Ping Pong Would Have Been Much Cheaper, But Wouldn’t Have Provided Moments Such As This One.

This year, we signed the sixteen-year-old up for two off-season Lacrosse programs: one 6-week strength conditioning session and one 6-week team league, both of which would take him up to tryout week.

This year, the families in our Lacrosse Club found ourselves having to purchase new uniforms because the ones we had been using had some stripe on the sleeves whose width didn’t jive with the IHSLA rules (or something like that). This is something that totally sucked for everybody, but especially for those of us who had a new player and bought a new uniform LAST year. Eek.

This year, the club registration fees went up.

This year, his already-broad shoulders became even more so, making his first set of shoulder pads look like they belonged on a midget, so we had to invest in new ones.

This year, with his switch to Goalie from Midfield, we also were in the market for goalie gloves.

This year, because of that switch and the possibility that he might get tossed into practice (or a game at some point) as a middie, his regular, everyday duffle bag that he’s been using became too small to carry all of his gear, so we needed to get him a new one of the lacrosse gear-carrying variety.

But it’s okay.

Last night, upon leaving the Lacrosse store with him, new goalie gloves and gear bag in hand, he said, “You know, Mom…I HATE coming to this store.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because every time we leave here, my soul hurts.”

I looked at him. “Why? What are you talking about?”

“It’s sooo expensive.”

I laughed. “You’re not paying for it!”

He said, “I know. And that’s what makes me feel bad.”

*heart melts*

It was then that I got to have one of the more enjoyable heart-to-hearts I’ve been through as a mom. I explained to him that we’re happy to pay for it as long as he makes the most of his experience, and we appreciate his appreciation. It makes us feel good to know he thinks about the money we bleed out spend on his beloved sport, and that he’s not a spoiled brat who expects it.

My soul felt fine.

P.S. His helmet? Still fits.



  • Melissa

    I’m not even sure what to say about that. These days there aren’t to many kids out there that are aware that money doesn’t just grow on trees.

    The 16 year old is AWESOME in my book!

  • ImakehairROCK4u2

    My 12 yo told me how much she appreciates how much I spend on all her softball equiptment and fees every year. I’ve decided paying for college would be cheaper that having her work her tail off for a for a free ride! lol But then I wouldn’t have all these priceless memories of my softball beast!

  • Kat

    You have such great kids and hey…at least they can’t blame you for not supporting the economy ;o)

  • Melisa with one S

    Weaselmomma: Spoken like a woman who’s done that before.

    Imakehairrock: totally. Memories are important! (Good stories even more so!)

    Lindz: *rubbing eyes to see if it’s really you* YAAAAY! You’re back! I’ve missed you! I checked my mail on my phone and I don’t see the profile photo that way; I was like, “Is it…is it??? Could it be lindsaylicious?” So happy to see you. xoxo I just installed your new blog on my blogroll. 🙂

  • seashore subjects

    Love that he doesn’t expect it or take it for granted! I agree with weaselmomma – go for the hug!

  • Michelle

    Wowwwww. I’m glad his helmet fits at least 🙂 I remember those days, except mine were horseback riding. And yay to you for the appreciation. So is the younger an ungrateful little snot who wants to know where her money – oops, I mean HIS – money is yet? 😉

  • littlebear

    Aw, his SOUL hurts? Poor dude, that sounds painful! On the bright side, at least you know you didn’t raise a spoiled kid who takes you for granted! He sounds like a great young man!

  • The Microblogologist

    After reading through the archives I am not surprised by this because it is very apparent that he is a great kid and you and Jim are doing a wonderful job raising them and making sure they are on the right path. Hope I can instill that in my offspring if I have any!

  • Melisa with one S

    Michelle: Of course not. 🙂 He is just as appreciative as his brother. In fact, he is still thanking us for getting him a cell phone back in December. 🙂

    Little Bear: Thanks for stopping in!

    Mags: Me too! 🙂

    Karen: Thanks! You will.

  • nonnasnonsense

    first, what kid says my soul hurts?? you must be like super mom or something 🙂

    second, so does he look like he got his head shrunk if everything else grew bigger but it??

    third, at least he’s not getting a big head over all the attention he gets from playing sports.