I was doing some laundry on Monday when I found a pair of iPod headphones in the dryer (post-cycle).
“ARGGGGHH!” I exclaimed/growled/emoted/insert appropriate verb here.
Stomping my feet up the stairs to the family room, I called the younger boy downstairs.
“Did you leave your headphones in your jeans pocket yesterday?*”
“Uh, yeah. Oops.**”
I put my hands on my hips and said, “Well, they went through the washer AND the dryer. If they don’t work, I’m not paying to replace them; YOU ARE.”
And with that, he (always the comedian) put the headphones up to his nose and said, “At least they smell fresh!”
And then I laughed.
*Obviously a trick question, because he’s the only kid left in this house at the moment.
**He may not have said “Oops.” He may have said, “Sorry.” I can’t remember.
©2010 Suburban Scrawl
I hate it when they do that (makes us laugh and stuff!)
Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups
Sound like a glass-half-full kind of kid. (And for the record. . . Whoever coined the phrase, "It'll all come out in the wash," never laundered an ipod left in her daughter's pocket. Speaking from experience, it doesn't.)
Tara R.
That's one way to make sure the music he listens to is clean. (had to be said.)
Very funny. 🙂
Tara's funny too, lol.
Now everything gets to be his fault, doesn't it?
Colleen - Mommy Always Wins
Dude that is FUNNY. 🙂
Patty@NYC Girl at Heart
LOL! He's got a good point! 🙂
If that was me, I'd have questioned someone only to remember, or be reminded that I was the one who had them last. ANd then they wouldn't work. When it IS them, the stuff is always fine!!!
Oy…Damn those kids, that make us smile when we are trying to be the 'show them their responsibilities' mom. I do have to say if they would have worked after I gave him the whole spew about it, I would have thrown them (the earbuds NOT my kid) on the floor and cursed the livin daylights out of 'em!! THAT would be MY luck!;)
Well it *COULD* have been worse– his ipod could have been floating around there too!
(trying to be positive!) hahahaah.
said…Haha you guys crack me up.
That is fabulous. He is lucky you gave him such a good sense of humor.
I'm happy that he made you laugh, at least.
Rock On Mommies Theresa
Cracking up! Ok, that is hysterical!
We are SO the same person. Soooooo the same. Freaky.
I swear you have to pat the kids down before they're allowed to give up their clothes for laundry. I wouldn't be surprised to hear an iPod tumbling around in the dryer some time this year.
As Cape Cod Turns
It's hard not to laugh at his logic!
Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog
Wellll??? Did they work or not?!?
Been there. Done that. They still work. 🙂