A couple months ago when we were talking about going to Chicago for Thanksgiving I decided it would be a good idea to get the boys’ Hanukkah gifts all set and ready to throw in the car so I wouldn’t have to ship a box basically as soon as we get home: Hanukkah is early this year! (By the way, did you read my tips for the gift-giving challenged? You should.)
The other day when we returned home from Maui I was all, “THERE IS NO WAY I CAN GET THE SHOPPING DONE FOR THE BOYS.”
Then yesterday, I changed my mind again. I decided to give it a shot. I headed out early this morning with my list and while I was out I thought, “Oh what the heck, let me see if I can get ALL the holiday shopping done today.”
The last two years, we’ve done most of our shopping online. I’m not “a shopper;” I usually go into a store knowing exactly what I want. I get in, I get out. Online shopping is perfect for me.
Today was different. I had a blast going to two malls and four other stores in between, browsing, fulfilling list items, coming up with new ideas, and gathering up bags and bags of stuff for loved ones. I didn’t quite finish, but I have just a couple of things left on the list and can easily get it done next week.
Thats why I spent an hour on the couch late this afternoon. Shopping is exhausting.
Tomorrow? I wrap.