I know there are three weeks to go before July 4th, but each year as it approaches, my mind gets stuck on the memory of one July 4th holiday in particular. I will share it with you today, for your safety AND amusement.
When your kid tells you that the neighbor boy got this cool new toy for his birthday called a Stomp Rocket, and is bursting with excitement about checking it out, that’s cool. It’s nice to have a playmate who conveniently lives next door and is always willing to share new stuff.
It’s great to watch them for a few minutes through your bay window in your quiet living room. As they set up the stomp rocket on the sidewalk outside, working together like a real team, it’s heartwarming.
Every time they stomp (or jump) onto the little thingie that forces air up into the rocket, launching it off the base, they giggle, and it’s so cute.
A word to the wise? Don’t forget to remind your kid that it’s not a good idea to kneel on the ground and get a closeup look of the plastic rocket tip as it’s set to launch, unless he informs his friend that he should NOT stomp.
This Public Service Announcement has been brought to you by Suburban Scrawl and Band-Aid brand bandages (not really).
Oh My GOFF! at wusa9.com
Oh my LAWD! Is he ok! Kinda funny but SCARYYYY!
Oh my! Isn't it amazing that the smartest kids sometimes flick the off switch on their brains?
Bella Daddy
ok, that was a classic! OUCH!
We have a stomp rocket ourselves. Been there done that, however, our rockets are 100% foam. No plastic tips to be injured on. Which is good, because he likes to get close as well and has been "shot" in the face numerous times.
Boys + Summer = Injuries. It's gonna happen. And they'll have stuff to talk about for years to come.
Momo Fali
Oops! Boys will be boys though! They are nosey little things, aren't they? Yesterday, my son wanted to go touch a dead bird. Blech!
One S, thanks for the PSA!
I would just like to say that it sometimes isn't the kids who do stuff like that.
I dunno… I mean – checking out the rocket up close seemed like a good idea to me too. 🙂
Mocha Dad
Someone gave my son one of these. Luckily, he could never make the rocket go very far no matter how hard he stomped.
Ha! I'm going to get one for my son (and warn him accordingly)!
Otter Thomas
I guess that is the best way to learn that lesson.
surprised mom
Oh, OUCH! Guess he won't do that again, even though he's smiling quite brightly in the photo. Is this one of those "live and let learn" lessons?
The Devoted Dad
I use the stomp rocket in my therapy sessions sometimes. The kids that I use it with don't usually have the strength to cause that kind of destruction. It does pack a powerful punch though, especially when a strong kid uses it. Looks like it didn't affect him too bad (atleast after the initial ouch) as he is smiling. -Jason
Melisa with one S
Ang: Of course he's fine; this was years ago. 🙂 The cuts were extremely close to his eye though; we were super lucky.
Weaselmomma: YES!!
Bella Daddy: Classic is definitely one word for it. 🙂
Jason: Yeah, this was 8 years ago; I'm assuming they don't have plastic tips anymore, thank goodness!
Tom: Absolutely. That wasn't the first or the last time!
Momo: haha! NOSEY! You're right! LOL
Milehighdad: You're welcome! 🙂
Shankrabbit: ROFL! Now you know it's NOT a good idea.
Mocha Dad: They're totally safe as long as you're not an inch away from it…
AMR: That's the way to go!
Otter: That or WATCHING it happen to someone else. (not that I would wish it on anyone, but you know what I mean…)
Surprised Mom: Nah, he never did it again. 🙂 I think it happened midday and the photo was taken several hours later.
Devoted Dad: Yes, and of course the kids like to see how high they can make it go…
When I was a kid we were playing with M-80's. Would have taken more than a bandaid… You're lucky.
oy vey.
scary stuff!!!
Good advice. The jump rope team was actually playing with one the other day.I did enjoy the giggling and oohs and ahhs. Luckily, no one got close enough to inspect!
Melisa with one S
Outnumbered: Ooh. Much more than a band-aid! Counting my blessings now…
melissa: I love when you say oy vey. 🙂
Sue: Smart girls! 🙂
Wow. That's pretty special. And ummm we (shockingly) have a Stomp Rocket and love it. Apparently I have a new warning on this to add to the repetoire. Poor kid!