Monkey See, Monkey Draw

Every now and then, magic happens on Twitter.

It’s more rare these days because just about everyone (myself included) is tweeting out lots of links and not always engaging as much as they (I) used to, but still, magic can happen. I have found that the best Twitter interactions for me are the ones that either stem from or lead to something that happens IRL (in real life).

With that in mind, some examples of my favorite Twitter moments, in no particular order, are as follows:

1. The roadtrip known as Momo’s Meat Wagon played out in 2009 over Twitter with so many of our friends chiming in and having fun during the six-hour Chicago-to-Columbus drive.
2. Flat Sue’s adventures at BlogHer ’12 in NYC were well-documented on Twitter. We might have put out the first-ever Twitter APB on a missing paper person.
3. I have teased Busy Dad relentlessly on Twitter because I walked by him in San Diego (BlogHer ’11), waving, and he didn’t acknowledge me. At all. It’s all good, though. He’s made up for it on Twitter many times. Still, two years later, I can virtually wave to him and I know he’ll wave back. Virtually.
4. Perhaps my very favorite ever was the conversation with Momo that caused me to create an animated movie on Xtranormal, which I just discovered is NO MORE and the movie I made is gone forever so I can’t link to it for you even though it was pure genius and let me just mourn that for a minute because that was funny stuff.

*rendered speechless*

*sitting in denial*


*blinking back the tears*


*remembering that the tweets are still in my “Favorites” over on Twitter, at least.*

*sighing again*

Momo, we’ll always have the Ben Gay Wagon.


Yesterday something happened that I am adding to my list of Twitter Gold. My friend Casey was at the park with her daughter and sent out a tweet that started this conversation:

Casey and Melisa

Naturally it’s not proper etiquette to take a picture of someone else’s kid and toss it up onto a social media platform. Casey ended up privately emailing me a picture of the kid from behind so I could see the back of the costume. It was adorable, and I figured that was that.

But it wasn’t.

I was pleasantly surprised to get another email (with attachment) from Casey a couple of hours later. Actually, “pleasantly surprised” doesn’t even cover it. It made my night.

THIS, folks, is how you engage with people on Twitter and beyond.


I mean, REALLY. Above and beyond, you guys.

Who says that technology is resulting in the isolation of society? Not me.

Casey rules.