• Shameless Promotion

    Could You Do Me a Quick Favor? (Please?)

    My Vancouver-livin’, hockey-lovin’, zen-seekin’, Michael Jackson admirin’, music-adorin’, lovely lookin’ friend Huckdoll recently nominated me for the 2009 Weblog Awards (thank you!!), and although I will certainly not cry if I don’t make it to the finals, I think it’s worth a shot. I mean, what the heck? Who’s to say I shouldn’t be a finalist? Here’s where you come in. The Huckster, as I refer to her in my head but never directly to her in e-mails or comments on her blog, was so sweet that she nominated me in two categories. The first one is “Best Individual Blogger“. Although I think my blog is pretty darn great and…

  • Too Funny To Ignore

    The (Rainbow) Connection

    The last two evenings in my house have been spent watching* the Season One DVDs of “The Muppet Show”, which Julesie bought for me in honor of the personal celebration I recently had, about which you are no doubt sick of hearing. Our family, like so many others, loved that show when it was originally broadcast in 1976. We became Superfans of sorts; Julesie’s favorite character was Fozzie Bear (wocka wocka wocka!) and mine was Miss Piggy. For a couple of years (1979-1982?), she was everywhere you looked, and I was totally obsessed. I collected all things Miss Piggy. I had this glass: I had this calendar: And, um, I…

  • UGH.

    Face It, This Isn’t Your Best Face.

    We had our fall event at the salon today, and a woman came in to approach my boss about doing some eyebrow threading and other services that we don’t currently offer. She picked the wrong day and time to come in (and yes, she came in knowing that we were having an event). My boss spoke with her for a few minutes and then finally dragged herself away, at which time the woman gave her some business cards. I checked them out, and nearly exploded. I know that people make mistakes (and yes, I do, too!), but someone trying to represent themselves on marketing materials in the hopes of getting…

  • Too Funny To Ignore

    You Couldn’t Make This Stuff Up, And Neither Could I!!

    First of all, let me say that I had an absolutely fabulous birthday. Thank you to each and every one of you who made it special for me, in your own way! As it turns out, the weirdest (and probably funniest) thing to ever happen to me on a birthday happened on this one. I will document it here and keep my fingers crossed that it will be as funny to you when you read it as it was for me while it was happening. I started out the day with the Suburban WoW livestream (the rerun is playing through this coming Friday, when we’ll broadcast our next show!). Weaselmomma…

  • Amazing People,  Blessings,  Friends

    Good Thing I Can Count Really High.

    You may have heard somewhere around the internet…today is my birthday. Last year on this day, I turned the Big 4-0. I posted about counting my blessings, and I ended with: So, Forty? Look out, because I’m going to totally kick your a$$. I’ve gotta be honest. I think I did that. It was a really good year! I’m still counting my blessings; I try to do that daily (some days are harder than others, but I think that’s pretty normal!) In my reflections recently about this birthday, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the people who surround me. I’ve been asked several times this week, “Are you…

  • Spreading the Bloggie Love

    I Found the ONE Use For Those Twitter Lists. (I Think.)

    Twitter recently introduced a new feature, creatively called “Lists”. You would think that, having a name like that, it would be self-explanatory. It’s not, completely. The idea behind it, I guess, is to compartmentalize groups of your followers so if you want to, say, only follow the people who wear glasses, you can now do that. When the feature was made public, panic ensued. People (including me) remarked how this feature has great potential to be yet another instigator of online drama in some cases. Whatever. And then people started having a little bit of fun with it. Rather than naming their lists in inflammatory ways like: ~My very fave…

  • Amazing People,  Blessings

    A Nugget From Heaven

    At the salon, we’ve been thinking about (and talking about) Margy a lot over the past week or two. Some of you will remember reading the post I wrote about Margy last November, right after her funeral. She was one of my favorite clients at the nail salon ever. EVER. (She was a favorite of just about everyone else who works there, too!) That post happens to be one of my favorites in the more than 650 I’ve written here at the Scrawl, so I’m going to give you a chance to read it now (or re-read it) before going forward. Click here; it’ll open in a new window. And…

  • Confessions,  Do I Really Want My Readers To Know This?


    I’ve always been a great speller. As a kid, being able to spell what I thought was a difficult word made me walk with my head held a little higher, and I loved when people told me how smart I was (who wouldn’t?). But I was small potatoes, really, when it came to spelling. Growing up, I always admired the kids in my school who walked around with the study guides for the big spelling bees. I always thought it would have been so FUN to be crowned the National Spelling Champion. Unfortunately, classroom spelling bees that led to the school-wide spelling bees, which led to the district-wide spelling bees,…

  • My Sister Has Mad Skillz,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    I Promise, This Post Contains No Photos of My Dog.

    Well, it’s November 1 and you know what that means… Lots of things. But one thing I’m thinking of in particular needs to be announced this evening: I’m doing NaBloPoMo (otherwise known around here as NaBloPoMoFo). What is that? For me, it’s nothing too different from what I normally do, to be honest. It means that I am committed to posting each and every day during the month of November. I post nearly every day anyway, but as Tara mentioned in her post about it today, it’s one thing when you post nearly every day anyway, and quite another when you “have” to post. But I’m in a good groove,…