Watch A Real Pro Make Us Look Totally Awesome

Whoa. Seriously, this is tremendous. Watch this little promo that our favorite meteorologist, Weather Kim, made for our livestream tomorrow. (Don’t know what I’m talking about?? Click here, silly.)

She is amazing. And by the way, though she told us 9:15 a.m. (central), which is what we’ve been telling you, she has apparently changed her mind and moved us up to 9:00 a.m. (central)

I guess she can’t wait, either!

Thanks Kim, you’re awesome!



  • Kat

    meh…when is your merchandise on sale? Can i actually buy the mirror-inverted mugs and are they dishwasher safe???

    I wish I could see you guys on Friday. I am trying to make it happen but don't know if work commitments will keep me from doing so. Anyway -good luck. You rock!

  • terri

    I wish I could tune in but I'll be at work. Will there be a video available for those who missed it????

    (crosses fingers!)

  • Tom

    I still have no idea when to log in, since I'm in the "no care" zone. And I'm still brooding about it, too.

  • Michelle

    Nice guitar work there! Very cool promo. And she spelled Chicago right, too 😉 Now I need to send on some questions.

  • Heather

    I am so excited! I am forcing myself to wake up and hang out for an hour before I have to go to work 😉 WOOT!