
My in-laws just arrived yesterday for a five-day visit. We’ll be taking them to the city tomorrow, and to Milwaukee on Sunday, and just generally hanging out (with me hopefully getting some work done in between all the activities, of course). As much as I am still swimming in my multiple to-do lists, in many ways I’m grateful for the forced temporary slow-down while we spend some time with Jim’s parents.

My father-in-law is, in his own way, a very philosophical person. Just this morning, in fact, he told me (borrowing a famous quote) that there are no stupid questions except the unasked ones. He often shares his thoughts in the form of wise quotes, some that came from his own brain and some belonging to others. I wanted to call your attention to a post my sister wrote about him a couple of years ago on her blog, which includes a couple of his best. (and by “best”, I mean “funniest”.)

Check it out by clicking here.

And Happy Friday to you!

One Comment

  • Cyndi

    I was really amused by the horehound story! I grew horehound in my herb garden back when I was a teenager. My father nostalgically recalled his mother making horehound candy when he was a boy, so I dutifully found a recipe and cooked up a batch. Gag! I couldn’t brush that flavor off of my tongue! My father’s reaction was along the lines of “what were you thinking? We used these for cough medicine.” I guess it would be like expecting Hall’s Mentholyptus to be a tasty treat.