• Favorite Things

    Know Why I Never Lose My Marbles?

    Because I keep them in a small wooden bowl on my bedside table. Seriously. See? This stone marble collection is one of my favorite things. I found them in Knoxville, Tennessee a couple of years ago when my mother-in-law and I were browsing an antique shop. Supposedly they were made by Native Americans in the area and found in the Tennessee River (or maybe the Little Pigeon River? I can’t remember.). They were in a breadbox-sized container at the antique shop, which makes me a little skeptical about their real history, but regardless of their age, I think they are pretty cool. I bought them that day and when I…

  • Food,  Too Funny To Ignore

    C Is For Super Funny

    I’m taking a break from getting ready for this Sunday’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor (made GREAT progress on the scrapbook last night: Woo!) to report that, for the first time since before Halloween, we brought home a box of sugar cereal from the store, at the younger boy’s request. And you know what that means… The younger boy went first, and once we stopped laughing, we wondered just how he’s gone as far as he has in his education, since he obviously hasn’t mastered the alphabet: He continued to tag the box like a professional graffiti artist, claiming that the cereal is “Not Father’s” (as in Jim, not as…

  • Family Fun,  Food,  Fun in Chicago,  Jew Stuff

    Hanukkah Fun, Minus One

    A few months ago, Julesie bought the boys tickets to see “Young Frankenstein: The Musical” for Hanukkah, and Jim and I bought tickets for ourselves so we could tag along. Yesterday was the day, and the plan was to go to the city for the musical and then head back to our house for latkes and blintzes and more Hanukkah fun. The best laid plans… Unfortunately, Julesie came down with a little case of food poisoning, and couldn’t go. It was a huge bummer, not only because this was her gift to the boys, but because we love us a little Fab Five Fun. Did I mention what a big…

  • Friends,  Spreading the Bloggie Love

    The Queen of Talk

    December 11, 2029 I recently found a newspaper article about an old friend of twenty years ago who I haven’t been in touch with for years. I’m sure you’ve heard of her; her name is Weaselmomma. We had some good times back then, wearing tiaras to the grocery store, eating cookie dough, enjoying countless wings at BWW, and sharing stories about our kids. We even did a little livestream show together. Livestream. On the COMPUTER. Remember that? So antiquated from what we do today, with the brain-injecting, virtual reality-style entertainment that is so hot right now. Sometimes I laugh when I think about how we used to actually have to…

  • Random Thoughts

    Please Leave A Message At the Beep

    Thanks for visiting! I can’t come to the blog right now; I’m completely overwhelmed and buried under many things, including this mess, which is a byproduct of my work on this scrapbook, which needs to be ready to present to a special guy in less than two weeks. Please leave a detailed message at the beep, and I’ll get back here as soon as possible! BEEP!

  • I've Got Mad Skillz,  Reflections on Parenting

    Date Night

    Last night, the younger boy took his girlfriend to a movie. Actually, I took them both to a movie, since they are fourteen and need a chauffeur in order to go anywhere further than the edge of their respective neighborhoods. I asked him which movie they were going to see, and he replied, “New Moon.” I marveled out loud at how nice a boyfriend he is, to agree to take her to see that, and he replied something along the lines of “I know.” I dropped them off, and as they walked away from the car towards the ticket office, my mind traveled back to a movie date I had…

  • Random Thoughts

    Thanks Facebook, But I Can Handle This On My Own.

    Most people I know (including me) are highly annoyed by the new feature on Facebook that gives you a prompt to “make Facebook better for”, “reconnect with”, or “send a message to” one of your Facebook friends who isn’t very active. My opinion? 1. It’s not MY job to make Facebook good for anyone except myself.2. Not everybody joins Facebook with the intention that they will be on it constantly.3. Some of my Facebook friends who I don’t have online contact with much? I see and/or speak with them–get this–IN REAL LIFE quite often. Like this Facebook friend, here. Thanks Facebook, but I don’t need to send my husband a…

  • Friends,  Fun in Chicago,  Jew Stuff,  Proud Moments

    Bat Mitzvah Snapshots

    I did a post after Yom Kippur a couple of months ago that contained a couple of mental snapshots from the day. Today, the person who stood up on the bimah and gave the announcements and guidelines for today’s service mentioned that, except for the official photographer who the family hired to capture the day, those who were there for worship services were not allowed to use cameras (of course I knew that already), but should instead capture memories of the service mentally, for keeps. Naturally I’ve done this all along, but it suddenly occurred to me that when I don’t have a camera, I really am good at taking…