Blogging Like Nobody’s Reading.

Blogging like nobody’s reading.

I just posted it as my current status on Facebook and the “likes” are rolling in from all of my blogger friends. We’re closing out 2015’s NaBloPoMo tomorrow and, more than ever, this one has been truly about blogging for one’s self. Besides the fact that many people don’t blog as much as they used to, many people (including me!) also aren’t reading as much as they used to. We’re busy!

Or is it just my community?
Or is it just me?

We returned home late this afternoon from our Thanksgiving trip to Tennessee and as I was thinking about what to write this evening, I came up with the totally brilliant plan of trying to play catch up with some of my favorite blogs, and sharing my favorite posts with you here.


Spoiler alert: tomorrow I’m going to recap what *I* wrote this month that might be worth reading, if you’ve been busy like me and need some Cliff Notes (SparkNotes for you youngsters) or hand-holding right here on Suburban Scrawl.

Here are some fabulous posts (in no particular order) that you should go read immediately, and please leave comments for them if you have a couple of minutes:

1. My friend Jen (@thenextmartha) is sharing the story of growing up with a bipolar mom over on Medium. Her post called “Jelly Not Jam” was gripping and, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful posts she’s ever written. Read it here, and follow her on Medium to easily keep up.

2. Arnebya wrote a post called “The Magic of NaBloPoMo” and I liked it a lot because she wrote about doing it for your own reasons. Whatever the commitment means to you, stick with it. Keep writing. It’s great food for thought as we wind down and figure out where to go from here.

3. Casey actually lived NaBloPoLi (National Blog Posting Life), blogging daily for about fifty-three years (or something like that), until they stopped putting the pressure on themself and started skipping days now and then. The post I’m sharing is their most recent one, and they’re going to be all, “BUT I ONLY WROTE ONE SENTENCE! WHY WOULD YOU SHARE THAT???” The thing is, while Casey is a great writer, I love these compact peeks into their (and Roozle’s) day. They make me smile. Check out “Tree Pose, Like Literally”.

4. Alexandra wrote “In The Quiet”, about the relationship she had with her next-door neighbor. My heart squished and tears came to my eyes as I read this gorgeous tribute in the car on the way home today. Read it here.

5. Ann always makes me laugh. (Okay, not always. But she always makes me laugh when she’s trying to be funny! Wait, that didn’t come out right. Sometimes she makes me laugh without trying to. Wait. NEVER MIND.) She recently wrote about a really cool idea she got from the internet and it happens to be something I tried with J. It had the same results in this house, only not as funny. Read about how her boys don’t want to be her pen pal here.

6. Last but not least, my friend Weaselmomma has returned to blogging after a three-year hiatus. I’m looking forward to catching up with her again, and wondering if she’s going to get some of our other long-lost blogging friends to dust off the cobwebs. Weaselmomma always told the best stories about her kids. Read her comeback post here, and then click around over there; she’s funny!

I think I’ve given you enough homework for now, but if you’ve read (or written) something that you don’t think I should miss, leave it in the comments!

NaBloPoMo 2015