• 599E6B2A 273D 4BD1 9262 83D1A9DDCCD2 e1510363960460 1
    Pretty Pictures

    Bird on the Floor

    I didn’t manage my time properly today at all, so I’m phoning it in. Still counts; I’m posting, right? I’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime please enjoy this picture of the mosaic that’s on the floor at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport.

  • Childhood Memories

    I’m Big On Nostalgia, Part Two

    Yesterday I wrote about how I truly adore being whisked back to other parts of my life via nostalgic reminders. Music and food are especially strong instigators of time travel for me. My sister gave me a great gift for my birthday: a bag full of my favorite German treats. I’ve written many times about how Germany has a special place in my heart, and when i opened that bag I was so excited. When I was fourteen years old I spent a month in Germany. I lived with a fourteen-year-old German girl named Tina, and her family. They helped me integrate into daily life there, and for thirty days…

  • 8D2F4924 832B 4839 80ED 0B156C70DC16 e1510181050125 1
    Childhood Memories

    I’m Big On Nostalgia, Part One

    On a recent Sunday morning I attended a car “show” at our local mall. The parking lot was full of cars: classic cars, show cars, novelty cars, and even some cars that probably should have been crushed and sold for scrap metal by now but for some odd reason their owners are so attached that they thought everyone should see their precious vehicles. That reason was probably Nostalgia, and I get it totally. I am a sucker for items and pictures and songs and foods that can instantly transport me to other times in my life. It’s not that I am unhappy NOW, of course. There’s just something about looking…

  • Working On My Fitness

    The Best Kind of Fanatic

    I just returned home from the doctor, again. I was last there six weeks ago, when I had my very first appointment, a meet-and-greet-but-also-checkup with this new-to-me Knoxville doctor, after having gone to the same awesome doctor in the Chicago suburbs for nearly twenty years. (Ouch, saying goodbye to her hurt so much!) I talked with my new doctor about my health history and told her that I would love to get to a point where I could decrease my blood pressure medication by one (of two). She listened intently, agreed that my goal was not ridiculous in the least, and told me to come back in six weeks to…

  • Shameless Promotion

    Welcome To My New Home!

    After ten years of blogging at Suburban Scrawl, I finally decided to re-brand and pick up where I left off here, on the domain I purchased nearly two years ago and then proceeded to ignore…until now. Although the “blogging for a decade” mark was the final push I needed, I knew when we purchased a home in Knoxville proper rather than in a suburb–oh, I tried! I tried!–there was no avoiding dumping the old familiar name in favor of, well, an older and even more familiar name…my own. The site design is and will remain a work in progress as I make tweaks here and there on a (semi) regular…