There Are Worse Addictions, To Be Sure.

Jim, the younger boy and I went into the city (again) last weekend. As I was driving us out of the parking garage to head home after a great show at the Chicago Shakespeare Theater on Navy Pier, I was excitedly saying, “Oh, I LOVE this city!” like I always do whenever I am there (or whenever I see the skyline from afar, or when I talk about it, or when I read about it, or when I see it on television, or…), when Jim said, “You know, you really need an intervention.”

What the what?

“I certainly do NOT!” I replied.

Then, mocking me, he started making up all of these silly things that he says come out of my mouth:

“It’s Saturday; let’s go to the city!
The sun’s out; let’s go to the city!
I woke up today; let’s go to the city!”

I resemble that.

As the older boy would respond, I said…“SO?”


*stepping up on my soapbox*

Is it wrong, people, to love a city as much as I love Chicago?

Is it wrong, people, to find any excuse under the sun to make the drive there heartily enjoy every opportunity I can get, to visit the downtown area?

Is it wrong, people, to want to grab every single slice of city fun that is available to me (and my family) as it fits into our busy schedule?

Is it wrong, people, to expose my children to the culture and excitement of the city, just as my parents did for me?

And finally, going in for the kill…Is it wrong, people, to want to spend time in a beautiful, vibrant place that puts a permagrin on my face and a spring in my step?



P.S. I still adore that man, even though he and Chicago don’t always get along.


©2010 Suburban Scrawl


  • WeaselMomma

    I get it and am glad you enjoy the city so much, but I'm with Jim on this one.
    Unless you find a way to get paid for your extreme love and (obsession) pleasure of talking up the city.

  • Mags

    I can happily relate to this post, but instead of Chicago insert Boston. (Though I could easily love Chicago as you do-just for seeing it for the couple of days I did this winter!)

    Brian actually made fun of me the other day-when I realized that we could see Boston from our bedroom and reading nook. He "claims" that I jumped up and down and clapped my hands like a little girl.


    OK. He's right. But still…

  • Lisa

    well I don't love the city that much but that doesn't make it wrong for you! 🙂
    I can't stand the traffic etc, I'm def a suburbs girl

  • Nancy C

    My extended family on my dad's side live in Chicago, and as far as they are concerned, the rest of the country doesn't exist.

  • melissa

    if i lived close to chicago, i'd be there every stinking opportunity that i could.
    so many of us take for granted where we live and what it has to offer.
    yay you for appreciating it!

  • Michelle

    Dude, the man doesn't like synthesizers. Obviously he's not right on this one either. You're good.

  • PJ Mullen

    When I lived near Boston I made every excuse I could to get into the city, especially the North End on a Sunday morning to visit my favorite Salumerias. If I lived near a big city now (Charlotte totally doesn't count, there is nothing worth seeing more than once uptown), I'd probably feel the same way.

  • Anonymous

    Well it is in your blood. My First job after graduation was working a Saks Fifth Avenue on Michigan Ave in downtown Chicago (about 3 years).
    And your Grandfather Dan worked in downtown Chicago for over 25 years in the wholesale district. Your father and bubby worked for Goldblatts on State street which as been long gone. (Dad for about 2 years and bubby for many more years.

    I Miss you Guys and Chicago very much, but don't miss the snow.

    I know there are several large cities are just as great but I still don't think they can top Chicago.

    Grandma W