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New Blog Design, Who Dis?

My blog is finally fixed: it’s been moved to a new host, cleaned up, and redesigned…and I’m thrilled. Many thanks to Lisa at Gizmo Creative Factory for saving my life–err, my blog’s life–more times than I can count this year. I am absolutely in love with the new look and she got it done just in time for two things: my birthday (which is next week) and NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month), which begins today.

I make a good effort at NaBloPoMo each year and it renews my writing energy. To be honest, I’m traveling for a bit this month so I wasn’t even going to attempt it for 2018, but I got a text on Tuesday from my accountability partner.

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I mean, how could I say no to that? I can at least try. So here we go, November. I may not make it every day but I’m certainly going to write as much as I can. With such a pretty new home, why wouldn’t I?