Perhaps Julia Child Wasn’t On Time Very Often, Either.

Yes, yes, so my sister arrived about two hours later than she said she would, but the dinner was worth the wait, I am happy to announce. (I guess that can be the fourth thing that is for sure: that any meal my sister prepares is absolutely fabulous)

The menu? Steak au Poivre, potato salad (not just any potato salad: this recipe was phenomenal.), and Roasted Broccoli with crispy Parmesan and Lemon. Is your mouth watering yet?

I didn’t take photos of the entire preparation process because, frankly, I wanted to just relax and enjoy myself. But when Julie told me that she had to flame up the steak with Brandy, I had to capture it on video.

Hold on to your hats as you watch this video, in which Iron Chef Jules brazenly sets our dinner on fire with a flame so big that our kitchen almost went up in smoke!

(Not really, but it was funny)

After flaming up the steak, she had to make the sauce.


Here’s the lovely potato salad.


And the broccoli. Yum!


The finished product in all its glory!


Seriously, my sister should have been a professional chef. If you ask her nicely, maybe she’ll post recipes.

After dinner we had a great little game of Monopoly going. We all chose our customary game pieces (we use the same ones EVERY TIME):

*The 15-year-old chose the sack of money, ’cause he likes money.
*The 13-year-old chose the cannon, and I’m not sure why.
*Jim chose the battleship, because he was in the Navy.
*Julie chose the racecar, because she’s hip and likes sporty cars (?? or something)
*I chose the dog, because I am ALWAYS the dog. And because I like dogs. But I told Julie last night that if SHE wanted to be the dog, I’d give it up only for her.

I found this funny page a minute ago, analyzing what kind of person you are according to which Monopoly piece you choose. I loved it! If you are a Monopoly player, you should definitely check that out.

After a rousing game, it was time to end our Fab Five evening!
Thanks for making dinner, Aunt Doody!


  • Kat

    ROFL you had me totally going there. I thought Jules almost burned you house down when she ‘set’ your dinner on fire…it looks very yummy though. Very, very delicious and now I am hungry.

    I can see that you love Monopoly too. Cool site btw. thx for sharing that 🙂 It seems I always end up with the race car or the thimble. That leaves room for lots of speculation LOL

  • Melissa

    LOL! Aunt Doody!! I need to remember that one.

    Dinner looks yummy! Jules, please share the recipe. I’ll be sure not to use as big a flame as you did 😉

  • Jules

    Never fear, I’ll be writing up my own post on this smacktacular dinner on my blog later this week…. including recipes (and some commentary on the flaws of the other members of the fab five, as long as we’re exposing these things… just kidding, I’m the smart ass with a heart of gold, you know!!)

    Oh, and Melissa? The “Aunt Doody” thing is only cute if my nephews call me that. 🙂 hee hee
    House of Jules

  • Sue

    Dinner looked delish! I love that you were a goody 2 shoes in High School. Me too. Is Jules younger than you? If so, my sister was mentioning tonight at dinner how I “didn’t” pave the road for her. Yup, she had to go and do it all herself and then our brother was on easy street!

  • Melisa

    Kat: It was a scary 30 seconds, that’s for sure! LOL

    Melissa: You can’t even believe how good that dinner tasted. I’m still thinking about it…

    Joodie: LOL! My flaws are many–one of them is that I don’t have smartass ability like you do. And maybe I’m just TOO EARLY. hee hee

    Sue: Kat and I have come to believe that we are “evil” twins but I’m starting to believe that you are our long-lost triplet. We have way too much in common! And yes, I am *almost* 5 years older than Aunt Doody there, and I TOTALLY DID NOT pave the way for her. In fact, we often “laugh” (or maybe it’s just her) that all thru high school, I thought you had to be INVITED to those crazy parties. (I never was invited, so I never went to any.) 🙂