Last night, I was sitting here with Jim while he was checking his mail, etc. during the few minutes a day he can wrestle the computer away from me our kids, and he pulled up this blog like he does every couple of days. He reads the comments, too, and when he saw Michelle’s comment on this post, he laughed and went straight to Google:
“Wait a second…I’ve gotta look that up.”
And that, my friends, is how we discovered the commercial for Wunder Boner.
Two notable things about this:
1. YES, that is Mike Rowe of “Dirty Jobs” narrating. Jim (who, as you might recall because I tend to go on and on about it, is a Discovery Channel FREAK–and I mean that in the best way possible) recognized his voice immediately and after googling again, we had confirmation of Mr. Rowe’s distinctive voice-over. Hilarious. (De-boning a fish IS a dirty job, you know. But less so with the Wunder Boner!)
2. Did you catch the best line? “My wife would like that.” We were in hysterics.
And there you have it: your double entendre of the day!
Stay tuned: I’m back to less juvenile posting tomorrow.
“Makes a great stocking stuffer.”
I could go on… but it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.
Joe Schmitt
No more pills!
MaNiC MoMMy™
Hahah. Less juvenile posts are boring. We live cul-de-sac vaginas and wonder boners, right!!! RIGHT!
That was hysterical and not at all what I was expecting! Thanks.
Otter Thomas
Funniest commercial ever. I cannot believe I have been living in a world where a wonder boner exists and I had no idea. Thanks for enlightening me.
I wonder if that works for Cod? I may need to get Matt that because he is not the best de-boner! So funny that Mike Rowe narrates. He is going to be on Donald Trump’s show this season, just thought Jim would like to know!
The Microblogologist
I think I was the only one to laugh when the woman I am doing a taste panel for told the guy next to me she wants him to swallow not spit when he said we should have spit cups. I am sooooo mature!
So glad to know that I was able to introduce someone else to the joys of the WunderBoner. This is one of my recent favorite finds. Of course now I have to figure out where I found it in the first place….
But, I want a Wonder Boner and I want one…nnnnnnnnoooooooowwwwwww….Daddy!
Can’t believe I missed this the first time around. Talk about your Dirty Jobs.
Makes mounds and mounds of cole slaw.
i want a boner! er wunder boner i meant. sorry got a little excited.
and i totally don’t get the cole slaw comment nukeDad and neither did hubby. please explain 🙂