Pretty Is As Pretty Does: UPDATE

We had a lively comment conversation a couple of days ago…I wanted to throw some more stuff into the mix.

Saw this on the Today Show this morning…(the “belly shirt” is even addressed!)


  • Mom24

    I saw this and thought of you. I still think this is odd! I agree that you should do it before kids or waaayyy after. Thanks for posting.

  • Kat

    Ahem totally weird. What is it with all the plastic surgery??? I think that’s gotten way out of hand when some of your body parts are way younger than the rest of your body.

  • Smart A$$ Mom

    I am all for a nip and tuck here and there if necessary, what I am NOT for is telling my daughter and/or son that I did it out of vanity?! What are people thinking??? In the era of eating disorders and such???

  • me & them

    Is it my imagination, or is that the only difference between those two ‘pictures’ is that her hair and va jay jay got smaller?

    What a positive message!

  • me & them

    Is it my imagination, or is that the only difference between those two ‘pictures’ is that her hair and va jay jay got smaller?

    What a positive message!

  • me & them

    Is it my imagination, or is that the only difference between those two ‘pictures’ is that her hair and va jay jay got smaller?

    What a positive message!

  • Momo Fali

    I see nothing wrong with filling up some wrinkles or lifting your boobs up if they’re sitting on your lap. But, I think plastic surgery (in general) reinforces that no matter how kind you are, no matter how honest, smart, respectful and funny you are…it all doesn’t mean squat if you can’t wear a belly shirt.

  • Michelle

    Interesting the difference in comments after the video posting.

    One of the more interesting comments by the first doctor was that this is a difficult topic to talk about… like death or having babies. I’m (personally) of the mind that if I can’t explain something in simple terms with a straight face to my children without feeling weird, this is a topic the kids shouldn’t be exposed to.

    Much as I’d love to wear a belly shirt… it ain’t happening.

  • Melisa

    Katie: Look closer. Nothing was done to her vajayjay. She had a nose job and a tummy tuck. See all of the “unsightly” loose skin around her belly in the first pic? (For the record, I would love to look like the “before” photo. Except for the robotic, cartoony features.

    Momo Fali: LOL! I just put on my belly shirt for work…(not)

    Michelle: I just had a thought. You know those tuxedo t-shirts? (Julie bought my son one) How about a full-length t-shirt that has a caricature of a belly shirt on it? 🙂

    Ohmommy: ROFL! I love that: “I LOVE to keep myself covered!” Amen, sista!