Regular content-filled posts will be back tomorrow. Today, I just want to put my tiara on and wish everyone out there (including my own Mom: Love you!) a Happy, Fabulous, Restful, Quiet, and–heck–Luxurious Mother’s Day! May it be one for the books*!
*What books? I have no idea. I just thought that sounded good.
And a Happy Mother’s Day to you. Thanks for the idea. I think I shall Don my Tiara also.
Happy Mother’s Day!
surprised mom
Happy Mother’s Day! I am queen for a day. Thanks for the reminder!
Suprised Mom just gave me a tiara and I’ve lost it already among the clutter in my life. I need to dig that thing up and wear it proudly today.
Happy Mothers Day!
Happy Mother’s Day.
Glad to be back. Hope all is well with you.
Happy Mother’s Day, M!!
I hope you had an amazing day xo
Happy Belated Mother’s Day to you — and I love the portrait your kids drew of you. They’ve got great vision 🙂