Trick…Or Treat?

What feels like a trick to me (a trick I am playing on myself) will hopefully feel like a treat to you.

November is National Blog Posting Month and I’m in, again.

NaBloPoMo teaser

You knew I was a little crazy, right?

I’ll be posting each and every day during the month of November with all of the other crazies on the still-in-progress November NaBloPoMo blogroll, including Ally Bean, Kendra, and Momo Fali (WHAT? Are you nuts, Momo????), who are already in my reader. Speaking of my reader, I am placing an additional challenge on myself to actually get around and comment on more blogs because I haven’t been able to do as much of that as I like lately.

So…I hope you’ll visit me daily during the month of November.

What about you? Are you participating this year? Let me know so I can visit you, too!