I got nothin’. No, no, no…I’m not talking about post ideas. I have enough of those in my head to keep the Scrawl going for at least the next ten or eleven years. I’m talking about time. I caught up on a few things yesterday (day off from the salon!)–but not blog-reading! Eeek!
I teach my spin class this morning and then only work 11-2:30 so I can run the 16yo to Lacrosse practice: the season has officially begun!
The good news is, after I take him to practice, my only other official responsibility for the day is to figure out what to make for dinner, so hopefully I can get another post started, as well as visit some of you!
In the meantime, just as a placeholder of sorts (because you know I’m a Control Freak and it makes me CRAZY to go more than a couple of days without posting), I’m sharing what I saw at GNC last week. It gave me a good laugh. If you don’t know why, click here.
On that note, I’ve gotta slide on outta here. I have a class to teach. Later, gators!
That is so wrong on so many levels, yet incredibly hilarious. I bet somebody was taking the shit (pun intended)
Chocolate SMOOTH MOVE…that’s just disgusting on so many different levels it’s wrong.
Who do you suppose thought that would be a good name?
The Microblogologist
Hehe. I think that they should make all medicines with a chocolate flavored option!
♫ Spasm ♫
as a chocoholic… I say there is a limit! LOL
Well at least I know it wasn’t just me. I thought you didn’t like me anymore 😉
And yeah that’s wrong. So very wrong. Have you seen the Wunderboner? Or did you show it to me? Now I can’t remember. Also unfortunately named.
They could have come up with a better name. Maybe, Colon Sparkle.
That’s totally hilarious!! My hubs says that to bad drivers and anyone else he deems worthy of it. The Back Slacks is hilarious!
Okay woman! I’m here. I’m lookin’ to the left. I’m lookin’ to the right (just in case you told me to look “left” but actually meant “right”). I see…NOTHIN’!!!! No FB widget to be found. Either I’m blind or it isn’t here (I know, I’m probably blind). Either way, search for me Jennifer Rivera and friend me.
ha! you’d think that they would at least put the chocolate somewhere else and a little smaller than the smooth move part.