I Love My Sister.

I’ve been having some health issues lately and told Julesie all my woes last night in an extended phone conference.

Today I arrived home from work and discovered this on the kitchen counter:

And yes, that’s my CLEAN kitchen in the background. She let herself in, cleaned my family room and kitchen (and I’m 99.9% sure she used the Swiffer on my wood floors), and then left me these flowers with a note and orange juice from Trader Joes.

I was a bawling mess.

I love her. That is all.



  • House of Jules

    Awww! I hope it helped take those things off your mind, anyway. I didn’t swiffer, but I did set the vacuum on it’s lowest setting on the HWF. Hurray for electricity.
    Love you back.
    House of Jules

  • Michelle

    Ohhh, Jules you rock! What a great sister. And Melisa, I hope you’re doing better soon. Me? I’m off to bed in about ten minutes. And yes, I know it’s 6:40.

  • abritdifferent

    I’m so sorry you’re feeling rotten. Is there anything I can do. I hope whatever it is, it will resolve itself. *hugs and kisses*

  • Sue

    Hey Melis, Hope you are feeling better! Tulips are definitely an uplifter. M&Ms would be too, but maybe those are hidden in the fridge. 🙂

  • nonna

    awww…now if i can just figure out how to get lil sis to read this post…

    hope you’re feeling better soon!

  • Melisa with one S

    Barb: What the…? Did you create a new profile so you can visit blogs in disguise? That's okay, *I* know who you are. 🙂

    Siobhan: Thanks. Maybe you can call me up and talk to me in that lovely Scottish accent of yours. It might bring my blood pressure down a bit! 😉

    Sue: I know! When I saw the tulips I got so happy: SPRING IS COMING!!! (and no, there were no M&Ms in the fridge, but that's okay. I would have regretted it)

    Nonna: Send her a link anonymously. ha ha

  • Mom24

    BTW–hope you’re feeling better soon. It wasn’t until just now that I realized it could be more than just the crud.

  • Michelle

    Hope you’re feeling better now…. I’m headed to bed again (yes, I was in bed at 7 last night and 9 tonight, pathetic, yes) and too lazy to look up your email. Does your salon do hair donations?

  • NukeDad

    Hope you’re feeling better. That’s awesome that she would do that for you. Excuse me while I write a quick post:

    Dear Jules,
    I have this hangnail…would you come clean my house? No? I didn’t think so.

    Kudos for being such a great sister.

  • Melisa with one S

    Stacey: Today was a good day. Hoping the headaches are on the mend and the rest of my issues will follow suit. The good news is, I am 100% certain I will live. 🙂

    Michelle: Wow, you ARE lazy today. ha ha No, the salon where I work is a nails-only salon.

    Nukedad: Thanks! It *was* totally awesome!

  • Oh My GOFF!

    OH Melisa.. I hope everything is okay! What a great sis.. you go Jules! I have two sisters and wouldn’t trade them for the world. They are indeed our best friends.

    Feel better.. will be thinking of you. XO

  • Sheri

    How thoughtful and kind, what a great sister. I hope you’re feeling better. Sometimes it helps to just let it all out.

  • Mrs4444

    That is wonderful. It’s something my sister Michelle would do for me (if she wasn’t so daggone busy herself.) I’m so happy for you 🙂