I turned 51 on Wednesday. It was a much quieter birthday than last year; rather than spend my day on a plane headed for paradise I spent much of my day on the couch watching “90 Day Fiance.” Yes, seriously. Anyway, at my age I have a mental list of general life grievances that is growing just like it’s supposed to as we get older. I thought I’d make a list (not all-inclusive; that’s impossible) here so that when I’m still definitely blogging in ten years I can look back at 61 and think to myself, “Oh dear; I was so adorable back then!” Here are just a few things…
I remember when I was a kid I was fascinated with the year 2000. It didn’t seem real to me that in my lifetime, all of a sudden the years would begin with “2”. I figured out that in the year 2000, I would turn thirty-two. When I was doing that math, thirty-two seemed a million years away. It also seemed SUPER OLD. Tomorrow I’ll be sixteen years past thirty-two, and there’s really no need to do that math because in addition to what they say about fifty being the new thirty and forty being the new twenty (or something like that), mentally I honestly still feel like I’m half…
Exercising My Free Birthday Pass
I was out/up late last night and so I’m using a “Get out of Jail Free” card (figuratively! FIGURATIVELY!) for NaBloPoMo today. Yesterday was great, working the conference and seeing more friends than I typically do on my birthday, and then Momo flew in after dinner (and boy, are her arms tired ba dum bum!) so all in all it was a very good day. Now we’re hitting the ground running for the second day of BlogHer Food 15 and, well, the end. Happy Saturday!
On Birthdays.
Here’s the thing. I’m just not sure how many posts I can write about my birthday. One more for now, I guess. I’ve had many memorable birthdays, including my 30th, which was when Jim, my sister, and Kate pulled off the unthinkable and gave me a surprise party in my own house. There was the one when I was four and my mom served pigs in blankets, and one of my friends threw up all over the table. Every year I think of her and while I can’t even remember her name, I wonder what happened to her. I fully realize that’s weird. There were the ones when I was…
A Timeless Birthday Wish
Today happens to be my sister’s birthday! Whee! I thought I would share a birthday post I wrote for her four years ago, not only because I think it’s partially hilarious but also because it all still applies. Edits are included at no extra charge. Today is a real milestone kind of day. Thirty-five Thirty-nine years ago on this very day, a person was born. This person was not just *any* average kind of person: she is really something special. I was going to say that on this day, I feel really old. But I won’t say that first because that makes it more about me. Then again, she’s used…
One Score, Or Twenty Years Ago…
This kid was born. Today is D’s twentieth birthday. It was alarming when I realized last night as I was wide awake at midnight–two hours after I had gone to bed–that I can no longer say I have two teenaged sons. It’s a bizarre feeling. Of course, you can’t slow time down and this is just the thing that tends to happen. Today is a little bittersweet for us since D is in New Mexico, miles and miles away from here. In fact, in many ways it doesn’t seem like his birthday at all because I’m not making a cake (that would be weird–and mean!) and naturally there are no…
Old Is Relative.
In celebration of my being the birthday girl today, I decided to take a year off from my usual “reflection route” and share with you some cold, hard facts about just how old I am. Here is a (partial) list of things that are younger than I am: ~Post-it notes ~Pong, the first video game ~Southwest Airlines ~Vince Vaughn ~Wendy’s fast food chain ~Saturday Night Live ~The Nasdaq ~Walt Disney World I’m younger than television and sliced bread, though, so at least I’ve got that going for me. Want to make this a long-term commitment? (Great birthday gift to me, by the way.) Please subscribe to my feed by clicking…