Today is apparently, according to our weather experts and those who keep track, the coldest day in Chicago since 1996. We’ve also had more snow this season so far than we normally do in a year. The kids got the snow day they’ve been hoping for, but not because of snow: because of the cold. In my own little corner of Chicagoland (the western burbs), it’s -27 degrees Fahrenheit with the windchill making it feel like -47.
Basically, if we spend more than a minute outside, we risk frostbite on all exposed areas of our bodies. I guess I won’t wear the bikini today after all.
One of the best parts about living in southern Minnesota is we always warm up before Chicago does 🙂
Bright side…I’m looking at the bright side. It was -24 at the bus stop this morning when I was going to work.
i am the diva
it was -42 all day yesterday… and i’m pretty sure that -40 is the point where Celcius and Farenheit meet in the middle…. so it’s the same amount of God Awful Cold no matter which side of the border you’re on.
Here’s wishing you a warm cup of coffee and wooly socks.
Saturday we are expecting a heat wave of 20. You can where your bikini then. I hope you post it!
Brrrr!!! While it’s not as cold as OUTSIDE – the heat it out in my office and it’s only 45 in here. Still COLD! I haven’t removed my coat, and you should feel the toilet seat on your bare @$$ … YIKES!!!!!!!!
Yuck. I feel with you. Been cuddled up with a blanket on my sofa as well. These past two weeks were arctic.
even though we still don’t have snow, i’m starting to think that it’s worth it. our temps are still above zero and the high today is supposed to be 20-something.
It’s a balmy 32 here. I risk feeling the entire continent tilt as hoards rush westward in search of warmth. Bundle up everyone!
I got in the car in the garage today and it was a whopping 16 degrees in the garage.
I started to drive and watched the temp drop from 16 all the way to -12. And I had to pump gas today…let me tell you that was the fastest I’ve ever pumped in my life.
It supposed to be a heatwave tomorrow, high temps of 7 degrees…whoo hooo!
k a t i e
*shudders at the thought*
And here’s me bitchin’ because I’m roasting at 39C. I’ll trade you a little of both, and maybe then we’ll be evened out and happy 🙂
Oh, and Melisa… PHOTOS!
Jason keeps calling me to whine about how cold it is. He claims to hate Illinois. Hope it breaks soon. We’re cold (7 degrees), but not that cold.
Melisa with one S
OhCaptain: You must be made of strong stuff to live in Minnesota, eh? You don’t usually get a break from the frigid temps like we do every couple of years!!
Diva: Thanks! I’m goin’ for wooly socks and cocoa right now, since I’m now home from work: woo hoo!
Weaselmomma: Wow, that *is* hot. Actually, I’ll get the bikini out when it hits, oh….NEVER. ha ha
Sarah: I hope your office either warmed up or you got to head home…and I hope your boo-tay didn’t get stuck to the toilet.
Kat: Ahhh, blanket. Going to snuggle under one in a minute!
Nonna: My parents (in TN) keep taunting me about how “cold” it is there. (Which, I know that the temps you mentioned ARE really cold for TN…but usually my parents are like, “It’s so cold! It’s down to 40 degrees here!” I say, “Wahhh wahhh wahhh!” 🙂 )
Tom: I’m headed your way! Let’s watch Spongebob!
Melissa: I put gas in the car yesterday and I thought *that* was cold…yikes!
Katie: Good idea. Give us some of your summer and we’ll give you some of our winter. Awesome idea! (and I know, I know…photos!)
Stacey: It is supposed to “warm up” in the next few days. 🙂
Sarah Clapp
Yeah, my co-worker/friend is from Chicago (He comes out every few weeks to Braintree, Ma. ) He said Chicago was so cold that they canceled school, and he had his normal heat on plus a space heater!
Yup; we got the day off, today, and already heard we’ll be off tomorrow, too. If you read today’s post, you know I needed it!
seashore subjects
That weather is one of the things I do not miss about Chicago. Anytime this winter that I have been missing pizza or any other real food and the people and family, all I need to do is check the weather and remember that I am happy to be here. Enjoy the “snow day”.
I didn’t know car therm went below zero. We were pretty shocked today at the 4 on our car therm today. It’s not so bad because it’s not windy (and I am inside with heat). Hope it “warms up” for you today!
Only -11 on that thing? C’mon it was -19 this am when I woke up 😉 Did you have school canceled yesterday and today, too? That was even more fun that the temperatures!