay! 🙂
Trish: I’m confused! Do you like it or not? Oh wait, are you downloading the ORIGINAL? I get it. Sorry…I’m kind of slow tonight! LOL
Driving Miss Melisa…LOL, that just made my day.
I can totally relate to your son’s experience. That conversation happened more than once between my parents and little silly moi 🙂
:O NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I agree, sacrilege…
I can be open minded about remakes….heck, there’s plenty of remakes I like better than the original – but I dunno, it’s just too angry or something….LOL!
I had a similar OMG, you’re NOT serious moment in college – had to go back to my high school for transcripts, and while waiting, heard this TOTALLY Valley-Girl sounding kid say, “Oh my GAWD, did you hear that new band, rem?” And she said it rem – not R. E. M. REM…..I wanted to scream, “They’re NOT new, they’ve been around since before you were BORN!” Gah….
Deanna: HOW ANNOYING! She’s dumb. LOL
devilish southern belle
I liked the original, but I’ve always been a metal fan…didn’t even know Disturbed touched this one (have you heard their remake of Genesis’s “Land of Confusion”? Love it!)
Thanks for the heads-up!
DSB: Yep, I’ve heard their LoC remake; I’m undecided. I’m pretty sure I like it better than the original, actually, but that’s mainly because the video for the original (with the Ronald and Nancy Reagan puppets) really, really creeped me out!