It feels like we’ve been waiting FOREVER for the 2013 LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER videos to be made public on YouTube, but it’s only been two months. In fact, with more than twice the amount of cities as last year, the videos were ready earlier this time, so it’s doubly exciting! I watched a couple of minutes of each of the Chicago videos (didn’t have time for the whole show today!) and was overwhelmed with pride all over again.
By the way, the National Video Sponsor is The Partnership at (thank you!), and all of us at LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER are proud to help share their message of preventing prescription drug misuse and abuse. If you visit The Medicine Abuse Project you can take a pledge to talk to the special teens in your life about teen medicine abuse. I took the pledge; won’t you? (Also, huge shout-out to National Media Sponsors BlogHer and One 2 One Network, and all of our local sponsors including our Megaphone Sponsor, Dom Itp.)
Because we spent so much time and care worrying about the flow of the show (and it went so well!), Tracey and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you watch the Chicago videos in order of how they were performed. You can do that by clicking here for our playlist. If you only have time to watch one per sitting, that’s fine too. Just watch! Please!
And of course if you want to see mine, well, here it is.
One Comment
Thank you so much and continuing thank yous. I LOVED getting to sit in your audience. What a total thrill and delight. xo